Cliff Burgess

I was born in Manitoba and was raised in various places around Western Canada, Ontario and Europe. I received my B.Sc., with a joint honours in Physics and Applied Math from the University of Waterloo, and continued for doctoral work in Theoretical Particle Physics at the University of Texas in Austin under the supervision of Steven Weinberg. After doing a postdoctoral stint at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, I became a professor at McGill University, ending up being appointed as a James McGill professor there in 2003. I am presently an Associate Member at PI with a joint appointment as a Professor within McMaster University's department of Physics and Astronomy. I was elected a Fellow to the Royal Society of Canada in 2008, and awarded the CAP/CRM medal for Theoretical Physics in 2010.
If you are interested in working with me as a PhD student, please send me an email at [email protected] or submit an application directly to my department at the McMaster University and indicate that you would like to be supervised by me. Having a wonderful time - wish you were here! Find out more about me at
Research Interests
I am a high-energy particle theorist whose wild oats were sown (long ago) working in string theory, but my research interests have since broadened and taken more phenomenological and cosmological turns. At present they lie broadly at the interface between string theory and lower-energy physics, with an eye on how the ideas arising there can help with problems in particle physics and in cosmology. I am occasionally a tourist in some of those fields which are more distantly related to my own (such as condensed matter physics), and am generally interested in most of the fascinating applications of theoretical physics to the world around us.
To the extent that there is a theme to my research, it would be the use of effective field theory (EFT) techniques throughout physics. These techniques permit a general understanding of the low-energy (or long-wavelength) behaviour of any physical system. They are particularly apt for our present situation in particle physics and cosmology, where it appears that the energy scale of any unknown physics beyond the relevant Standard Model is very high (or very weakly coupled). My most recent interests in this area involve how the EFTs that arise in gravitational applications often differ from the traditional Wilsonian EFTs of particle physics, and more resemble the Open EFTs used in condensed matter systems. I am exploring how this changes their domain of validity, particularly at very late times, and the extent to which this can be extended by borrowing techniques from other areas of physics.
Positions Held
- 2022-2025, adjunct professor, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
- 2021-2022, Scientific Associate, CERN
- 2014 - 2015 Scientific Associate, CERN
- 2007 - 2008 Scientific Associate, CERN
- 2007 (or thereabouts) - present, adjunct professor, University of Waterloo
- 2005 - present Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy McMaster University
- 2004 - present Associate Faculty, Perimeter Institute
- 2005 - 2005 Visiting Professor, McMaster University
- 2000 - 2001 Ambrose Monell Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
- 1998 Visiting Professor, Universitat de Barcelona
- 1993 - 1994 Swiss National Foundation Fellow, Universite de Neuchatel
- 1987 - 2005 Professor, Physics Department, McGill University
- 1985 - 1987 Research Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
- My book "Introduction to Effective Field Theory; thinking effectively about hierarchies of scale" was awarded the Best Book in Physics and Chemistry by American Association of Publishers (January 2022)
- Buchalter Cosmology Prize 2017
- Buchalter Cosmology Prize 2016
- CAP-CRM medal for theoretical physics
- Fellow, Royal Society of Canada
- Killam Research Fellow
- James McGill Chair (McGill's internal Tier 1 Canada Research Chair)
- 1967 Centennial Fellowship
- John A Wheeler Entrance Fellowship
- Science Faculty Alumni Gold Medal
- Sir Isaac Newton Fellowship
Recent Publications
- C.P. Burgess and F. Quevedo, RG-Induced Modulus Stabilization, Perturbative de Sitter Vacua and Improved D3-D3 Inflation, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 06 (2022) 167 (30 pages) (arXiv: 2202.05344);
- C.P. Burgess, D. Dineen and F. Quevedo, Yoga Dark Energy: Natural Relaxation and Other Dark Implications of a Supersymmetric Gravity Sector, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 03 (2022) 03 (91 pages) (arXiv: 2111.07286);
- C.P. Burgess, S. Hamoudou, J. Kumar and D. London, Beyond SMEFT with b to c tau nu, Physical Review D 105 (2022) 7 073008 (6 pages) (arXiv: 2111.07421)
- C.P. Burgess and F. Quevedo, Who"s Afraid of the Supersymmetric Dark? The Standard Model vs Low-Energy Supergravity, Fortschritt der Physik 70 (2022) 7 2200077 (28 pages) (arXiv: 2110.13275);
- C.P. Burgess and F. Quevedo, Axion Homeopathy: Screening Dilaton Interactions, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04 (2022) 04 (23 pages) (arXiv: 2110.10352);
- C.P. Burgess and D.H.J. O"Dell, Fall-to-the-Centre as a PT Symmetry Breaking Transition, Sriram Sundaram, Journal of Physics Conference Series 2038 (2021) 012024 (15 pages) (arXiv: 2107.01511);
- C.P. Burgess, R. Holman and G. Kaplanek, Quantum Hotspots: Mean Fields, Open EFTs, Nonlocality and Decoherence Near Black Holes, Fortschritt der Physik 70 (2022) 4 2200019 (52 pages) (arXiv: 2106.10804);
- G. Kaplanek, C.P. Burgess and R. Holman, Qubit Heating Near a Hotspot, Journal of High Energy Physics (to appear) (32 pages) (arXiv: 2106.10803)
- G. Kaplanek, C.P. Burgess and R. Holman, Influence Through Mixing, Journal of High Energy Physics (to appear) (53 pages) (arXiv: 2106.09854);
- C.P. Burgess, S.P. de Alwis and F. Quevedo, Cosmological Trans-Planckian Conjectures are Not Effective, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 05 (2021) 037 (18 pages) (arXiv: 2011.03069);
- Laszlo Zalavari, C.P. Burgess, Peter Hayman and Markus Rummel, Precision Nuclear-Spin Effects in Atoms, EFT Methods for Reducing Theory Errors, Annals of Physics 429 (2021) 168463 (90 pages) (arXiv: 2008.09719);
- C.P. Burgess, Peter Hayman, Markus Rummel and Laszlo Zalavari, Nuclear Predictions for H Spectroscopy without Nuclear Errors, Physics Letters A 390 (2021) 127105 (6 pages) (arXiv: 2008.09718);
- Greg Kaplanek and C.P. Burgess, Qubits on the Horizon: Decoherence and Thermalization near Black Holes, Journal of High Energy Physics 01 (2021) 098 (34 pages) (arXiv: 2007.05984);
- C.P. Burgess, Michele Cicoli, David Ciupke, Sven Krippendorf and Fernando Quevedo, UV Shadows in EFTs: Accidental Symmetries, Robustness and No-Scale Supergravity, Fortschritt der Physik 68 (2020) 10 2000076 (90 pages) (arXiv: 2006.06694);
- Markus Rummel and C.P. Burgess, Constraining Fundamental Physics with the Event Horizon Telescope, JCAP 05 (2020) 051, arXiv: 2001.00041 [gr-qc]
- Greg Kaplanek and C.P. Burgess, Hot Cosmic Qubits: Late-Time de Sitter Evolution and Critical Slowing Down, JHEP 02 (2020) 053, arXiv: 1912.12955 [hep-th]
- Greg Kaplanek and C.P. Burgess, Hot Accelerated Qubits: Decoherence, Thermalization, Secular Growth and Reliable Late-Time Predictions, JHEP 03 (2020) 008, arXiv: 1912.12951 [hep-th]
- Ivana Babic, C.P. Burgess, Ghazal Geshnizjani, Keeping an Eye on DBI: Power-counting for Small-cs Cosmology, JCAP 05 (2020) 023, arXiv: 1910.05277 [gr-qc]
- P. Hayman and C.P. Burgess, Point-Particle Catalysis, Frontiers in Physics 7 (2019) 167, arXiv: 1905.00103 [hep-th]
- Effective Field Theory of Black Hole Echoes, C.P. Burgess, Ryan Plestid, Markus Rummel, JHEP 1809 (2018) 113, arXiv: 1808.00847 [gr-qc]
- Failure of Perturbation Theory Near Horizons: the Rindler Example C.P. Burgess, Joshua Hainge, Greg Kaplanek, Markus Rummel, JHEP 1810 (2018) 122, arXiv: 1806.11415 [hep-th] |
- R. Plestid, C.P. Burgess and D.H.J. O'Dell, Fall to the Centre in Atom Traps and Point-Particle EFT for Absorptive Systems, JHEP (to appear), arXiv: 1804.10324 [hep-ph]
- Reduced Theoretical Error for QED Tests with 4He+ Spectroscopy, C.P. Burgess, P. Hayman, Markus Rummel, Laszlo Zalavari, Phys.Rev. A98 (2018) no.5, 052510 arXiv:hep-ph/1708.09768
- Peter Adshead, C.P. Burgess, R. Holman, Sarah Shandera, Power-counting during single-field slow-roll inflation, JCAP 1802 (2018) no.02, 016, arXiv: 1708.07443 [hep-th]
- C.P. Burgess, Peter Hayman, Markus Rummel, Laszlo Zalavari, Point-Particle Effective Field Theory III: Relativistic Fermions and the Dirac Equation, JHEP 1709 (2017) 007, arXiv: 1706.01063 [hep-ph] |
- C.P. Burgess, Peter Hayman, Markus Rummel, Matt Williams and Laszlo Zalavari, Point-Particle Effective Field Theory II: Relativistic Effects and Coulomb/Inverse-Square Competition, JHEP 1707 (2017) 072, arXiv:hep-ph/1612.07334
- C.P. Burgess, Peter Hayman, Matt Williams and Laszlo Zalavari, Point-Particle Effective Field Theory I: Classical Renormalization and the Inverse-Square Potential, JHEP 1704 (2017) 106, arXiv:hep-ph/1612.07313
- C.P. Burgess, Jared J.H. Enns, Peter Hayman, Subodh P. Patil, Goldilocks Models of Higher-Dimensional Inflation (including modulus stabilization), JCAP 1608 (2016) 045, arXiv: 1605.03297
- Peter Adshead, Diego Blas, C.P. Burgess, Peter Hayman, Subodh P Patil, Magnon Inflation: Slow Roll with Steep Potentials, JCAP 1611 (2016) 009, arxiv:hep-th/1604.06048
- C.P. Burgess, M. Cicoli, S. de Alwis, F. Quevedo, Robust Inflation from Fibrous Strings, JCAP 1605 (2016) 032, arXiv: 1603.06789
- C.P. Burgess, R. Holman, G. Tasinato, Open EFTs, IR Effects and Late-Time Resummations: Systematic Corrections in Stochastic Inflation, JHEP 1601 (2016) 153, arXiv: 1512.00169
- C.P. Burgess, Ross Diener, M. Williams, A Problem With delta-functions: Stress-Energy Constraints on Bulk-Brane Matching (with comments on arXiv: 1508.01124), JHEP 1601 (2016) 017, arxiv:1509.04201
- C.P. Burgess, Ross Diener, M. Williams, Self-Tuning at Large (Distances): 4D Description of Runaway Dilaton Capture, JHEP 1510 (2015) 177, arXiv: 1509.04209
- C.P. Burgess, Ross Diener, M. Williams, EFT for Vortices with Dilaton-dependent Localized Flux, JHEP 1511 (2015) 054, arXiv: 1508.00856
- C.P. Burgess, Ross Diener, M. Williams, The Gravity of Dark Vortices: Effective Field Theory for Branes and Strings Carrying Localized Flux, JHEP 1511 (2015) 049, arXiv: 1506.08095
- C.P. Burgess, Diederik Roest, Inflation by Alignment, JCAP 1506 (2015) 06 012, arXiv: 1412.1614
- S.S. AbdusSalam, C.P. Burgess, F. Quevedo, MFV Reductions of MSSM Parameter Space, JHEP 1502 (2015) 073, arXiv: 1411.1663
- C.P. Burgess, R. Holman, G. Tasinato, M. Williams, EFT Beyond the Horizon: Stochastic Inflation and How Primordial Quantum Fluctuations Go Classical, JHEP 1503 (2015) 090, arXiv: 1408.5002
- C.P. Burgess, M. Cicoli, F. Quevedo, M. Williams, Inflating with Large Effective Fields, JCAP11(2014)045, arXiv: 1404.6236
- C.P. Burgess, M. Williams, Who You Gonna Call? Runaway Ghosts, Higher Derivatives and Time-Dependence in EFTs, JHEP 1408 (2014) 074, arXiv: 1404.2236
- C.P. Burgess, Subodh P. Patil, Michael Trott, On the Predictiveness of Single-Field Inflationary Models, JHEP 1406 (2014) 010, arXiv: 1402.1476
- C.P. Burgess, L. van Nierop, M. Williams, Gravitational Forces on a Codimension-2 Brane, JHEP 1404 (2014) 032, arXiv: 1401.0511
- C.P. Burgess, L. van Nierop, M. Williams, Distributed SUSY Breaking: Dark Energy, Newton's Law and the LHC, JHEP 1407 (2014) 034, arXiv: 1311.3911
- C.P. Burgess, M. Cicoli, F. Quevedo, String Inflation After Planck 2013, JCAP 1311 (2013) 003, arXiv: 1306.3512
- Ross Diener, C. P. Burgess, Bulk Stabilization, the Extra-Dimensional Higgs Portal and Missing Energy in Higgs Events, JHEP 1305 (2013) 078, arXiv: 1302.6486
- C. P. Burgess, L. van Nierop, S. Parameswaran, A. Salvio, M. Williams, Accidental SUSY: Enhanced Bulk Supersymmetry from Brane Back-reaction, JHEP 1302 (2013) 120, arXiv: 1210.5405
- M. Williams, C.P. Burgess, L. van Nierop, A. Salvio, Running with Rugby Balls: Bulk Renormalization of Codimension-2 Branes, JHEP 1301 (2013) 102, arXiv: 1210.3753
- C. P. Burgess, M. W. Horbatsch, Subodh P. Patil, Inflating in a Trough: Single-Field Effective Theory from Multiple-Field Curved Valleys, JHEP 1301 (2013) 133, arXiv: 1209.5701
- Michele Cicoli, Anshuman Maharana, F. Quevedo, C. P. Burgess, De Sitter String Vacua from Dilaton-dependent Non-perturbative Effects, JHEP 1206 (2012) 011, arXiv: 1203.1750
- M. Cicoli, G. Tasinato, I. Zavala, C.P. Burgess, F. Quevedo, Modulated Reheating and Large Non-Gaussianity in String Cosmology, JCAP 1205 (2012) 039, arXiv: 1202.4580
- M. W. Horbatsch, C. P. Burgess, Cosmic Black-Hole Hair Growth and Quasar OJ287, JCAP 1205 (2012) 010, arXiv: 1111.4009
- C.P. Burgess, Anshuman Maharana, L. van Nierop, A. A. Nizami, F. Quevedo, On Brane Back-Reaction and de Sitter Solutions in Higher-Dimensional Supergravity, JHEP 1204 (2012) 018, arXiv: 1109.0532
- Leo van Nierop, C.P. Burgess, Sculpting the Extra Dimensions: Inflation from Codimension-2 Brane Back-reaction, JCAP 1204 (2012) 037, arXiv: 1108.2553
- C.P. Burgess, Liam McAllister, Challenges for String Cosmology, Classical and Quantum Gravity 28 (2011) 204002, arXiv: 1108.2660
- C.P.Burgess, Leo van Nierop, Technically Natural Cosmological Constant From Supersymmetric 6D Brane Backreaction, Physics of the Dark Universe 2 (2013) 1-16, arXiv: 1108.0345
- M. W. Horbatsch, C. P. Burgess, Model-Independent Comparisons of Pulsar Timings to Scalar-Tensor Gravity, Classical and Quantum Gravity 29 (2012) 245004, arXiv: 1107.3585
- M. Cicoli, C.P. Burgess, F. Quevedo, Anisotropic Modulus Stabilisation: Strings at LHC Scales with Micron-sized Extra Dimensions, JHEP 1110 (2011) 119, arXiv: 1105.2107
- M. Williams, C.P. Burgess, Anshuman Maharana, F. Quevedo, New Constraints (and Motivations) for Abelian Gauge Bosons in the MeV-TeV Mass Range, JHEP 1108 (2011) 106, arXiv: 1103.4556
- C.P. Burgess, Sven Krippendorf, Anshuman Maharana, Fernando Quevedo, Radiative Fermion Masses in Local D-Brane Models, JHEP 1105 (2011) 103, arXiv: 1102.1973
- Large Dimensions and Small Curvatures from Supersymmetric Brane Back-reaction, C.P. Burgess, L. van Nierop, JHEP 1104 (2011) 078, arxiv:hep-th/1101.0152
- Bulk Axions, Brane Back-reaction and Fluxes, C.P. Burgess, L. van Nierop, JHEP 1102 (2011) 094, arxiv:hep-th/1012.2638
- AdS/QHE: Towards a Holographic Description of Quantum Hall Experiments, Allan Bayntun, C.P. Burgess, Brian P. Dolan, Sung-Sik Lee, New J.Phys.13:035012,2011, arxiv:hep-th/1008.1917
- M.W. Horbatsch, C.P. Burgess, Semi-Analytic Stellar Structure in Scalar-Tensor Gravity, JCAP 1108:027,2011, arXiv: 1006.4411
- Uber-naturalness: unexpectedly light scalars from supersymmetric extra dimensions. C.P. Burgess, Anshuman Maharana, F. Quevedo, JHEP 1105:010,2011, arXiv: 1005.1199 [hep-th]
- Breakdown of Semiclassical Methods in de Sitter Space, C.P. Burgess, R. Holman, L. Leblond, S. Shandera, JCAP 1010 (2010) 017, arxiv:hep-th/1005.3551
- Non-standard primordial fluctuations and nongaussianity in string inflation, C.P. Burgess, M. Cicoli, M. Gomez-Reino, F. Quevedo, G.Tasinato, I. Zavala, JHEP 1008 (2010) 045 (30 pages) arxiv:hep-th/1005.4840
- Comment on Higgs Inflation and Naturalness. C.P. Burgess, Hyun Min Lee , Michael Trott, JHEP 1007 (2010) 007, arXiv: 1002.2730 [hep-ph]
- Codimension-2 Brane-Bulk Matching: Examples from Six and Ten Dimensions, Allan Bayntun, C.P. Burgess, Leo van Nierop, New Journal of Physics 12 (2010) 075015, arXiv: 0912.3039
- Super-Hubble de Sitter Fluctuations and the Dynamical RG, C.P. Burgess, L. Leblond, R. Holman, S. Shandera, JCAP 1003:033,2010, arXiv: 0912.1608
- C.P. Burgess, Michael Trott, Saba Zuberi, Light Octet Scalars, a Heavy Higgs and Minimal Flavour Violation, JHEP 0909:082,2009, arXiv: 0907.2696
- C.P. Burgess, D. Hoover, G. Tasinato, Technical Naturalness on a Codimension-2 Brane, JHEP 0906:014, 2009, arXiv: 0903.0402
- C.P. Burgess, Hyun Min Lee, Michael Trott, Power-counting and the Validity of the Classical Approximation During Inflation, JHEP 0909:103,2009, arXiv: 0902.4465
- C.P. Burgess, S.L. Parameswaran, I. Zavala, The Fate of Unstable Gauge Flux Compactifications, JHEP 0905:008, 2009, arXiv: 0812.3902
- C.P. Burgess, D. Hoover, C. de Rham, G. Tasinato, Effective Field Theories and Matching for Codimension-2 Branes, JHEP 0903:124,2009, arXiv: 0812.3820
- C.P. Burgess, J.M. Cline, M. Postma, Axionic D3-D7 Inflation, JHEP 0903:058,2009, arXiv: 0811.1503
- M. Cicoli, C.P. Burgess, F. Quevedo, Fibre Inflation: Observable Gravity Waves from IIB String Compactifications, JCAP 0903:013,2009, arXiv: 0808.0691
- C.P.Burgess, J.P.Conlon, L-Y.Hung, C.H.Kom, A.Maharana, F.Quevedo, Continuous Global Symmetries and Hyperweak Interactions in String Compactifications, JHEP 0807:073,2008, arXiv: 0805.4037
- C.P. Burgess, Claudia de Rham, Leo van Nierop, The Hierarchy Problem and the Self-Localized Higgs, JHEP 08 (2008) 061, arXiv: 0802.4221
- Andrew J. Tolley, C. P. Burgess, Claudia de Rham, D. Hoover, Exact Wave Solutions to 6D Gauged Chiral Supergravity, JHEP0807:075,2008, arXiv: 0710.3769
- C. P. Burgess, Lectures on Cosmic Inflation and its Potential Stringy Realizations, PoS P2GC:008,2006; Class.Quant.Grav.24:S795-,2007; PoS Cargese2007:003,2007, arXiv: 0708.2865
- C.P. Burgess, D. Hoover, G. Tasinato, UV Caps and Modulus Stabilization for 6D Gauged Chiral Supergravity, JHEP 0709:124,2007, arXiv: 0705.3212
- C.P. Burgess, B.P. Dolan, Duality, the Semi-Circle Law and Quantum Hall Bilayers, Phys.Rev.B76:155310,2007, arXiv: cond-mat/0701535
- C.P. Burgess, Introduction to Effective Field Theory, Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci.57:329-362,2007, arXiv: hep-th/0701053
- C.P. Burgess, B.P. Dolan, The Quantum Hall Effect in Graphene: Emergent Modular Symmetry and the Semi-circle Law, Phys.Rev.B76:113406,2007, arXiv: cond-mat/0612269
- Cliff P. Burgess, James M. Cline, Keshav Dasgupta, Hassan Firouzjahi, Uplifting and Inflation with D3 Branes, JHEP0703:027,2007, arXiv: hep-th/0610320
- C.P. Burgess, C. de Rham, D. Hoover, D. Mason, A.J. Tolley, Kicking the Rugby Ball: Perturbations of 6D Gauged Chiral Supergravity, JCAP0702:009,2007, arXiv: hep-th/0610078
- A. J. Tolley, C.P. Burgess, C. de Rham, D. Hoover, Scaling Solutions to 6D Gauged Chiral Supergravity, NewJ.Phys.8:324,2006, arXiv: hep-th/0608083
- J.J. Blanco-Pillado, C.P. Burgess, J.M. Cline, C. Escoda, M. Gomez-Reino, R. Kallosh, A. Linde, F. Quevedo, Inflating in a Better Racetrack, JHEP 0609:002,2006, arXiv: hep-th/0603129
- C.P. Burgess, R. Holman, D. Hoover, On the Decoherence of Primordial Fluctuations During Inflation, Phys.Rev.D77:063534,2008, arXiv: astro-ph/0601646
- Andrew J. Tolley, C. P. Burgess, D. Hoover, Y. Aghababaie, Bulk Singularities and the Effective Cosmological Constant for Higher Co-dimension Branes, JHEP0603:091,2006, arXiv: hep-th/0512218
- P. Callin, C.P. Burgess, Deviations From Newton's Law in Supersymmetric Large Extra Dimensions, Nucl.Phys. B752 (2006) 60-79, arXiv: hep-ph/0511216
- C.P. Burgess, C. Escoda, F. Quevedo, Nonrenormalization of Flux Superpotentials in String Theory, JHEP0606:044,2006, arXiv: hep-th/0510213
- J. Matias, C.P. Burgess, MSLED, Neutrino Oscillations and the Cosmological Constant, JHEP 0509 (2005) 052, arXiv: hep-ph/0508156
- D. Hoover, C.P. Burgess, Ultraviolet Sensitivity in Higher Dimensions, JHEP 0601 (2006) 058, arXiv: hep-th/0507293
- D. M. Ghilencea, D. Hoover, C. P. Burgess, F. Quevedo, Casimir Energies for 6D Supergravities Compactified on T_2/Z_N with Wilson Lines, JHEP 0509 (2005) 050, arXiv: hep-th/0506164
- C.P. Burgess (McGill U., McMaster U. & Perimeter Inst.), D. Hoover (McGill U.), UV Sensitivity in Supersymmetric Large Extra Dimensions: The Ricci-flat Case, Nucl.Phys.B772:175-204,2007, arXiv: hep-th/0504004
- C.P. Burgess, Richard Easther, Anupam Mazumdar, David F. Mota, Tuomas Multamaki, Multiple Inflation, Cosmic String Networks and the String Landscape, JHEP0505:067,2005, arXiv: hep-th/0501125
- N. Barnaby, C.P. Burgess, J.M. Cline, Warped Reheating in Brane-Antibrane Inflation, JCAP0504:007,2005, arXiv: hep-th/0412040
- C.P. Burgess, Towards a Natural Theory of Dark Energy: Supersymmetric Large Extra Dimensions, AIP Conf.Proc.743:417-449,2005, arXiv: hep-th/0411140
- C.P. Burgess, F. Quevedo, G. Tasinato, I. Zavala, General Axisymmetric Solutions and Self-Tuning in 6D Chiral Gauged Supergravity, JHEP0411:069,2004, arXiv: hep-th/0408109
- P.-H. Beauchemin, G. Azuelos, C.P. Burgess, Dimensionless Coupling of Bulk Scalars at the LHC, J.Phys. G30 (2004) N17, arXiv: hep-ph/0407196
- J.J. Blanco-Pillado, C.P. Burgess, J.M. Cline, C. Escoda, M. Gomez-Reino, R. Kallosh, A. Linde, F. Quevedo, Racetrack Inflation, JHEP0411:063,2004, arXiv: hep-th/0406230
- C.P.Burgess, J.Matias, F.Quevedo, MSLED: A Minimal Supersymmetric Large Extra Dimensions Scenario, Nucl.Phys.B706:71-99,2005, arXiv: hep-ph/0404135
- G. Tasinato, I. Zavala, C.P. Burgess, F. Quevedo, Regular S-Brane Backgrounds, JHEP 0404 (2004) 038, arXiv: hep-th/0403156
- C.P. Burgess, J.M. Cline, H. Stoica, F. Quevedo, Inflation in Realistic D-Brane Models, JHEP0409:033,2004, arXiv: hep-th/0403119
- C.P. Burgess, Supersymmetric Large Extra Dimensions and the Cosmological Constant: An Update, Annals Phys. 313 (2004) 283-401, arXiv: hep-th/0402200
- G. Azuelos, P.-H. Beauchemin, C.P. Burgess, Phenomenological Constraints on Extra-Dimensional Scalars, J.Phys.G31:1-20,2005, arXiv: hep-ph/0401125
- C.P. Burgess, Quantum Gravity in Everyday Life: General Relativity as an Effective Field Theory, LivingRev.Rel.7:5,2004, arXiv: gr-qc/0311082
- C.P. Burgess, N.S. Dzhalilov, M. Maltoni, T.I. Rashba, V.B. Semikoz, M.A. Tortola, J.W.F. Valle, Cornering Solar Radiative-Zone Fluctuations with KamLAND and SNO Salt, JCAP 0401 (2004) 007, arXiv: hep-ph/0310366
- C.P. Burgess, F. Quevedo, R. Rabadan, G. Tasinato, I. Zavala, On Bouncing Brane-Worlds, S-branes and Branonium Cosmology, JCAP 0402 (2004) 008, arXiv: hep-th/0310122
- C.P. Burgess (Physics Department, McGill University), N.E. Grandi (DAMTP, University of Cambridge), F. Quevedo (DAMTP, University of Cambridge), R. Rabadan (Theory Division, CERN), D-Brane Chemistry, JHEP0401:067,2004, arXiv: hep-th/0310010
- C.P. Burgess, R. Kallosh, F. Quevedo, de Sitter String Vacua from Supersymmetric D-terms, JHEP 0310:056,2003, arXiv: hep-th/0309187
- C.P. Burgess, P. Grenier, D. Hoover, Quintessentially Flat Scalar Potentials, JCAP 0403 (2004) 008, arXiv: hep-ph/0308252
- Y. Aghababaie, C.P. Burgess, J.M. Cline, H. Firouzjahi, S.L. Parameswaran, F. Quevedo, G. Tasinato, I. Zavala, Warped Brane Worlds in Six Dimensional Supergravity, JHEP 0309 (2003) 037, arXiv: hep-th/0308064
- C.P. Burgess, J. Cline, R. Holman, Effective Field Theories and Inflation, JCAP 0310 (2003) 004, arXiv: hep-th/0306079
- C.P.Burgess, C.Nunez, F.Quevedo, G.Tasinato, I.Zavala, General Brane Geometries from Scalar Potentials: Gauged Supergravities and Accelerating Universes, JHEP 0308 (2003) 056, arXiv: hep-th/0305211
- Y. Aghababaie, C.P. Burgess, S.L. Parameswaran, F. Quevedo, Towards a Naturally Small Cosmological Constant from Branes in 6D Supergravity, Nucl.Phys. B680 (2004) 389-414, arXiv: hep-th/0304256
- C. P. Burgess, N. S. Dzhalilov, T. I. Rashba, V. B. Semikoz, J. W. F. Valle, Resonant origin for density fluctuations deep within the Sun: helioseismology and magneto-gravity waves, Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc.348:609-624,2004, arXiv: astro-ph/0304462
- Y. Aghababaie, C.P. Burgess, Effective Actions, Boundaries and Precision Calculations of Casimir Energies, Phys.Rev. D70 (2004) 085003, arXiv: hep-th/0304066
- C.P. Burgess, P. Martineau, F. Quevedo, R. Rabadan, Branonium, JHEP0306:037,2003, arXiv: hep-th/0303170
- C.P. Burgess, P. Martineau, F. Quevedo, G. Tasinato, I. Zavala, Instabilities and Particle Production in S-Brane Geometries, JHEP0303:050,2003, arXiv: hep-th/0301122
- C.P. Burgess, J.M. Cline, F. Lemieux, R. Holman, Are Inflationary Predictions Sensitive to Very High Energy Physics?, JHEP 0302 (2003) 048, arXiv: hep-th/0210233
- C.P. Burgess, E. Filotas, M. Klein, F. Quevedo, Low-Energy Brane-World Effective Actions and Partial Supersymmetry Breaking, JHEP 0310 (2003) 041, arXiv: hep-th/0209190
- C.P. Burgess, F. Quevedo, S.-J. Rey, G. Tasinato, I. Zavala, Cosmological Spacetimes from Negative Tension Brane Backgrounds, JHEP 0210 (2002) 028, arXiv: hep-th/0207104
- C.P. Burgess, V. Di Clemente, J.R. Espinosa, Effective operators and vacuum instability as heralds of new physics, JHEP 0201 (2002) 041, arXiv: hep-ph/0201160
- C.P. Burgess, J. Cline, E. Filotas, J. Matias, G.D. Moore, Loop-Generated Bounds on Changes to the Graviton Dispersion Relation, JHEP0203:043,2002, arXiv: hep-ph/0201082
- C.P. Burgess, J.M. Cline, N.R. Constable, H. Firouzjahi, Dynamical Stability of Six-Dimensional Warped Brane-Worlds, JHEP 0201 (2002) 014, arXiv: hep-th/0112047
- C.P. Burgess, P. Martineau, F. Quevedo, G. Rajesh, R.-J. Zhang, Brane-Antibrane Inflation in Orbifold and Orientifold Models, JHEP 0203 (2002) 052, arXiv: hep-th/0111025
- A. Albrecht, C.P. Burgess, F. Ravndal, C. Skordis, Natural Quintessence and Large Extra Dimensions, Phys.Rev. D65 (2002) 123507, arXiv: astro-ph/0107573
- B.P. Dolan, C. P. Burgess, Duality and Non-linear Response for Quantum Hall Systems, Phys.Rev. B65 (2002) 155323, arXiv: cond-mat/0105621
- A. Albrecht, C.P. Burgess, F. Ravndal, C. Skordis, Exponentially Large Extra Dimensions, Phys.Rev. D65 (2002) 123506, arXiv: hep-th/0105261
- C.P. Burgess, M. Majumdar, D. Nolte, F. Quevedo, G. Rajesh, R.-J. Zhang, The Inflationary Brane-Antibrane Universe, JHEP0107:047,2001, arXiv: hep-th/0105204
- A. Aguirre (IAS, Princeton), C.P. Burgess (IAS, Princeton and McGill University, Montreal, Canada), A. Friedland (IAS, Princeton), D. Nolte (IAS, Princeton), Astrophysical Constraints on Modifying Gravity at Large Distances, Class.Quant.Grav. 18 (2001) R223-R232, arXiv: hep-ph/0105083
- C.P. Burgess, M. Pospelov, T. ter Veldhuis, The Minimal Model of Nonbaryonic Dark Matter: A Singlet Scalar, Nucl.Phys.B619:709-728,2001, arXiv: hep-ph/0011335
- C.P. Burgess, B. Dolan, Particle-Vortex Duality and the Modular Group: Applications to the Quantum Hall Effect and Other 2-D Systems, Phys.Rev.B63:155309,2001, arXiv: hep-th/0010246
- D. Atwood, C.P. Burgess, E. Filotas, F. Leblond, D. London, I. Maksymyk, Supersymmetric Large Extra Dimensions Are Small and/or Numerous, Phys.Rev. D63 (2001) 025007, arXiv: hep-ph/0007178
- Y. Aghababaie, C.P. Burgess, Two-Neutrino Five-Photon Scattering at Low Energies, Phys.Rev. D63 (2001) 113006, arXiv: hep-ph/0006165
- C.P. Burgess (McGill University), J. Matias (IFAE, U. Aut. Barcelona), M. Pospelov (U. Minnesota), A Higgs or Not a Higgs? What to Do if You Discover a New Scalar Particle, Int.J.Mod.Phys. A17 (2002) 1841-1918, arXiv: hep-ph/9912459
- C.P. Burgess, Rim Dib, Brian P. Dolan, Derivation of the Semi-circle Law from the Law of Corresponding States, Phys.Rev. B62 (2000) 15359-15362, arXiv: cond-mat/9911476
- C.P. Burgess, R.C. Myers, F. Quevedo, A Naturally Small Cosmological Constant on the Brane?, Phys.Lett. B495 (2000) 384-393, arXiv: hep-th/9911164
- C.P. Burgess, K. Zuber, Footprints of the Newly-Discovered Vela Supernova in Antarctic Ice Cores?, Astropart.Phys. 14 (2000) 1-6, arXiv: astro-ph/9909010
- Mohan Narayan, G. Rajasekaran, Rahul Sinha (Institute of Mathematical Sciences), C.P. Burgess (McGill University), Solar Neutrinos and the Eclipse Effect, Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 073006, arXiv: hep-ph/9908313
- C.P. Burgess, N.R. Constable, R.C. Myers, The Free Energy of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills and the AdS/CFT Correspondence, JHEP 9908 (1999) 017, arXiv: hep-th/9907188
- C.P. Burgess, C.A. Lutken, On the Implications of Discrete Symmetries for the Beta Function of Quantum Hall Systems, Phys.Lett. B451 (1999) 365-371, arXiv: cond-mat/9812396
- C.P. Burgess, L.E. Ibanez, F. Quevedo, Strings at the Intermediate Scale, or is the Fermi Scale Dual to the Planck Scale?, Phys.Lett. B447 (1999) 257-265, arXiv: hep-ph/9810535
- C.P. Burgess, M.T. Grisaru, M. Kamela, M.E. Knutt-Wehlau, P. Page, F. Quevedo, M. Zebarjad, Spacetime Duality and Superduality, Nucl.Phys. B542 (1999) 195-216, arXiv: hep-th/9809085
- C.P. Burgess, Goldstone and Pseudo-Goldstone Bosons in Nuclear, Particle and Condensed-Matter Physics, Phys.Rept. 330 (2000) 193-261, arXiv: hep-th/9808176
- M. Kamela, C.P. Burgess, Massive-Scalar Effective Actions on Anti-de Sitter Spacetime, Can.J.Phys. 77 (1999) 85-99, arXiv: hep-th/9808107
- C.P. Burgess, A. de la Macorra, I. Maksymyk, F. Quevedo, Supersymmetric Models with Product Groups and Field Dependent Gauge Couplings, JHEP 9809 (1998) 007, arXiv: hep-th/9808087
- P. Bamert, C.P. Burgess, D. Michaud, Neutrino Propagation Through Helioseismic Waves, Nucl.Phys. B513 (1998) 319-342, arXiv: hep-ph/9707542
- C.P. Burgess, J.M. Cline, R. MacKenzie, R. Ray, A Microscopic Derivation of the SO(5)-Symmetric Landau-Ginzburg Potential, Phys.Rev. B57 (1998) 8549-8559, arXiv: cond-mat/9707290
- C.P. Burgess, A. de la Macorra, I. Maksymyk, F. Quevedo, Fixing the Dilaton with Asymptotically Expensive Physics?, Phys.Lett. B410 (1997) 181-187, arXiv: hep-th/9707062
- P. Labelle, S.M. Zebarjad, C.P. Burgess, NRQED and Next-to-Leading Hyperfine Splitting in Positronium, Phys.Rev. D56 (1997) 8053-8061, arXiv: hep-ph/9706449
- C.P. Burgess, C.A. Lutken, SO(5) Invariance and Effective Field Theory for High-Tc Superconductors, Phys.Rev. B57 (1998) 8642-8655, arXiv: cond-mat/9705216
- C.P. Burgess, C.A. Lutken, One-Dimensional Flows in the Quantum Hall System, Nucl.Phys. B500 (1997) 367-378, arXiv: cond-mat/9611118
- C.P. Burgess, D. Michaud, Neutrino Propagation in a Fluctuating Sun, Annals Phys. 256 (1997) 1-38, arXiv: hep-ph/9606295
- P. Bamert, C.P. Burgess, J.M. Cline, D. London, E. Nardi, R_b and New Physics: A Comprehensive Analysis, Phys.Rev. D54 (1996) 4275-4300, arXiv: hep-ph/9602438
- N. Hambli, C. P. Burgess, Hawking Radiation and Ultraviolet Regulators, Phys.Rev. D53 (1996) 5717-5722, arXiv: hep-th/9510159
- C.P. Burgess, J.-P. Derendinger, F. Quevedo, M. Quiros, ON GAUGINO CONDENSATION WITH FIELD-DEPENDENT GAUGE COUPLINGS, Annals Phys. 250 (1996) 193-233, arXiv: hep-th/9505171
- P. Bamert, C. P. Burgess, I. Maksymyk, NEW PHYSICS AND RECENT HIGH PRECISION ELECTROWEAK MEASUREMENTS, Phys.Lett. B356 (1995) 282-290, arXiv: hep-ph/9505339
- P. Bamert, C. P. Burgess, I. Maksymyk, THE SENSITIVITY TO NEW PHYSICS OF A LEP SCAN IN 1995, Phys.Lett. B352 (1995) 372-375, arXiv: hep-ph/9502402
- C. P. Burgess, J.-P. Derendinger, F. Quevedo, M. Quiros, GAUGINO CONDENSATES AND CHIRAL-LINEAR DUALITY: AN EFFECTIVE LAGRANGIAN ANALYSIS, Phys.Lett. B348 (1995) 428-442, arXiv: hep-th/9501065
- P. Bamert, C.P. Burgess, R.N. Mohapatra, Multi-Majoron Modes for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay, Nucl.Phys. B449 (1995) 25-48, arXiv: hep-ph/9412365
- C.P. Burgess, R.C. Myers, F. Quevedo, Duality and Four-Dimensional Black Holes, Nucl.Phys.B442:97-125,1995, arXiv: hep-th/9411195
- C.P. Burgess, The Effective Use of Precision Electroweak Measurements, Pramana 45 (1995) S47-S71, arXiv: hep-ph/9411257
- C.P. Burgess, R.C. Myers, F. Quevedo, On Spherically Symmetric String Solutions in Four Dimensions, Nucl.Phys. B442 (1995) 75-96, arXiv: hep-th/9410142
- P. Bamert, C.P. Burgess, R.N. Mohapatra, Heavy Sterile Neutrinos and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay, Nucl.Phys. B438 (1995) 3-16, arXiv: hep-ph/9408367
- C.P. Burgess, C.A. L?tken, F. Quevedo, Bosonization in Higher Dimensions, Phys.Lett. B336 (1994) 18-24, arXiv: hep-th/9407078
- P. Bamert, C.P. Burgess, Negative s and Light New Physics, Z.Phys. C66 (1995) 495-502, arXiv: hep-ph/9407203
- C.P. Burgess, A. Pilaftsis, Anomalous Vector-Boson Couplings in Majorana Neutrino Models, Phys.Lett. B333 (1994) 427-433, arXiv: hep-ph/9405349
- C.P. Burgess, F. Quevedo, Nonabelian Bosonization as Duality, Phys.Lett. B329 (1994) 457-462, arXiv: hep-th/9403173
- P. Bamert, C.P. Burgess, Naturally Degenerate Neutrinos, Phys.Lett. B329 (1994) 289-294, arXiv: hep-ph/9402229
- C.P. Burgess, F. Quevedo, Bosonization as Duality, Nucl.Phys. B421 (1994) 373-390, arXiv: hep-th/9401105
- C.P. Burgess, S. Godfrey, H. K?nig, D. London, I. Maksymyk, Model-Independent Global Constraints on New Physics, Phys.Rev. D49 (1994) 6115-6147, arXiv: hep-ph/9312291
- C.P. Burgess, M. Frank, C. Hamzaoui, How Big Can Anomalous W Couplings Be?, Z.Phys. C70 (1996) 145-158, arXiv: hep-ph/9312238
- C.P.Burgess, S.Godfrey, H.Konig, D.London, I.Maksymyk, A Global Fit to Extended Oblique Parameters, Phys. Lett. B326 (1994) 276-281, arXiv: hep-ph/9307337
- C.P. Burgess, J.M. Cline, A New Class of Majoron-Emitting Double-Beta Decays, Phys.Rev. D49 (1994) 5925-5944, arXiv: hep-ph/9307316
- C.P. Burgess, Stephen Godfrey, Heinz K?nig, David London, Ivan Maksymyk, Bounding Anomalous Gauge-Boson Couplings, Phys.Rev. D50 (1994) 7011-7024, arXiv: hep-ph/9307223
- Ivan Maksymyk, C.P. Burgess, David London, Beyond S, T and U, Phys.Rev. D50 (1994) 529-535, arXiv: hep-ph/9306267
- C.P. Burgess, Oscar Hernandez, A Common Explanation for the Atmospheric, Solar-Neutrino and Double Beta Decay Anomalies, Phys.Rev. D48 (1993) 4326-4336, arXiv: hep-ph/9306252
- C.P. Burgess, J.M. Cline, Majorons Without Majorana Masses and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay, Phys.Lett. B298 (1993) 141-148, arXiv: hep-ph/9209299
- C.P. Burgess, David London, Uses and Abuses of Effective Lagrangians, Phys.Rev. D48 (1993) 4337-4351, arXiv: hep-ph/9203216
- C.P. Burgess, J. Cline, Markus Luty, A Natural Framework for Solar and 17 keV Neutrinos, Phys.Rev. D46 (1992) 364-373, arXiv: hep-ph/9203202
- C.P. Burgess, A.L. Marini, The Damping of Energetic Gluons and Quarks in High-Temperature QCD, Phys.Rev. D45 (1992) 17-20, arXiv: hep-th/9109051
- Finite Size Scaling in Quantum Hallography, Allan Bayntun, C.P. Burgess, arXiv: 1112.3698
- Sriram Sundaram, C.P. Burgess and D.H.J. O"Dell, Fall-to-the-Centre as a PT Symmetry Breaking Transition, Journal of Physics Conference Series (to appear) (15 pages) (arXiv: 2107.01511);
- Dark Energy, Newton's Law and the LHC : Vacuum Energy: the Dog that Didn"t Bark, in the proceedings of the 49th Rencontres de Moriond on Cosmology, La Thuile, Italy, March 15-22, 2014
- Introduction to Effective Field Theories, Cambridge University Press (2020)
- Intro to Effective Field Theories and Inflation, C.P. Burgess, in the Les Houches Lectures on EFTs in Particle Physics and Cosmology, Oxford University Press, arXiv: 1711.10592 [hep-th]
- Testing General Relativity with Present and Future Astrophysical Observations , edited by E. Berti
- The Cosmological Constant Problem: Why it's Hard to get Dark Energy from Micro-Physics, in the Les Houches Lectures on Post-Planck Cosmology, Oxford University Press, arXiv: 1309.4133 [hep-th]
- Effective Theories and Modifications of Gravity, C.P. Burgess, in Foundations of Space and Time: Reflections on Quantum Gravity, Cape Town, South Africa, arXiv: 0912.4295 [gr-qc]
- Inflating with Moduli, C.P. Burgess, chapter in String Inflation, edited by J. Erdmenger, Wiley Publishing, 2008
- The Standard Model: A Primer, Cambridge University Press (2007 - Higgs revision 2012)
- Quantum Gravity and Precision Tests, C.P. Burgess, chapter in Towards Quantum Gravity, edited by D. Oriti. Cambridge University Press, 2006, (gr-qc/0606108)
- Supersymmetry and Supergravity, C.P. Burgess, in the Encyclopedia of Physics (3rd Edition), VCH Publishers, New York, 2004
- Supersymmetry and Supergravity, C.P. Burgess, in the Encyclopedia of Physics (2nd Edition), VCH Publishers, New York, 1991
- Decohering Primordial Fluctuations in Single-Field Inflation, seminar, TH Cosmo Ice-cream, CERN, Geneva, Aug 2022
- Gravitational Surprises at Long Distances, 23rd Int Conference on Gen. Rel. & Gravity, (online) Chinese Acad Phys, Beijing, Jul 2022
- Effective Field Theory and Cosmology, 4-hour lecture series presented to: AI in HEP, Quantum Universe Center KIAS, Seoul Korea, Jul 2022 (online).
- Surprisingly Dark Implications from a Very Supersymmetric Gravity Sector, Cosmology Seminar, DAMTP Cambridge U, Cambridge, Jun 2022
- Surprisingly Dark Implications from a Very Supersymmetric Gravity Sector, Cosmology Seminar, University of Leiden, Leiden, Jun 2022
- Surprisingly Dark Implications from a Very Supersymmetric Gravity Sector, Joint Belgian HEP Seminar, Brussels, Jun 2022
- Modified Gravity: the View from Below, Colloquium Ehrenfestii, University of Leiden, Leiden NL, Jun 2022
- Gravitational Decoherence during Inflation: Super-Hubble Physics and Open EFTs, When hbar meets G, Inst. Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, Jun 2022
- Surprisingly Dark Implications from a Very Supersymmetric Gravity Sector, Cosmology Seminar, Institute of Physics, Amsterdam, May 2022
- Surprisingly Dark Implications from a Very Supersymmetric Gravity Sector, Particle Seminar, Caltech Pasadena CA (online), Apr 2022
- Surprisingly Dark Implications from a Very Supersymmetric Gravity Sector, Particle Seminar, SNOLab, Sudbury ON (online), Mar 2022
- Surprisingly Dark Implications from a Very Supersymmetric Gravity Sector, TH Cosmo Coffee, CERN, Geneva, Mar 2022
- Modified Gravity: the View from Below, colloquium, Bishops University, Sherbrooke QC, Feb 2022 (online)
- Introduction to Effective Field Theory, 3-hour lecture series presented to: Effective Pathways to New Physics, Bhubaneswar, India, Feb 2022 (online).
- Modified Gravity: the View from Below, colloquium, Carleton University, Ottawa ON, Jan 2022 (online)
- Yoga Dark Energy and Other Dark Implications of a Supersymmetric Gravity Sector, Accelerating the Universe 2.0, MIAPP (online), Munich, Nov 2021
- Influence Through Mixing, Copernicus Online Seminar, (online), Aug 2021
- Inflation Overview, COSMO 2021, Univ of Illinois (online) Urbana-Champagne, Aug 2021
- EFTs, Gravity and Clues from the UV, Imperial College London, London UK (online), Apr 2021
- Inflation and UV Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Chung-Ang Univ (online) Seoul, Feb 2021
- The Case for Dark Matter and Dark Energy, Queen"s Space Conference 2021, Queen"s University (online), Jan 2021
- Wilson to Lindblad: Resolving Late-Time Obstacles to Reliable Calculations, Yale University, New Haven CN (online), Nov 2020
- Program Summary Talk, Effective Theories of Gravity in Strong Fields and Cosmology, KITP UC Santa Barbara (online) Sep 2020
- Scaling the Landscape: Robust EFT Implications from UV Physics, Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam Germany (online), Jul 2020
- From Wilson to Lindblad: Late-time Obstacles to Reliable EFT Calculations with Horizons (and How Open EFTs Can Help), CAP Annual Congress, McMaster University, Hamilton (online), Jun 2020
- Scaling the Landscape: Robust EFT Implications from UV Physics, University of Groningen, Groningen Netherlands (online), Jun 2020
- From Wilson to Lindblad: Late-time Obstacles to Reliable EFT Calculations with Horizons (and How EFTs can Help), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA, Nov 2019
- Modified Gravity: the View from Below, Astroparticles Symposium, Institute Pascal, Paris (Saclay) Oct 2019
- What is the Universe Made of?, 4-hour lecture series presented to: Journeys into Theoretical Physics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 2019
- From Wilson to Lindblad: Late-time Obstacles to Reliable EFT Calculations with Horizons (and How Open EFTs Can Help), Energy of the Vacuum, KITP Santa Barbara, June 2019
- Qubits in Space: Late-time Evolution with Horizons, 24th Rencontres Itzykson, IPhT CEA-Saclay Paris, June 2019
- Limits to EFT Methods in Gravity: Turning up the Heat, BASIC 2019, Stella Maris, Bahamas, Apr 2019
- Limits to EFT Methods in Gravity: Turning up the Heat, i. Geometrical Tools for String Cosmology, CMO Oaxaca, Apr 2019
- Modified Gravity: the View from Below, Colloquium University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder CO, Feb. 2019
- Gravity as an Open System: Turning up the Heat, Testing Gravity, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver BC, Jan 2019
- Introduction to Effective Field Theory, 4-hour lecture series presented to: Nordic Winter School, Lillehammer, Norway, January 2019
- Gravity as an Open System: Turning up the Heat, Analytical Methods in Cosmology, IHP Paris, Sept 2018
- Gravity as an Open System: Turning up the Heat, Universe as a Quantum Lab, APC Paris, Sept 2018
- EFT for Point Sources, Workshop "Precision Measurements and Fundamental Physics: the proton radius and beyond", MITP Mainz Germany, Jul. 2018
- Open EFTs: Gravity as an Effective Medium, BASIC 2018, Stella Maris Bermuda (e-talk), Jul 2018
- Open EFTs: Gravity as an Effective Medium, CAP Congress, Dalhousie University, Halifax NS, Jun 2018
- Modified Gravity: the View from Below, Colloquium, University at Buffalo, Buffalo NY, Apr. 201
- Open EFTs: Gravity as an Effective Medium, Workshop "EFT approaches to gravity", ETH Zurich Switzerland, Mar 2018
- Open EFTs: Gravity as an Effective Medium, Workshop "IR physics in gauge theories and inflation", Lake Biwa Japan, Jan 2018
- The Future is Stochastic (Probably), seminar University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, Nov 2017
- The Power of Counting: the use of EFTs in Inflation, workshop "Post-Inflationary String Cosmology," Bologna IT, Sep 2017
- Effective Field Theory in Cosmology, 3-hour lecture series presented to: Les Houches School on Effective Field Theories in Particle Physics and Cosmology, Les Houches, France, July 2017
- Is de Sitter Space Unstable? Discussion leader at conference Theoretical Approaches to Cosmic Acceleration, Leiden NL, Jun 2017
- Gravitational Waves: The Sounds of Spacetime, Ontario Association of Physics Teachers Congress, York University
- The Future is Stochastic (Probably), presented to conference Gordon Conference (String Theory & Cosmology), Tuscany Italy
- Effective Theories for Point Sources, seminar Fermilab, Batavia IL
- Effective Theories for Point Sources, seminar Caltech, Pasadena CA
- Effective Field Theory and Modified Gravity: The View from Below, presented to conference Quantum Vacuum & Gravitation 2017, MITP Mainz
- The Future is Stochastic (Probably), seminar University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI
- Effective Field Theory and Modified Gravity: The View from Below, presented to conference Testing Gravity 2017, Vancouver BC
- Prospects for Testing Gravity, presented to conference Gravity and Experiment, Paris, France
- The Future is Stochastic (Probably), seminar Neils Bohr Institute, Copenhagen Denmark
- Gravitational Waves: The Sounds of Spacetime, Engineering & Science Olympics, McMaster University
- Inflation Outside the Box, presented to conference FANCY 2016, Odense, Denmark
- Inflation Outside the Box, presented to conference String Inflation after Planck, Liverpool UK
- The Future is Stochastic (Probably), invited conference talk for the Utrecht Cosmology Symposium, Utrecht Netherlands, June 2016
- Gravitational Waves: What"s the Big Deal? public outreach talk for the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Waterdown ON, June 2016
- The Future is Stochastic (Probably), invited conference talk for the conference Aspects of String Phenomenology & Cosmology, ICTP Italy, May 2016
- Gravitational Waves: What"s the Big Deal?, colloquium Universite de Montreal, Montreal QC, Apr. 2016
- Gravitational Waves: What"s the Big Deal? public outreach talk for the Undergraduate Astronomy Club, McMaster University, Mar. 2016
- Self-Tuning Under the Microscope: Extra Dimensions, Brane Backreaction & the CC Problem , colloquium Stanford University, Stanford CA, Nov. 2015
- The Future is Stochastic, seminar University of Toronto Physics Department, Toronto ON, Nov. 2015
- The Future is Stochastic , seminar University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA, Oct. 2015
- The Future is Stochastic , seminar Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Toronto ON, Sep 2015
- Open EFTs and Gravitational Response of Dark Vortices and Other Sources i. Theory & Experiment in Quantum Gravity, PITP Galiano Island
- Open EFT, Resummation and Late-time Predictions During Inflation. Quantum Gravity From UV to IR, KITP Santa Barbara
- Self-Tuning Under the Microscope Quantum Gravity From UV to IR, KITP Santa Barbara
- Self-Tuning Under the Microscope: Last Chance to be Wrong About the LHC Seminar Univeritat de Barcelona, Barcelona Spain
- Self-Tuning Under the Microscope: Last Chance to be Wrong About the LHC Seminar EPFL, Lausanne Switzerland
- Self-Tuning Under the Microscope: Last Chance to be Wrong About the LHC Seminar CERN Theory Division, Geneva Switzerland
- Naturalness, Hierarchy Problems and the LHC: The Dog that Didn"t Bark Colloquium Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna Austria
- Large Fields, Open Effective Theories and Stochastic Inflation Seminar University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Netherlands
- Large Fields, Open Effective Theories and Stochastic Inflation Seminar LAPTh, Annecy-le-Vieux, France
- Large Fields, Open Effective Theories and Stochastic Inflation Seminar Oxford University, Oxford UK
- Beyond the Standard Model, 5-hour lecture series presented to: XVIII Swieca School of Physics, Campos do Jordao, Brazil
- Dark Energy (Naturally): A Bad Cop in a Wet Blanket during a Cold Shower Beyond Lambda-CDM, Oslo Norway
- String Inflation: Why? The Primordial Universe After Planck, Paris France
- Large Fields, Open Effective Theories and Stochastic Inflation Seminar TH Division, CERN
- Last Chance to Be Wrong About What Will Be Found in the LHC Seminar Technische Universitat Dresden, Dresden Germany
- Large Fields, Open Effective Theories and Stochastic Inflation Seminar Southampton University, Southampton UK
- Large Fields, Open Effective Theories and Stochastic Inflation Seminar IPMU, Tokyo Japan
- Large Fields, Open Effective Theories and Stochastic Inflation Seminar DAMTP Cambridge University, Cambridge UK
- What is the Universe Made Of? The Case for Dark Matter and Dark Energy Colloquium Chung-Ang University, Seoul South Korea
- Cosmology Between the Plancks: EFTs and Inflation KIAS Workshop 2014, Seoul South Korea
- Large Fields, Open Effective Theories and Stochastic Inflation Seminar Universite de Geneve, Geneva Switzerland
- Cosmology Between the Plancks: EFTs and Inflation. MIAPP Workshop Post Planck Cosmology, Munich Germany, Aug. 2014;
- Effectively Fielding Inflation: Large Fields and Open Systems. String Phenomenology 2014, ICTP Trieste Italy, Jul. 2014
- Acceleration Then and Now. Taiwan National University, Taipei Taiwan, Jun. 2014
- What is the Universe Made Of? The Case for Dark Matter and Dark Energy. National Taiwan University, Taipei Taiwan, Jun. 2014
- Effective Fields and Cosmology: 3 Thoughts in 8 MInutes. Unsolved Problems in Cosmology, Budapest Hungary, Jun. 2014
- Effective Extra-Hubble Physics: Open Systems and Stochastic Inflation. Peyresq 2014, Peyresq France, Jun. 2014
- Effectively Fielding Inflation: Large Fields and Open Systems. PASCOS 2014, Warsaw Poland, Jun. 2014
- Dark Energy, Newton's Law and the LHC. Rencontres de Moriond 2014, La Thuile Italy, Mar. 2014
- Vacuum Energy and Potential Surprises at Colliders and Underground, Lake Louise Winter Institute, Lake Louise, Alberta, Feb. 2014
- The Dog that Didn't Bark: The Cosmological Constant Problem and the Puzzle of Dark Energy. CAP Undergraduate Lecture, York University, Toronto ON, Jan. 2014
- The Dog that Didn't Bark: The Cosmological Constant Problem and the Puzzle of Dark Energy. CAP Undergraduate Lecture, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg MB, Jan. 2014
- The Dog that Didn't Bark: The Cosmological Constant Problem and the Puzzle of Dark Energy. CAP Undergraduate Lecture, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay ON, Jan. 2014
- The Dog that Didn't Bark: The Cosmological Constant Problem and the Puzzle of Dark Energy. CAP Undergraduate Lecture, Queens University, Kingston ON, Jan. 2014
- The Dog that Didn't Bark: The Cosmological Constant Problem and the Puzzle of Dark Energy. CAP Undergraduate Lecture, Royal Military College, Kingston ON, Jan. 2014
- Effective Theories and Modified Gravity: A Bad Cop Wrapped in a Wet Blanket Standing in a Cold Shower. Testing Gravity from Astrophysical Observations, U Mississippi, Oxford Mississippi, Jan. 2014
- Naturalness and Cosmology: Does Planck Give Us a Totally Free Hand? conference COSMO 2013, Cambridge University, Cambridge UK, Sep 2013;
- Acceleration, Then and Now, workshop Cosmology After Planck, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI, Sep 2013;
- What is the Universe Made Of? Public Lecture University of Alberta, Edmonton AB, Sep 2013;
- Finding the Gravity in Any Situation: the Potential Implications of the AdS/CFT Correspondance, colloquium University of Alberta, Edmonton AB, Sep 2013;
- Acceleration, Then and Now, seminar University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth UK, Aug 2013;
- The Cosmological Constant Problem 3-hour lecture series at the Les Houches Summer School on Post-Planck Cosmology, Les Houches France, Jul 2013;
- Acceleration, Then and Now, conference Tales of Lambda, University of Nottingham, Nottingham UK, Jul 2013;
- Acceleration, Then and Now, conference Peyresq 2013, Peyresq France, Jun 2013;
- Acceleration, Then and Now, conference Cosmology After Planck, CERN, Geneva Switzerland, Jun 2013;
- Black Holes, Gravity and Relativity, Physics Inquiry for High School Students, McMaster University, May 2013;
- Acceleration, Then and Now, conference Planck 2013, Universitat Bonn, Bonn Germany, May 2013;
- Walking the Planck with a String-Inflated Life Vest, conference Theory Canada 2013, Bishop's University, Lennoxville QC, May 2013;
- What is the Universe Made Of? Third Age Lectures, Hamilton ON, Apr 2013;
- Accidental Supersymmetry (Running with Rugby Balls), conference Branes, Strings and Higher Derivatives, Texas A&M, College Station TX, Apr 2013;
- Accidental Supersymmetry (Running with Rugby Balls), conference Adventures in Superspace, McGill University, Montreal QC, Apr 2013;
- What is the Universe Made Of? Physics 10, University of Waterloo, Waterloo ON, Mar 2013;
- Brane Back-Reaction: a Counter-Example to Almost Everything, Cook's Branch Cosmology Workshop, Houston TX, Mar 2013;
- The Higgs Boson: What is it and what does its discovery mean? colloquium University of Waterloo, Waterloo ON, Jan 2013;
- Extra Dimensions, the Cosmological Constant Problem and the LHC, workshop Perspectives of Fundamental Cosmology, NORDITA, Stockholm Sweden, Nov 2012;
- Decoupling, Effective Theories & Inflation: A Bad Cop wrapped in a Wet Blanket, standing in a Cold Shower, workshop Perspectives of Fundamental Cosmology, NORDITA, Stockholm, Sweden, Nov 2012;
- The Higgs Boson: What is it and what does its discovery mean? Origins Institute Public Lecture, McMaster University, Oct 2012;
- The Higgs: What is it and What does its Discovery Mean? Open Streets McMaster University, Hamilton ON, Sep 2012
- Last Chance to Be Wrong About What Will Be Found at the LHC, Penn State University, State College PA, Sep. 2012
- Extra DImensions, the Cosmological Constant and the LHC, Penn State University, State College PA, Sep. 2012
- Decoupling, Effective Theories & Inflation: A Bad Cop wrapped in a Wet Blanket standing in a Cold Shower: presented to the Workshop EFTs and Inflation, University of Leiden, July 2012
- Brane Back-reaction: a Counter-Example to Almost Everything: presented to the Workshop The Math and Applications of Branes in String & M Theory, Newton Institute, Cambridge University, Jun 2012;
- Good Things from Brane Back-Reaction: presented to Ludwig Maximillian Universitat, Munich Germany, May 2012
- Good Things from Brane Back-reaction: presented to the Workshop Brane Backreaction, Fluxes and metastable vacua in String Theory, Uppsala Sweden, May 2012
- Brane Back-reaction - an Antidote to No-Go Theorems: presented to the Workshop Physics with a Positive Cosmological Constant, Penn State University, State College PA, May 2012
- Place Your Bets: Last Chance to Be Wrong About What Will Be Found at the LHC: presented to Tufts University, Somerville MA, Apr. 2012
- String Theory: Quantum Mechanics and Gravity - Start of a Beautiful Relationship? presented to McMaster University, Hamilton ON, Mar 2012.
- Higgs-a-palooza at the LHC? presented as a CAP undergraduate lecture to the University of Calgary, Calgary AB, Mar. 2012
- Higgs-a-palooza at the LHC? presented as a CAP undergraduate lecture to Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo ON, Mar. 2012
- Higgs-a-palooza at the LHC? presented as a CAP undergraduate lecture to the University of Northern BC, Prince George BC, Mar. 2012
- Higgs-a-palooza at the LHC? presented as a CAP undergraduate lecture to the University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge AB, Mar. 2012
- Extra Dimensions, the Cosmological Constant Problem and the LHC: presented to Symmetries and Phases in the Universe symposium, Kloster Irsee, Germany, Feb. 2012
- Higgs-a-palooza at the LHC? presented to the Origins Institute, McMaster University, Jan. 2012.
- Effective Field Theory and Cosmology, 3-hour lecture series presented to: Essential Cosmology for the Next Generation (Cosmology on the Beach), Cancun, Mexico, January 2012
- Place Your Bets: Last Chance to Be Wrong About What Will Be Found at the LHC: presented to Purdue University, West Lafayette IN, Dec. 2011
- Extra Dimensions, the Cosmological Constant Problem and the LHC: presented to the ATLAS-Theory workshop, TRIUMF, Vancouver BC, Dec. 2011
- de Sitter and Inflationary Solutions in Extra-dimensional Supergravity, in the conference Pre-Planckian Inflation, University of Minneapolis, Oct. 2011
- Extra Dimensions, the Cosmological Constant Problem and the LHC, seminar Caltech, Oct. 2011
- Extra Dimensions, the Cosmological Constant Problem and the LHC, seminar University of Alberta, Oct. 2011
- Last Chance to Be Wrong About What Will Be Found at the LHC, colloquium University of Alberta, Oct. 2011
- Good Things from Brane Back-reaction, Conference COSMO 2011, Porto Portugal, Aug. 2011
- Naturally Light Scalars from Brane Back-reaction, Conference Scalars 2011, Warsaw Poland, Aug. 2011
- Large Volumes, Small Curvatures and Extra-dimensional Cosmology from Brane Back-reaction, Conference PASCOS 2011, Cambridge UK, Jul. 2011
- Large Volumes, Small Curvatures and Extra-dimensional Cosmology from Brane Back-reaction, Workshop Interconnection Between Particle Physics and Cosmology, CERN, Geneva Switzerland, Jun. 2011
- Large Volumes, Small Curvatures and Extra-dimensional Cosmology from Brane Back-reaction, Workshop Micro- and Macro-structure of Spacetime, Peyresc France, Jun. 2011
- Large Volumes, Small Curvatures and Extra-dimensional Cosmology from Brane Back-reaction, Workshop Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics, APC Paris Diderot Universite, Paris France, Jun. 2011
- The Large Hadron Collider: End of an Era or the End of the World? Ontario Association of Physics Teachers, Hamilton, May 2011
- Last Chance to be Wrong about What the LHC will find: colloquium presented to SNOLab, Sudbury, April 2011;
- Large Volumes, Small Curvatures and Extra-dimensional Cosmology from Brane Back-reaction, Workshop Aspects of Inflation, Texas A&M University, College Station TX, Apr. 2011
- Last Chance to be Wrong about What the LHC will find: colloquium presented to physics department at Carleton University, Ottawa, March 2011;
- Large Dimensions and Small Curvatures from Brane Backreaction, Physics Department, Cornell University, March 2011
- Physicists at CERN: Angels or Demons? Let's Talk Science, McMaster University, Feb. 2011;
- Inflation, Dark Matter and Dark Energy, 4-hour lecture series presented to: Nordic Winter School on Astro Particle Physics, Gausdal Norway, January 2011;
- Last Chance to be Wrong about What the LHC will find: colloquium presented to Dept. de Physique, Universite de Montreal, Montreal QC, Nov 2010;
- Finding the Gravity of Any Situation: the potential implications of the AdS/CFT correspondence: colloquium presented to Centre des Recherches Mathematiques, Universite de Montreal, Montreal QC, Nov 2010;
- AdS/CFT and Quantum Hall Systems; seminar presented to International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, Sep. 2010
- Inflation and Fundamental Physics, 2-hour lecture series presented to: UniverseNET School on Cosmology, Lecce Italy, August, 2010;
- Extra Dimensions: coming soon to an accelerator near you? CAP Congress 2010, University of Toronto, Toronto ON, Jun. 2010
- Nongaussianity from String Inflation, CITA @ 25 Bond @ 60, University of Toronto, Toronto ON, May 2010
- The Power of Counting with Gravity, Workshop "Fundaments of Gravity", TU Munich, Apr. 2010;
- High-Fibre Inflationary Models, Workshop Strings at the LHC and Early Universe, KITP UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA, Mar. 2010
- Reading the Tea Leaves: What Will Replace the Standard Model? Coast-to-Coast Lecture Series, SharcNET grid, Mar. 2010;
- Quantum Gravity as an Effective Field Theory, EFTs in Cosmology, Ann Arbor MI, Mar. 2010;
- Place Your Bets: Last Chance to Be Wrong About What Will Be Found at the LHC, UC Davis, Davis CA, Feb. 2010
- Place Your Bets: Last Chance to Be Wrong About What Will Be Found at the LHC, Munich Inter-university Physics Colloquium, TU Munich, Feb. 2010
- Codimension-2 Branes and Naturalness, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Triesete, Italy, Feb. 2010
- Effectively Modifying Gravity, Workshop Open Questions in Gravity, Arizona State Univ., Jan. 2010
- Last Chance to be Wrong About What Will be Found at the LHC, Simon Fraser University colloquium, Dec. 2009
- Last Chance to be Wrong About What Will be Found at the LHC, UBC colloquium, Dec. 2009
- When is Inflation Classical? Power-counting in Cosmology, CITA, University of Toronto, Nov. 2009.
- Physicists at CERN: Angels or Demons? Engineering-Science Olympics, McMaster University, Oct. 2009;
- Are you unwittingly doing string theory? The potential implications for theoretical physics of the AdS/CFT correspondence, University of Houston, Houston TX, Sep 2009.
- Colourful Things the LHC May See Early: Scalar Octets, Minimal Flavour Violation, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Sep. 2009
- Large-Field Inflation from Small-Scale Physics, Workshop Primordial Gravitational Waves, Cambridge UK, Aug. 2009
- Introduction to the Standard Model, 4-hour lecture series presented to: TRIUMF Summer Institute, Vancouver, BC, July, 2009;
- Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Modified Gravity, CAP Congress 2009, Moncton NB, Jun. 2009.
- String Theory: Quantum Mechanics and Gravity - Start of a Beautiful Relationship? University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM, May 2009
- Extra Dimensions and the Cosmological Constant Problem, University of Oregon, Eugene OR, May 2009;
- String Inflation: Is it Helping? Workshop Fingerprints of the Early Universe, Aspen CO, May 2009;
- Physicists at CERN: Angels or Demons? Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen CO, May 2009;
- Physicists at CERN: Angels or Demons? Science in the City, Hamilton ON, May 2009;
- Dark Energy, Extra Dimensions and the Cosmological Constant Problem, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA, Mar. 2009;
- Extra Dimensions and the Cosmological Constant, Western Nuclear & Particle Physics Conference, Banff AB, Feb. 2009;
- Place Your Bets: Last Chance to Be Wrong About What Will Be Found at the LHC, McMaster University, Hamilton ON, Oct. 2008;
- String Inflation: Is it Helping? Workshop Big Bang & Beyond, Princeton University, Oct. 2008.
- Dark Energy, Extra Dimensions and the Cosmological Constant Problem, Queen's University, Kingston ON, Oct. 2008.
- Place Your Bets: Last Chance to Be Wrong About What Will Be Found at the LHC McMaster University, McGill University, Montreal QC, Sep. 2008.
- Physics Beyond the Standard Model, 3-hour lecture series presented to: Universite de Paris IX/Bielefeld International Graduate Course on Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Bielefeld, Germany, September, 2008
- Physics Beyond the Standard Model, 3-hour lecture series presented to: Benasque School on Flavor Physics, Benasque, Spain, August, 2008;
- Fibre Inflation: Observable Gravitational Waves from Type IIB Strings, String Phenomenology Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Aug. 2008.
- String Inflation, Great Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Pittsburgh, PA, Jun. 2008;
- Extra Dimensions and the Cosmological Constant, 13?me Rencontre de Cosmologie, Peyresq France, Jun. 2008;
- Extra Dimensions and the Cosmological Constant Problem, LAPP, Annecy le Vieux, France, May 2008;
- Codimension-2 Branes, Naturalness and the self-localized Higgs, Planck 2008, Barcelona, Spain, May 2008;
- Low-Energy Gravity and Co-dimension 2 Branes, NORDITA, Stockholm, Sweden, Apr. 2008;
- String Inflation, Progress on Old & New Themes in Cosmology, Avignon, France, Apr. 2008;
- Extra Dimensions and the Cosmological Constant Problem, Southampton University, Southampton UK, Mar. 2008;
- Codimension-2 Branes, Naturalness and the self-localized Higgs, String Phenomenology, Liverpool, UK, Mar. 2008.
- Graphene and Duality in the Quantum Hall Effect, Oxford University, Oxford England, Feb. 2008;
- A Self-Localized Higgs and the Hierarchy Problem, Theory Division, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, Feb. 2008
- String Inflation, The Very Early Universe + 25, Cambridge, UK, Dec. 2007.
- String Inflation, EPFL Lausanne, Lausanne Switzerland, Dec. 2007;
- Low-Energy Gravity and Co-dimension 2 Branes, University of Lancaster, Lancaster, UK, Dec. 2007;
- Volume Inflation and Dynamical Extra Dimensions, Cosmo-Coffee, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, Nov. 2007.
- Low-Energy Gravity and Co-dimension 2 Branes, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, Nov. 2007.
- String/Brane Cosmology, Theory Division, DESY, Hamburg Germany, Nov. 2007;
- Extra Dimensions and the Cosmological Constant Problem, University of Gottingen, Gottingen Germany, Nov. 2007
- Graphene and Duality in the Quantum Hall Effect, Theory Division, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2007;
- Extra Dimensions and the Cosmological Constant Problem, University of Nottingham, Nottingham UK, Oct. 2007;
- Extra Dimensions and the Cosmological Constant Problem, University of Sheffield, Sheffield UK, Oct. 2007
- Graphene and Duality in the Quantum Hall Effect, DAMTP, Cambridge University, Cambridge England, Oct. 2007;
- Cosmic Inflation, 4.5-hour lecture series presented to: Carg?se School on Cosmology and Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Models, Carg?se, France, August 2007.
- Effective Field Theory, 5-hour lecture series presented to: British Universities Graduate Summer School (BUSSTEPP), York, England, August, 2007;
- String/Brane Cosmology, COSMO 07, Brighton UK, Aug. 2007;
- Extra Dimensions and the Cosmological Constant, Cosmology, Strings & Phenomenology, Stockholm Sweden, Jun. 2007;
- Extra Dimensions and the Cosmological Constant, BSM at the Dawn of the LHC Era, Budapest Hungary, Jun. 2007.
- Quantum Gravity as an Effective Field Theory, From Quantum to Emergent Gravity, SISSA Trieste Italy, Jun. 2007;
- Graphene and Duality in the Quantum Hall Effect, University of Toronto, Toronto ON, Apr. 2007.
- What is the Universe Made of? The Case for Dark Matter and Dark Energy, University of Windsor, Windsor ON, Apr. 2007 .
- What is the Universe Made of? The Case for Dark Matter and Dark Energy, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon Sask, Mar. 2007;
- The Large Hadron Collider: Boon or Boondoggle?Brandon University, Brandon MA, Mar. 2007;
- String Theory: Quantum Mechanics and Gravity, University of Regina, Regina Sask., Mar. 2007.
- The Large Hadron Collider: Boon or Boondoggle? University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg MA, Mar. 2007;
- String Theory: Quantum Mechanics and Gravity, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's NFLD, Mar. 2007;
- What is the Universe Made of? The Case for Dark Matter and Dark Energy, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton NB, Mar. 2007;
- What is the Universe Made of? The Case for Dark Matter and Dark Energy, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish NS, Mar. 2007;
- The Large Hadron Collider: Boon or Boondoggle? University of Waterloo, Waterloo ON, Mar 2007.
- What is the Universe Made of? The Case for Dark Matter and Dark Energy, Acadia University, Wolfville NS, Mar. 2007;
- String Theory: Quantum Mechanics and Gravity, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown PEI, Mar. 2007;
- Supersymmetric Large Extra Dimensions and the Cosmological Constant, 42nd Rencontres de Moriond - Electroweak, La Thuile Italy, Mar. 2007
- String Theory: Quantum Mechanics and Gravity Mt. Alison University, Sackville NB, Mar. 2007;
- String Theory: Quantum Mechanics and Gravity, University of Moncton, Moncton NB, Mar. 2007;
- String Theory: Quantum Mechanics and Gravity, St. Mary's University, Halifax ON, Mar. 2007;
- String Theory: Quantum Mechanics and Gravity, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg MA, Mar. 2007;
- Quantum Gravity as an Effective Field Theory, Rethinking Gravity, Tucson AZ, Jan. 2007.
- String/Brane Cosmology, University of Chicago, Chicago IL, Jan. 2007.
- String Cosmology, 4-hour lecture series presented to: CERN RTN Graduate School, Geneva, Switzerland, January, 2007.
- Supersymmetric Large Extra Dimensions and the Cosmological Constant, McGill University, Montreal QC, Nov. 2006;
- What is the Universe Made Of? Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Niagara Falls ON, Oct. 2006;
- Cosmic Inflation: The Ultimate Free Lunch, McMaster University, Hamilton ON, Oct. 2006.
- Supersymmetric Large Extra Dimensions and the Cosmological Constant, Penn State University, State College PA, Oct. 2006;
- Solutions to 6D Gauged Supergravity, Brane-World Gravity, Portsmouth UK, Sep. 2006.
- Effective Field Theory, 6-hour lecture series presented to: British Universities Graduate Summer School (BUSSTEPP), Edinburgh, Scotland, Sept., 2006.
- Supersymmetric Large Extra Dimensions and the Cosmological Constant, The Dark Universe, DESY Hamburg Germany, Sep. 2006
- String Cosmology, 4-hour lecture series presented to: Central European Joint Program of Doctoral Studies in Theoretical Physics (Particle Physics, Gravity and Cosmology), Dubrovnik, Croatia, August, 2006.
- String/Brane Cosmology, Benasque Workshop on Cosmology, Benasque Spain, Aug. 2006;
- String/Brane Cosmology, CAP Annual Congress 2006, Brock University, Jun. 2006;
- Decohering Primordial Perturbations, Theory Canada 2, Waterloo ON, Jun. 2006;
- How Likely Is Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence? Alumni Association, McMaster University, May 2006;
- Supersymmetric Large Extra Dimensions and the Cosmological Constant, Rice University, Houston TX, Apr. 2006;
- Strings and Branes: Quantum Gravity Meets Experiment? University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge AB, Apr. 2006;
- Decohering Primordial Perturbations, Cosmology, Strings and Black Holes, Copenhagen Denmark, Apr. 2006.
- Strings and Branes: Quantum Gravity Meets Experiment? University of Houston, Houston TX, Apr. 2006;
- String/Brane Cosmology, 40th Rencontres de Moriond - Cosmology, La Thuile Italy, Mar. 2006
- String Inflation, 3-hour lecture series presented to: International Graduate School on Cosmology, Universite de Paris XI/Bielefeld, Paris, France, March, 2006.
- How Likely Is Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence? Royal Astronomical Society of Canada meeting, Hamilton ON, Jan. 2006;
- String Theory: Quantum Mechanics and Gravity - The Start of a Beautiful Relationship? Astronomy Space and Exploration Society, University of Toronto, Jan. 2006;
- Strings and Branes: Quantum Gravity Meets Experiment? Universite du Quebec, Trois Rivieres QC, Jan. 2006;
- Surprisingly Dark Implications from a Very Supersymmetric Gravity Sector, Perimeter Institute Cosmology group meeting, (online), Mar 2022
- PIRSA:20020091, Effective Field Theory of Echoes, 2020-02-25, Echoes in Southern Ontario
- PIRSA:18030076, PSI 2017/2018 - Beyond Standard Model - Lecture 5, 2018-03-02, PSI 2017/2018 - Beyond Standard Model (Burgess)
- PIRSA:18030075, PSI 2017/2018 - Beyond Standard Model - Lecture 4, 2018-03-02, PSI 2017/2018 - Beyond Standard Model (Burgess)
- PIRSA:18020107, PSI 2017/2018 - Beyond Standard Model - Lecture 2, 2018-02-27, PSI 2017/2018 - Beyond Standard Model (Burgess)
- PIRSA:18020108, PSI 2017/2018 - Beyond Standard Model - lecture 3, 2018-02-27, PSI 2017/2018 - Beyond Standard Model (Burgess)
- PIRSA:18020106, PSI 2017/2018 - Beyond Standard Model - Lecture 1, 2018-02-16, PSI 2017/2018 - Beyond Standard Model (Burgess)
- The Power of Counting: the use of EFTs in Inflation, Cosmology Group meeting Perimeter Institute, Waterloo ON, Oct 2017
- PIRSA:17010063, Something New Under (and in) the Sun? Effective field theories for point sources and the Hydrogen atom, 2017-01-10, Particle Physics
- PIRSA:16040034, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Burgess - 15, 2016-04-29, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Cliff Burgess
- PIRSA:16040033, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Burgess - 14, 2016-04-28, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Cliff Burgess
- PIRSA:16040032, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Burgess - 13, 2016-04-27, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Cliff Burgess
- PIRSA:16040031, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Burgess - 12, 2016-04-26, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Cliff Burgess
- PIRSA:16040030, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Burgess - 11, 2016-04-25, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Cliff Burgess
- PIRSA:16040029, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Burgess - 10, 2016-04-22, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Cliff Burgess
- PIRSA:16040028, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Burgess - 9, 2016-04-21, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Cliff Burgess
- PIRSA:16040027, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Burgess - 8, 2016-04-20, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Cliff Burgess
- PIRSA:16040026, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Burgess - 7, 2016-04-19, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Cliff Burgess
- PIRSA:16040025, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Burgess - 6, 2016-04-18, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Cliff Burgess
- PIRSA:16040024, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Burgess - 5, 2016-04-15, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Cliff Burgess
- PIRSA:16040023, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Burgess - 4, 2016-04-14, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Cliff Burgess
- PIRSA:16040022, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Burgess - 3, 2016-04-13, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Cliff Burgess
- PIRSA:16040021, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Burgess - 2, 2016-04-12, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Cliff Burgess
- PIRSA:16040020, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Burgess - 1, 2016-04-11, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Particle Theory - Cliff Burgess
- The Future is Stochastic, Cosmology seminar February 2016
- LHC Run II: Which Way to Go? Einstein Plus 2015
- PIRSA:14070022, TBA, 2014-07-09, EinsteinPlus 2014
- PIRSA:14030080, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 20, 2014-03-28, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14030076, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 19, 2014-03-28, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14030075, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 17, 2014-03-14, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14030079, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 18, 2014-03-14, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14020091, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 15, 2014-03-07, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14020095, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 16, 2014-03-07, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14020094, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 14, 2014-02-28, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14020090, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 13, 2014-02-28, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14020089, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 11, 2014-02-14, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14020093, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 12, 2014-02-14, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14020092, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 10, 2014-02-07, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14020088, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 9, 2014-02-07, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14010090, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 7, 2014-01-31, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14010094, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 8, 2014-01-31, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14010093, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 6, 2014-01-24, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14010089, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 5, 2014-01-24, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14010088, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 3, 2014-01-17, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14010092, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 4, 2014-01-17, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14010087, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 1, 2014-01-10, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:14010091, Introduction to Effective Field Theories - Lecture 2, 2014-01-10, Introduction to Effective Field Theories
- PIRSA:13120059, Acceleration, Then and Now, 2013-12-03, Cosmology & Gravitation
- PIRSA:12070004, What is the Universe Made Of? The Case for Dark Matter and Dark Energy, 2012-07-13, ISSYP 2012
- PIRSA:12040124, OAPT - The Higgs @ the Large Hadron Collider, 2012-04-27, ISSYP 2012
- PIRSA:12040073, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 28, 2012-04-27, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12040072, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 27, 2012-04-20, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12040076, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 26, 2012-04-17, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12040074, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 23, 2012-04-03, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12030080, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 22, 2012-03-30, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12030084, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 21, 2012-03-27, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12030079, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 20, 2012-03-23, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12030083, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 19, 2012-03-20, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12030078, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 18, 2012-03-16, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12030082, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 17, 2012-03-13, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12030077, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 16, 2012-03-09, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12030081, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 15, 2012-03-06, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12030076, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 14, 2012-03-02, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12020124, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 13, 2012-02-28, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12020119, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 12, 2012-02-17, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12020122, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 11, 2012-02-14, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12020118, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 10, 2012-02-10, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12020121, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 9, 2012-02-07, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12020117, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 8, 2012-02-03, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12010163, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 7, 2012-01-31, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12010160, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 6, 2012-01-27, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12010162, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 5, 2012-01-24, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12010159, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 4, 2012-01-20, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12010161, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 3, 2012-01-17, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12010158, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 2, 2012-01-13, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12010139, Advanced Quantum Field Theory - Lecture 1, 2012-01-10, Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:12010130, Extra Dimensions, the Cosmological Constant Problem and the LHC, 2012-01-10, Particle Physics
- PIRSA:11100079, Researcher Presentation: Cliff Burgess, 2011-10-14, 11/12 PSI - Researcher Presentations
- PIRSA:11090101, Last Chance to Be Wrong About What Might Be Discovered at the LHC, 2011-09-21, Colloquium
- PIRSA:11090121, Research Presentation - Particle Physics, 2011-09-16, Particle Physics
- PIRSA:11070090, Large Volumes, Small Curvatures and Cosmology from Brane Back-Reaction, 2011-07-19, Cosmology & Gravitation
- PIRSA:11070030, The Large Hadron Collider: The Start of a New Era or the End of the World?, 2011-07-11, EinsteinPlus 2011
- PIRSA:10100063, Introductory Remarks by the Scientific Organizing Committee, 2010-10-27, IR issues and loops in de Sitter space
- PIRSA:10100095, LHC: Start of a new Era?, 2010-10-22, Particle Physics
- AdS/CFT and Quantum Hall Systems; string group meeting, Oct. 2010
- Anatomy of a Physics Paper
- LHC: Start of a new Era or the End of the World?, Einstein Plus
- PIRSA:10070032, LHC and Particle Physics, 2010-07-29, EinsteinPlus 2010
- LHC: Start of a new Era or the End of the World?, International Summer School for Young Physicists
- PIRSA:09120010, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 13B, 2009-12-16, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09120007, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 13A, 2009-12-16, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09120009, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 12B, 2009-12-09, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09120006, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 12, 2009-12-09, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09120005, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 11A, 2009-12-02, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09120008, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 11B, 2009-12-02, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09110014, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 10, 2009-11-25, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09110018, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 10B, 2009-11-25, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09110017, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 9B, 2009-11-18, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09110013, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 9A, 2009-11-18, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09110137, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 9C, 2009-11-18, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09110133, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 8C, 2009-11-11, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09110012, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 8A, 2009-11-11, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09110016, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 8B, 2009-11-11, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09110011, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 7A, 2009-11-04, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09110015, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 7B, 2009-11-04, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09100053, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 6A, 2009-10-28, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09100057, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 6B, 2009-10-28, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09100052, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 5A, 2009-10-21, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09100171, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 5B, 2009-10-21, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09100051, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 4A, 2009-10-14, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09100154, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 4B, 2009-10-14, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09100183, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 8C, 2009-10-11, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09100050, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 3A, 2009-10-07, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09100054, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 3B, 2009-10-07, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09090021, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 2B, 2009-09-23, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09090017, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 2A, 2009-09-23, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09090016, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 1A, 2009-09-16, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09090020, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 1B, 2009-09-16, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09090019, Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Lecture 1B, 2009-09-09, Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- PIRSA:09050068, The Cosmological Constant Problem and Extra Dimensions, 2009-05-25, New Prospects for Solving the Cosmological Constant Problem
- PIRSA:07040015, Course 17B, 2007-04-04, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:07040014, Course 17 A, 2007-04-04, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:07030046, Course 16B, 2007-03-28, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:07030045, Course 16A, 2007-03-28, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:07030037, Course 15 A, 2007-03-21, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:07030038, Course 15 B, 2007-03-21, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:07030018, Course 14A, 2007-03-07, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:07030019, Course 14B, 2007-03-07, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:07020030, Course 13 A, 2007-02-28, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:07020031, Course 13 B, 2007-02-28, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:07020026, Course 12 B, 2007-02-21, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:07020025, Course 12 A, 2007-02-21, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:07010040, Course 11 B, 2007-01-31, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:07010039, Course 11 A, 2007-01-31, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:07010037, Class 10B, 2007-01-24, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:07010036, Class 10A, 2007-01-24, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:07010016, Class 9A, 2007-01-10, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:07010017, Class 9B, 2007-01-10, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06120005, Class 9 A, 2006-12-13, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06120006, Class 9 B, 2006-12-13, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06120003, Class 8 A, 2006-12-06, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06120004, Class 8 B, 2006-12-06, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06110032, Class 7 B, 2006-11-29, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06110031, Class 7 A, 2006-11-29, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06110030, Class 6 B, 2006-11-22, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06110029, Class 6 A, 2006-11-22, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06110028, Class 5 B, 2006-11-15, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06110027, Class 5 A, 2006-11-15, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06110026, Class 4 B, 2006-11-08, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06110025, Class 4 A, 2006-11-08, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06110023, Class 3 A, 2006-11-01, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06110024, Class 3 B, 2006-11-01, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06100029, Class 2 A Part 2, 2006-10-11, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06100028, Class 2 B, 2006-10-11, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06100027, Class 2 A, 2006-10-11, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06100025, Class 1 A, 2006-10-04, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06100026, Class 1 B, 2006-10-04, Graduate Course on the Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:06070081, Keynote Presentation - Dark Matter and Dark Energy: What is the universe made of?, 2006-07-28,
- PIRSA:06070013, What is the universe made of? The case for dark energy and dark matter., 2006-07-07,
- PIRSA:06060060, What is the Universe Made Of?, 2006-06-28,
- PIRSA:06060041, Field Theory 1, 2006-06-10, Theory Canada 2
- PIRSA:05100057, Cosmology: Playground for Fundamental Physics - Panel Discussion, 2005-10-27, Cosmological Frontiers Conference
- PIRSA:05060057, Audience Night, 2005-06-01, Perimeter Institute Public Lecture Series
- PIRSA:04100010, Supersymmetric large extra dimensions and dark energy., 2004-10-07, String Seminars
- PIRSA:03040007, Are inflationary predictions sensitive to very high energy physics?, 2003-04-16, String Seminars
- PIRSA:02050001, Is Nothing Sacred? Bounding Preferred Frame Effects in the Brane-World, 2002-05-07, String Seminars