Career Building Internship Opportunities
Perimeter Institute supports graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to supplement their training with external internship opportunities in industry. Former Perimeter students and researchers have gone on to pursue careers not only in world-leading academic institutions, but also in start-ups and companies focused on developing ground-breaking technologies. In the jobs posted below, students and researchers are hired to apply their theoretical physics skills in industry settings.
Available jobs and internships
- Graduate Internship in Quantum Information Processing and Computational Sciences
Company: 1QBit - Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Quantum Information Processing and Computational Sciences
Company: 1QBit - Residency in Quantum Security, Quantum Sensing, Quantum Simulation & Optimization, Artificial Intelligence, or Learning Science + Education
Company: SandboxAQ - Residency in Quantum Machine Learning, Quantum Computing, and Photonics
Company: Xanadu - CTO with Artificial Intelligence Specialization
Company: ZebraKet - Artificial Intelligence Engineer
Company: ZebraKet - Internship in supply Chain Optimization Using Quantum Computing
Company: ZebraKet
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