Dan Wohns

Research Interests
My research interests include early universe cosmology, quantum field theory, and gravitation.
Recent Publications
- S.-H. Henry Tye, Daniel Wohns. Resonant Tunneling in Superfluid Helium-3. Phys. Rev. B 84, 184518 (2011). arXiv: 1106.3075.
- Daniel Wohns, Jiajun Xu, S.-H. Henry Tye. A Brachistochrone Approach to Reconstruct the Inflaton Potential. JCAP04(2011)026. arXiv: 1012.2118.
- S.-H. Henry Tye, Daniel Wohns, Yang Zhang. Coleman-de Luccia Tunneling and the Gibbons-Hawking Temperature. Int.J.Mod.Phys.A25:1019-1060, 2010. arXiv: 0811.3753.
- Daniel Wohns. Hawking-Moss Tunneling with a Dirac-Born-Infeld Action. Phys.Rev.D78:107702, 2008. arXiv: 0802.0623.
- S.-H. Henry Tye, Daniel Wohns. Resonant Tunneling in Scalar Quantum Field Theory. arXiv: 0910.1088.
- PIRSA:14100045, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory I (A) - Lecture 14, 2014-10-24, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:14100044, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory I (A) - Lecture 13, 2014-10-23, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:14100043, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory I (A) - Lecture 12, 2014-10-22, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:14100042, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory I (A) - Lecture 11, 2014-10-21, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:14100041, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory I (A) - Lecture 10, 2014-10-20, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:14100038, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory I (A) - Lecture 9, 2014-10-17, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:14100037, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory I (A) - Lecture 8, 2014-10-16, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:14100036, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory I (A) - Lecture 7, 2014-10-15, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:14100035, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory I (A) - Lecture 6, 2014-10-14, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:14100031, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory I (A) - Lecture 5, 2014-10-10, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:14100030, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory I (A) - Lecture 4, 2014-10-09, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:14100029, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory I (A) - Lecture 3, 2014-10-08, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:14100028, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory I (A) - Lecture 2, 2014-10-07, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:14100027, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory I (A) - Lecture 1, 2014-10-06, 14/15 PSI - Quantum Field Theory
- PIRSA:14080023, 14/15 PSI - Special Functions 3, 2014-08-22, 14/15 PSI - Front End
- PIRSA:14080022, 14/15 PSI - Special Functions 3, 2014-08-21, 14/15 PSI - Front End
- PIRSA:14080021, 14/15 PSI - Special Functions 2, 2014-08-20, 14/15 PSI - Front End
- PIRSA:14080020, 14/15 PSI - Special Functions 1, 2014-08-19, 14/15 PSI - Front End
- PIRSA:13080021, Distributions & Special Functions - Lecture 4, 2013-08-26, 13/14 PSI - Front End
- PIRSA:13080018, Distributions & Special Functions - Lecture 3, 2013-08-23, 13/14 PSI - Front End
- PIRSA:13080017, Distributions & Special Functions - Lecture 2, 2013-08-22, 13/14 PSI - Front End
- PIRSA:13080016, Distributions & Special Functions - Lecture 1, 2013-08-21, 13/14 PSI - Front End
- PIRSA:12080023, Special Functions and Diff. Eqs. - Lecture 4, 2012-08-24, 12/13 PSI - Front End
- PIRSA:12080022, Special Functions and Diff. Eqs. - Lecture 3, 2012-08-23, 12/13 PSI - Front End
- PIRSA:12080021, Special Functions and Diff. Eqs. - Lecture 2, 2012-08-22, 12/13 PSI - Front End
- PIRSA:12080020, Special Functions and Diff. Eqs. - Lecture 1, 2012-08-21, 12/13 PSI - Front End
- PIRSA:11090062, Special Functions and Distributions - Lecture 4, 2011-09-09, 11/12 PSI - Orientation Weeks
- PIRSA:11090061, Special Functions and Distributions - Lecture 3, 2011-09-08, 11/12 PSI - Orientation Weeks
- PIRSA:11090060, Special Functions and Distributions - Lecture 2, 2011-09-07, 11/12 PSI - Orientation Weeks
- PIRSA:11090059, Special Functions and Distributions - Lecture 1, 2011-09-06, 11/12 PSI - Orientation Weeks
- PIRSA:11020127, Resonant Tunneling in Superfluid Helium-3, 2011-02-04, Cosmology Talks