Child care support
Parents are researchers too! To facilitate parent-scientist (and all guardians') participation at Perimeter conferences and workshops, we offer financial support of up to $350 per family per week. Funds may be used to either bring dependent children to Perimeter or to cover additional child care expenses at home while a guardian travels to Perimeter.
Examples of reimbursable expenses:
- If a child comes with you to Waterloo, allowable expenses include the child’s transportation costs, babysitting or childcare fees incurred here, transportation to and from child care centres, and fees for day camp (which may be available during summer).
- If you bring a caregiver (who can be a family member), their transportation and lodging are reimbursable.
- If a child stays home while you travel to Perimeter, additional child care costs incurred because of your trip are claimable.
If you’re unsure whether an expense can be covered, email [email protected], outlining your situation and asking for clarification about what this program would cover for your case.
Interested conference participants must apply here for approval before the event.
Some options for child care in Waterloo which you may wish to consider:
- Kids & Company Inc provides full- and part-time care from newborn to 5 years old, Kindergarten full-day program, and school-age summer, holiday and PA-day camps.
- Wee-Watch (519-742-0012) provides private in-home licensed care.
- Summer camps: A number of overnight and day camps are available in the Waterloo region throughout the summer, including those offered by the City of Waterloo, the City of Kitchener, the University of Waterloo, and the Clay and Glass Museum (beside Perimeter).
If you are unable to obtain child care through these options, please send an email to our People & Culture department at [email protected] with the subject line “Conference Child Care” and they will do their best to assist you in finding child care.
Please Note: Keep your receipts! If your application is approved, full receipts (e.g., listing the name and address of the care provider) for all child care expenditures must be attached to your expense report and submitted to Perimeter’s Conference Program Lead. Either originals or copies of these receipts may be provided.
*This funding is not available to Perimeter researchers, or to researchers based in Kitchener-Waterloo.*