Daniel Gottesman

Daniel Gottesman received his PhD in 1997 from Caltech, where he was a student of John Preskill. He then held postdoctoral positions at Los Alamos National Lab, Microsoft Research, and UC Berkeley (as a long-term CMI Prize Fellow for the Clay Mathematics Institute).
University of Waterloo (adjunct). At this time I am primarily considering PhD students who have completed Perimeter Institute's PSI program .
Research Interests
I currently work on quantum computation, particularly quantum error correction, fault-tolerant quantum computation, quantum cryptography, and quantum complexity. I am best known for developing the stabilizer code formalism for creating and describing a large class of quantum codes, and for work on performing quantum gates using quantum teleportation.
Positions Held
- 2017 - present Quantum Benchmark Inc Senior Scientist
- 2002 - present Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Faculty Member
- 2001 - 20002 Theory group, Computer Science Department, UC Berkeley Long-Term Clay Mathematics Institute Prize Fellow
- 1999 - 2000 Theory group, Microsoft Research Postdoctoral Researcher
- 1997 - 1999 T-6 and CIC-3 groups, Los Alamos National Laboratory Director-Funded Postdoctoral Fellow
- Elected Fellow of American Physical Society
- Promoted to CIFAR Fellow (now called Senior Fellow) in Quantum Information Processing program
- Named as CIFAR Scholar in Quantum Information Processing program
- Named to 2003 TR100: Top Young Innovators by MIT Technology Review
- Long-Term Clay Mathematics Institute Prize Fellowship
- National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
- Elected Junior Phi Beta Kappa at Harvard
- Member of 1988 U.S. Physics Olympiad Team
- National Merit Scholar
- Participant in 1987 U.S. Math Olympiad Program
- 17th Place in 1987 U.S. Mathematical Olympiad
Recent Publications
- Shawn X. Cui, Daniel Gottesman, Anirudh Krishna, Diagonal Gates in the Clifford Hierarchy, Phys. Rev. A 95, 012329 (2017), arXiv: 1608.06596
- Daniel Gottesman, Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation with Constant Overhead, Quant. Information and Computation 14, 1338-1371 (2014), arXiv: 1310.2984 [quant-ph].
- V. Veitch, S. A. Hamed Mousavian, D. Gottesman, J. Emerson, The Resource Theory of Stabilizer Computation, New J. Phys. 16, 013009 (2014), arXiv: 1307.7171 [quant-ph]
- Daniel Gottesman, Thomas Jennewein, Sarah Croke, Longer-Baseline Telescopes Using Quantum Repeaters, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 070503 (2012) (5 pages), arxiv:quant-ph/1107.2939
- Daniel Gottesman, Spin Systems and Computational Complexity, Physics in Canada, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 87-89, 2010, arXiv: 0911.5596
- R. Blume-Kohout, S. Croke, D. Gottesman, Streaming universal distortion-free entanglement concentration, IEEE Trans. Info. Theory 60, 1-17 (2014), arXiv: 0910.5952 [quant-ph]
- D. Gottesman, S. Irani, The Quantum and Classical Complexity of Translationally Invariant Tiling and Hamiltonian Problems, Proc. 50th Annual Symp. on Foundations of Computer Science, 95-104 (2009), arXiv: 0905.2419 [quant-ph].
- Daniel Gottesman, M. B. Hastings, Entanglement vs. gap for one-dimensional spin systems, New J. Phys. 12, 025002 (2010)., arXiv: 0901.1108
- R. Cleve, D. Gottesman, M. Mosca, R.D. Somma, D.L. Yonge-Mallo, Efficient discrete-time simulations of continuous-time quantum query algorithms, Proc. 41st Ann. Symp. on Theory of Computing, 409-416 (2009), arXiv: 0811.4428 [quant-ph]
- Michael Ben-Or, Claude Crepeau, Daniel Gottesman, Avinatan Hassidim, Adam Smith, Secure Multiparty Quantum Computation with (Only) a Strict Honest Majority, Proc. 47th Annual IEEE Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS '06), pp. 249-260. IEEE Press, 2006, arXiv: 0801.1544
- D. Aharonov, D. Gottesman, S. Irani, J. Kempe, The power of quantum systems on a line, Proc. 48th IEEE Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 373-383 (2007), full version Comm. Math. Physics 287, No. 1, 41-65 (2009), arXiv: 0705.4077 [quant-ph]
- P. Aliferis, D. Gottesman, J. Preskill, Accuracy threshold for postselected quantum computation, Quantum Information and Computation 8, No. 3, 181-244 (2008), quant-ph/0703264
- D. Gottesman, Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation, Physics in Canada 63, No. 4, (Oct.-Dec. 2007), quant-ph/0701112
- C. Cormick, E. F. Galvao, D. Gottesman, J. P. Paz, and A. O. Pittenger, Classicality in discrete Wigner functions, Phys. Rev. A 73, 012301 (2006) (9 pages), quant-ph/0506222
- P. Aliferis, D. Gottesman, and J. Preskill, Quantum accuracy threshold for concatenated distance-3 codes, Quant. Information and Computation 6, No. 2, 97-165 (2006), quant-ph/0504218
- S. Bravyi, D. Fattal, and D. Gottesman, GHZ extraction yield for multipartite stabilizer states, J. Math. Phys. 47, 062106 (2006) (19 pages), quant-ph/0504208.
- Daniel Gottesman, Maximally sensitive sets of states, arXiv: 1907.05950 [quant-ph]
- Daniel Gottesman, Fault Tolerance in Small Experiments, arXiv: 1610.03507 [quant-ph]
- Daniel Gottesman, Lucy Liuxuan Zhang, Fibre bundle framework for unitary quantum fault tolerance, arXiv: 1309.7062 [quant-ph]
- M. Ben-Or, D. Gottesman, A. Hassidim, Quantum Refrigerator, arXiv: 1301.1995 [quant-ph]
- D. Gottesman, An Introduction to Quantum Error Correction and Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation, in Quantum Information Science and Its Contributions to Mathematics, ed. S. Lomonaco, Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, vol. 68, pp. 13-58 (Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2010), arXiv: 0904.2557 [quantph]
- Invited speaker at Harvard Mathematical Picture Language seminar (online)
- Invited seminar at Xanadu (Toronto, Ontario)
- Invited talk at University of Maryland CS dept. (College Park, Maryland)
- Physics Colloquium at UT Austin (Austin, Texas)
- Maximally sensitive sets of states, Talk at CIFAR QIS meeting (Montreal, Quebec)
- Maximally sensitive sets of states, Seminar at IBM Watson Lab (Yorktown Heights, New York)
- Stabilizer codes for prime power qudits, Seminar at University College London (London, UK)
- Quantum Error Correction and Fault Tolerance, 4 1.5 hr lectures at Boulder Summer School on Quantum Information (Boulder, Colorado)
- Rigorous approach to general fault tolerance, Talk at Preskill group meeting (Pasadena, California)
- Fault-tolerant quantum computation, KITP blackboard lunch talk (Santa Barbara, California)
- Fault tolerance in small experiments, Invited talk at KITP conference on Frontiers of Quantum Information (Santa Barbara, California)
- The Definition(s) of Fault Tolerance, Invited talk at QEC 2017 (College Park, Maryland)
- Fault tolerance in small experiments, Seminar at Free University of Berlin (Berlin, Germany)
- Fault-tolerant quantum computation, Invited talk at 2nd Indo-Canadian Research Colloquium UW-DEI (Waterloo, Ontario)
- Fault-tolerant quantum computation in the 21st century, Brandeis physics colloquium (Waltham, Massachusetts)
- Fault tolerance in small experiments, MIT seminar (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
- Fault tolerance in small experiments, Invited talk at APS March Meeting (Baltimore, Maryland)
- Stabilizer codes with prime power qudits, Invited talk at QuICS workshop (College Park, Maryland)
- Stabilizer codes with prime power qudits, Invited talk at Caltech IQIM seminar (Pasadena, California)
- The Next Quantum Leap: Here, There, and Everywhere, Panelist at the World Science Festival (New York, New York)
- Quantum error correction, Invited talk at Simons Institute Hamiltonian Complexity reunion workshop (Berkeley, California)
- Fault-tolerant quantum computation with constant overhead, Invited talk at SQuInT Workshop (Berkeley, California)
- Fault Tolerance in Small Experiments, Invited talk at Quantum Noise and Model Reduction Workshop (Laurel, Maryland)
- Stabilizer Codes for Prime Power Qudits, Keynote talk at QEC 2014, (Zurich, Switzerland)
- Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation, Tutorial talk at AQIS 2014 (Kyoto, Japan)
- Quantum error correction and fault tolerance, invited talk at Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information (Guelph, Ontario)
- Fault-tolerant quantum computation with constant overhead, Q+ Seminar (Internet)
- Spin glasses and computational complexity, Physics colloquium at University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
- Fault-tolerant quantum computation with constant overhead, Invited talk at QuICS workshop, (College Park, Maryland)
- Transversal gates are topological, Seminar at Simons Institute Many Body Physics and Quantum Information Journal Club (Berkeley, California)
- What is the overhead required for fault-tolerant quantum computation?, Invited talk at APS March Meeting (Denver, Colorado)
- Improving Telescopes With Quantum Repeaters, Quantum information seminar at Stanford (Palo Alto, California)
- What is the overhead required for fault-tolerant quantum computation?, Plenary talk at QIP 2014 (Barcelona, Spain)
- The resource theory of magic states, Talk at Newton Institute Mathematics of Quantum Information program (Cambridge, UK)
- Spin Glasses and Computational Complexity, Invited talk at Qstart conference (Jerusalem, Israel)
- Quantum Error Correction and Fault Tolerance, 3 1.25-hr. invited talks at 13th Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information (Calgary, Alberta)
- Spin Glasses and Computational Complexity, Talk at Wilfred Laurier CSASM seminar series (Waterloo, Ontario)
- PIRSA:19110138, Stabilizer codes for prime power qudits, 2019-11-28, Symmetry, Phases of Matter, and Resources in Quantum Computing
- PIRSA:19060030, Maximally sensitive sets of states, 2019-06-13, Many-Body States and Dynamics Workshop II
- PIRSA:19030052, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 15, 2019-03-22, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:19030051, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 14, 2019-03-21, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:19030050, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 13, 2019-03-20, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:19030049, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 12, 2019-03-19, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:19030048, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 11, 2019-03-18, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:19030047, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 10, 2019-03-15, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:19030046, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 9, 2019-03-14, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:19030045, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 8, 2019-03-13, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:19030044, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 7, 2019-03-12, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:19030043, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 6, 2019-03-11, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:19030042, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 5, 2019-03-08, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:19030041, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 4, 2019-03-07, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:19030040, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 3, 2019-03-06, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:19030039, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 2, 2019-03-05, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:19030038, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 1, 2019-03-04, PSI 2018/2019 - Quantum Information Review (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:18030013, IQC - Quantum Error Correction - Lecture 12, 2018-03-29, IQC - Quantum Error Correction (Gottesman and Yoshida)
- PIRSA:18030012, IQC - Quantum Error Correction - Lecture 11, 2018-03-22, IQC - Quantum Error Correction (Gottesman and Yoshida)
- PIRSA:18030011, IQC - Quantum Error Correction - Lecture 10, 2018-03-15, IQC - Quantum Error Correction (Gottesman and Yoshida)
- PIRSA:18030027, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information - Lecture 14, 2018-03-09, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:18030010, IQC - Quantum Error Correction - Lecture 9, 2018-03-08, IQC - Quantum Error Correction (Gottesman and Yoshida)
- PIRSA:18030026, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information - Lecture 13, 2018-03-08, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:18030025, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information - Lecture 12, 2018-03-07, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:18030024, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information - Lecture 11, 2018-03-06, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:18030023, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information - Lecture 10, 2018-03-05, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:18030022, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information - Lecture 9, 2018-03-02, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:18030009, IQC - Quantum Error Correction - Lecture 8, 2018-03-01, IQC - Quantum Error Correction (Gottesman and Yoshida)
- PIRSA:18030021, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information - Lecture 8, 2018-03-01, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:18020050, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information - Lecture 7, 2018-02-28, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:18020049, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information - Lecture 6, 2018-02-27, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:18020048, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information - Lecture 5, 2018-02-26, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:18020047, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information - Lecture 4, 2018-02-23, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:18020046, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information - Lecture 3, 2018-02-22, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:18020045, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information - Lecture 2, 2018-02-21, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:18020044, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information - Lecture 1, 2018-02-20, PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Information (Gottesman)
- PIRSA:18020011, IQC - Quantum Error Correction - Lecture 7, 2018-02-15, IQC - Quantum Error Correction (Gottesman and Yoshida)
- PIRSA:18020010, IQC - Quantum Error Correction - Lecture 6, 2018-02-08, IQC - Quantum Error Correction (Gottesman and Yoshida)
- PIRSA:18020009, IQC - Quantum Error Correction - Lecture 5, 2018-02-01, IQC - Quantum Error Correction (Gottesman and Yoshida)
- PIRSA:18010050, IQC - Quantum Error Correction - Lecture 4, 2018-01-25, IQC - Quantum Error Correction (Gottesman and Yoshida)
- PIRSA:18010049, IQC - Quantum Error Correction - Lecture 3, 2018-01-18, IQC - Quantum Error Correction (Gottesman and Yoshida)
- PIRSA:18010048, IQC - Quantum Error Correction - Lecture 2, 2018-01-11, IQC - Quantum Error Correction (Gottesman and Yoshida)
- PIRSA:18010047, IQC - Quantum Error Correction - Lecture 1, 2018-01-04, IQC - Quantum Error Correction (Gottesman and Yoshida)
- PIRSA:17020117, PSI 2016/2017 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 6, 2017-02-28, PSI 2016/2017 - Quantum Information (Multiple Lecturers)
- PIRSA:17020116, PSI 2016/2017 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 5, 2017-02-27, PSI 2016/2017 - Quantum Information (Multiple Lecturers)
- PIRSA:16100048, Fault-tolerant quantum computation in the 21st century, 2016-10-12, Colloquium
- PIRSA:16070029, Quantum Error Correction - 2, 2016-07-22, It from Qubit Summer School
- PIRSA:16070018, Quantum Error Correction - 1, 2016-07-20, It from Qubit Summer School
- PIRSA:14070004, Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation with Constant Overhead, 2014-07-14, International Workshop on Quantum LDPC Codes
- PIRSA:12030001, Quantum Information (Review) - Lecture 14 , 2012-03-02, 11/12 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:12030000, Quantum Information (Review) - Lecture 13 , 2012-03-01, 11/12 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:12020046, Quantum Information (Review) - Lecture 12 , 2012-02-29, 11/12 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:12020045, Quantum Information (Review) - Lecture 11, 2012-02-28, 11/12 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:12020044, Quantum Information (Review) - Lecture 10, 2012-02-27, 11/12 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:12020041, Quantum Information (Review) - Lecture 9, 2012-02-24, 11/12 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:12020040, Quantum Information (Review) - Lecture 8, 2012-02-23, 11/12 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:12020039, Quantum Information (Review) - Lecture 7, 2012-02-22, 11/12 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:12020038, Quantum Information (Review) - Lecture 6, 2012-02-21, 11/12 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:12020034, Quantum Information (Review) - Lecture 5, 2012-02-17, 11/12 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:12020033, Quantum Information (Review) - Lecture 4, 2012-02-16, 11/12 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:12020032, Quantum Information (Review) - Lecture 3, 2012-02-15, 11/12 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:12020031, Quantum Information (Review) - Lecture 2, 2012-02-14, 11/12 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:12020030, Quantum Information (Review) - Lecture 1 , 2012-02-13, 11/12 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:11090117, Research Presentation - Quantum Information, 2011-09-15, Quantum Information
- PIRSA:11030003, Quantum Information Review - Lecture 14, 2011-03-04, 10/11 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:11030002, Quantum Information Review - Lecture 13, 2011-03-02, 10/11 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:11030000, Quantum Information Review - Lecture 11, 2011-03-01, 10/11 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:11030001, Quantum Information Review - Lecture 12, 2011-03-01, 10/11 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:11020047, Quantum Information Review - Lecture 10, 2011-02-28, 10/11 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:11020044, Quantum Information Review - Lecture 9, 2011-02-25, 10/11 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:11020043, Quantum Information Review - Lecture 8, 2011-02-24, 10/11 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:11020042, Quantum Information Review - Lecture 7, 2011-02-23, 10/11 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:11020041, Quantum Information Review - Lecture 6, 2011-02-22, 10/11 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:11020037, Quantum Information Review - Lecture 5, 2011-02-18, 10/11 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:11020036, Quantum Information Review - Lecture 4, 2011-02-17, 10/11 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:11020035, Quantum Information Review - Lecture 3, 2011-02-16, 10/11 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:11020034, Quantum Information Review - Lecture 2, 2011-02-15, 10/11 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:11020033, Quantum Information Review - Lecture 1, 2011-02-14, 10/11 PSI - Quantum Information (Review)
- PIRSA:10100053, Spin Glasses and Computational Complexity, 2010-10-20, Colloquium
- PIRSA:09100032, Harnessing Quantum Physics, 2009-10-18, Quantum to Cosmos Festival - Tickets Available starting TUE. Sep 8, 2009
- PIRSA:09080056, Quantum Cryptography, 2009-08-20, ISSYP 2009
- PIRSA:08080052, Identifying Stabilizer States , 2008-08-29, Quantum Estimation: Theory and Practice
- PIRSA:08070024, Quantum Mechanics for 10-Year Olds, 2008-07-07, EinsteinPlus 2008
- PIRSA:07040020, Quantum Cryptography: A Tale of Secrets Hidden and Revealed Through the Laws of Physics, 2007-04-04, Perimeter Institute Public Lecture Series