Latham Boyle

If you are interested in pursuing a MSc degree, please apply to the Perimeter Scholars International (PSI) masters program.
Research Interests
I am interested in a variety of different topics including cosmology, particle physics, gravitational waves, black holes, and mathematical physics.
Several topics particularly close to my heart have formed a running theme in my research in recent years:
1) The early universe was remarkably simple and symmetrical. What is the correct explanation? In 2018, my collaborators and I proposed a new cosmological model, the "CPT-Symmetric Universe," in which the universe before the bang is the CPT mirror image of the universe after the bang. In a series of papers (,,,,,, we have argued that this idea -- essentially that the Big Bang is a kind of mirror -- makes a number of observable predictions, and provides elegant new explanations for many of the observed properties of our universe. These explanations are rigid and inflexible (bad qualities for humans, but good qualities for scientific theories!).
For an introduction, see our original paper "CPT-Symmetric Universe" in Physical Review Letters (, and our recent pre-print "Thermodynamic solution of the homogeneity, isotropy and flatness puzzles (and a clue to the cosmological constant)" ( For popular introductions to these results, see and .
2) I would like to understand where the unexplained structures and patterns in the standard model of particle physics come from. See my paper on "The Standard Model, the Exceptional Jordan Algebra, and Triality" (, the talks from the recent conference I organized on "Octonions and the Standard Model" (, or this recent New Scientist article for a popular introduction: .
3) I am fascinated by self-similar quasiperiodic tilings -- like Penrose tiling (and its less-well-known decoration by "Ammann lines") -- both because of their mathematical beauty, and because of their connections to physics, e.g. as a new tool for discretizing scale-invariant physical systems: see our paper "Conformal Quasicrystals and Holography" in Physical Review X ( To find and better understand all analogous patterns (in two dimensions or higher), I have developed a perspective in which these patterns originate from special pairs of reflection groups (which I call "Coxeter pairs"). An initial version of this story is described in my paper "Coxeter Pairs, Ammann Patterns and Penrose-like Tilings" (, which also includes many figures displaying all of the 2D patterns and tilings), and a more complete version will be described in a forthcoming paper.
Positions Held
- 2011/01-present, University of Waterloo, Adjunct Faculty
- 2010/01-present, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Junior Faculty
- 2006/09-2009/12, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Postdoctoral Fellow
- 2001/09-2006/06, PhD student, Princeton University, Physics Department
- The article "CPT-Symmetric Universe" by Latham Boyle, Kieran Finn and Neil Turok (Phys.Rev.Lett.121:251301, 2018 []) was selected by Physical Review Letters as an "Editor's Suggestion," and was the subject of a Synopsis ("Universe Preceded by an Antiuniverse?") in APS Physics (
- The article "Symmetric Satellite Swarms and Choreographic Crystals" by Latham Boyle, Jun Yong Khoo and Kendrick Smith (Phys.Rev.Lett.116:015503, 2016 []) was selected by Physical Review Letters as an "Editor's Suggestion," and as the subject of a "Focus" article ("New Crystal Type is Always in Motion" by Philip Ball) in APS Physics (
- The article "Quantifying the BICEP2-Planck Tension over Gravitational Waves" by Kendrick M. Smith, Cora Dvorkin, Latham Boyle, Neil Turok, Mark Halpern, Gary Hinshaw and Ben Gold (Phys.Rev.Lett.113:031301, 2014 []) was selected as an "Editor's Suggestion" by Physical Review Letters.
- NSERC Discovery Grant and Early Career Researchers Supplement
- The article "Proving Inflation: A Bootstrap Approach" by Latham Boyle and Paul Steinhardt (Phys.Rev.Lett.105:241301, 2010 []) was selected by Physical Review as the subject of a Viewpoint article ("Can we test the inflationary expansion of the universe?" by Arthur Kosowsky) in APS Physics (
- CIFAR Junior Fellowship, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
Recent Publications
- "Thermodynamic solution of the homogeneity, isotropy and flatness puzzles (and a clue to the cosmological constant)," Latham Boyle and Neil Turok, arXiv: 2210.01142 [].
- "Coxeter Pairs, Ammann Patterns and Penrose-like Tilings," Latham Boyle and Paul J. Steinhardt, Physical Review B 106, 144113 (2022) [].
- "Self-Similar One-Dimensional Quasilattices," Latham Boyle and Paul J. Steinhardt, Physical Revew B 106, 144112 (2022) [].
- "The Big Bang as a Mirror: A Solution of the Strong CP Problem," Latham Boyle, Martin Teuscher and Neil Turok, arXiv: 2208.10396 [].
- "The Big Bang, CPT, and neutrino dark matter," Latham Boyle, Kieran Finn and Neil Turok, Annals of Physics 438, 168767 (2022) [].
- "Gravitational entropy and the flatness, homogeneity and isotropy puzzles," Neil Turok and Latham Boyle, arXiv: 2201.07279 [].
- "Cancelling the vacuum energy and Weyl anomaly in the standard model with dimension-zero scalar fields" Latham Boyle and Neil Turok, arXiv: 2110.06258 [].
- "Two-Sheeted Universe, Analyticity and the Arrow of Time," Latham Boyle and Neil Turok, arXiv: 2109.06204 [].
- "The Standard Model, The Exceptional Jordan Algebra, and Triality," Latham Boyle, arXiv: 2006.16265 [].
- "The standard model, the Pati-Salam model, and 'Jordan geometry'," Latham Boyle and Shane Farnsworth, New Journal of Physics 22, 073023 (2020) [].
- "Conformal Quasicrystals and Holography," Latham Boyle, Ben Dickens and Felix Flicker, Physical Review X 10, 011009 (2020) [].
- "CPT-Symmetric Universe," Latham Boyle, Kieran Finn and Neil Turok, Physical Review Letters 121, 251301 (2018) [].
- "An new algebraic structure in the standard model of particle physics," Latham Boyle and Shane Farnsworth, JHEP 1806, 071 (2018) [].
- "Reflection Quasilattices and the Maximal Quasilattice," Latham Boyle and Paul J. Steinhardt, Physical Review B 94, 064107 (2016) [].
- "Symmetric Satellite Swarms and Choreographic Crystals," Latham Boyle, Jun Yong Khoo and Kendrick Smith, Physical Review Letters 116, 015503 (2016) [].
- "Testing and extending the inflationary consistency relation for tensor modes," Latham Boyle, Kendrick M. Smith, Cora Dvorkin and Neil Turok, Physical Review D 92, 043504 (2015) [].
- "Non-Associative Geometry and the Spectral Action Principle," Shane Farnsworth and Latham Boyle, JHEP 1507, 023 (2015) [].
- "Rethinking Connes' approach to the standard model of particle physics via non-commutative geometry," Shane Farnsworth and Latham Boyle, New J. Phys. 17, 023021 (2015) [].
- "Non-Commutative Geometry, Non-Associative Geometry and the Standard Model of Particle Physics," Latham Boyle and Shane Farnsworth, New J. Phys. 16, 123027 (2014) [].
- "Quantifying the BICEP2/Planck tension over gravitational waves," (a.k.a. "On quantifying and resolving the BICEP2/Planck tension over gravitational waves") Kendrick M. Smith, Cora Dvorkin, Latham Boyle, Neil Turok, Mark Halpern, Gary Hinshaw and Ben Gold, Physical Review Letters 113, 031301 (2014) [ 1404.0373].
- "Pulsar timing arrays as imaging gravitational wave telescopes: angular resolution and source (de)confusion," Latham Boyle and Ue-Li Pen, Physical Review D 86, 124028 (2012) [].
- "Testing Inflation: A Bootstrap Approach," Latham Boyle and Paul J. Steinhardt, Physical Review Letters 105, 241301 (2010) [ 0810.2787].
- "Relating gravitational wave constraints from primordial nucleosynthesis, pulsar timing, laser interferometers, and the CMB: implications for the early universe," Latham A. Boyle and Alessandra Buonanno, Physical Review D 78, 043531 (2008) [ 0708.2279].
- "The spin expansion for binary black hole merger: new predictions and future directions," Latham Boyle and Michael Kesden, Physical Review D 78, 024017 (2008) [ 0712.2819].
- "Binary black hole merger: symmetry and the spin expansion," Latham Boyle, Michael Kesden and Samaya Nissanke, Physical Review Letters 100, 151101 (2008) [ 0709.0299].
- "Probing the early universe with inflationary gravitational waves," Latham A. Boyle and Paul J. Steinhardt, Physical Review D 77, 063504 (2008) [].
- "Inflationary predictions for scalar and tensor fluctuations reconsidered," Latham Boyle, Paul Steinhardt and Neil Turok, Physical Review Letters 96, 111301 (2006) [].
- "Coxeter Pairs, Ammann Patterns and Penrose-like Tilings," Latham Boyle and Paul J. Steinhardt, arXiv: 1608.08215 [].
- "Self-Similar One-Dimensional Quasilattices," Latham Boyle and Paul J. Steinhardt, arXiv: 1608.08220 [].
- "An new algebraic structure in the standard model of particle physics," Latham Boyle and Shane Farnsworth, arXiv: 1604.00847 [].
- "The Minimal Dimensionless Standard Model (MDSM) and its Cosmology," Latham Boyle, Shane Farnsworth, Joseph Fitzgerald and Maitagorri Schade, arXiv: 1111.0273 [].
- "Light Loop Echoes and Blinking Black Holes," Latham Boyle and Matthew Russo, arXiv: 1110.2789 [].
- "The general theory of porcupines, perfect and imperfect," Latham Boyle, arXiv: 1008.4997 [].
- "Perfect porcupines: ideal networks for low frequency gravitational wave astronomy," Latham Boyle, arXiv: 1003.4946 [].
- "The Penrose tiling, self-similar quasicrystals, and fundamental physics," Joint Math/Physics Colloquium, University of Alberta.
- "A new picture of the cosmos: A two-sheeted, CPT-symmetric universe," CWRU Particle Physics/Astrophysics Seminar
- "The Penrose tiling, self-similar quasicrystals, and fundamental physics," Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences (Program on Nonsmooth Riemannian and Lorentzian Geometry).
- "Cancelling the vacuum energy and Weyl anomaly in the standard model (Why are there three generations?)," Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics Seminar, Harvard University (virtual).
- "The two-sheeted, CPT-symmetric universe," Beyond the Standard Model Physics Seminar, CERN (virtual).
- "The two-sheeted, CPT-symmetric universe," Cosmology Seminar, Sharif University (virtual).
- "A new picture of the cosmos: A two-sheeted, CPT-symmetric universe," at the conference Quantum Gravity, Cosmology and Black Holes (Portugal, virtual).
- "The Penrose tiling, self-similar quasicrystals, and fundamental physics," University of Edinburgh, Special Seminar.
- "A new picture of the cosmos: A two-sheeted, CPT-symmetric universe," University of Edinburgh Physics, Special Seminar.
- "The two-sheeted, CPT-symmetric universe," 1st International Conference of Holography and its Applications (virtual).
- "A new picture of the cosmos: A two-sheeted, CPT-symmetric universe," University of British Columbia Physics Colloquium (virtual).
- "The Two-Sheeted Universe," Albert Einstein Institute, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, joint Cosmology/Quantum Gravity Seminar (virtual).
- "The Two-Sheeted Universe," Tokyo Institute of Technology, Cosmology Seminar (virtual)
- "The two-sheeted universe, CPT, analyticity and the arrow of time," Gravitex 2021 Research Conference, Durban, South Africa (virtual).
- "Simplicity of the Early Universe," Gravitex 2021 Winter School, Durban, South Africa (cancelled due to covid-19).
- "The standard model, left/right symmetry, and the magic square," High Energy Theory Seminar (virtual), Humboldt University of Berlin.
- "The standard model, left/right symmetry, and the magic square," Mathematics Days in Sofia Conference (cancelled due to covid-19)
- "The Standard Model, Left-Right Symmetry and the Exceptional Jordan Algebra," CMS 2021 Summer Meeting, Special Session on Noncommutative Geometry and Mathematical Physics (virtual)
- "The standard model, left/right symmetry, and the magic square," Octonions and the Standard Model Workshop (virtual)
- "Fast Radio Bursts for Fundamental Physics (Discussion Session)," Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics Conference (virtual)
- "Symmetries in Fundamental Physics" (Lecture 2: "Proposed Unification Schemes: SU(5), SO(10) and beyond"), International Workshop on the Application of Group Theory in Physics (virtual).
- "Symmetries in Fundamental Physics" (Lecture 3: "The exceptional Jordan algebra, the exceptional Lie groups, and the magic square"), International Workshop on the Application of Group Theory in Physics (virtual).
- "Symmetries in Fundamental Physics" (Lecture 1: "The Structure of the Standard Model of Particle Physics"), International Workshop on the Application of Group Theory in Physics (virtual).
- "Where do the patterns in the standard model come from?" Seminar, University of Waterloo (virtual)
- "Where do the patterns in the standard model come from?" ISSYP 2020 Keynote (virtual)
- "CPT-Symmetric Universe," Colloquium at the APC (Astroparticle and Cosmology Laboratory), Paris, France (virtual)
- "A Two-Sheeted Universe," Joint Centre-for-the-Universe/Waterloo-Centre-for-Astrophysics Day
- "Compatible Comma-Free Codes and the Origin of the Genetic Code," Joint Centre-for-the-Universe/Waterloo-Centre-for-Astrophysics Day
- "The standard model of particle physics: from noncommutative geometry or Jordan geometry?" American Mathematical Society Joint Mathematics Meeting, Special Session on "Quantum Theory of Matter meets Noncommutative Geometry and Topology," Denver, Colorado
- "The standard model, the Pati-Salam Model, and 'Jordan Geometry'," Seminar, University of Warsaw.
- "Jordan Algebras and the Internal Structure of Spacetime," American Mathematical Society Meeting, Special Session on "Algebras, Anaysis and Physics," Gainesville, Florida
- "Jordan Algebras and the Internal Structure of Spacetime," Noncommutative Geometry and the Standard Model Conference, Krakow, Poland
- "Classical/Quantum Boundary Conditions at the Beginning/End of Time," Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics Workshop: "Quantum Vacuum: Renormalization Group and Anomalies in Cosmology"
- "CPT-Symmetric Universe," Simplicity III, Perimeter Institute
- "Twisted Bilayer Graphene: A Noncommutative Geometry Perspective," Noncommutative Geometry and Physics Mini-Workshop, Perimeter Institute
- "Penrose tilings and physics: new connections and open problems," Future of Science Conference, Kigali, Rwanda
- "CPT-Symmetric Universe and Neutrino Dark Matter" (joint with Neil Turok), PASCOS 2019, Manchester, UK
- "CPT-Symmetric Universe and the Arrow of Time" (joint with Neil Turok), PASCOS 2019, Manchester, UK
- "CPT-Symmetric Universe," Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics Seminar
- "CPT-Symmetric Universe," Keynote Address, York University PAGE Conference
- "CPT-Symmetric Universe," Joint Gravity/Particle Theory Seminar, University of Maryland, Center for Fundamental Physics
- "CPT Symmetric Universe," Cosmology Seminar, Arizona State University
- "The exceptional Jordan algebra and the standard model of particle physics," (Satyendra Nath Bose 125th Birthday conference) International Conference on Noncommutative Geometry: Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Spacetime and Matter, Kolkata, India
- "CPT Symmetric Universe," ISSYP 2018 Keynote
- "Conformal Quasicrystals and Holography," 2018 Atlantic General Relativity Conference, Nova Scotia
- "CPT symmetric universe," 2018 Atlantic General Relativity Conference, Nova Scotia
- "The Big Bang, CPT, and neutrino dark matter," Virtual Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics seminar, Paris, APC.
- "The Big Bang, CPT and Neutrino Dark Matter," PI - NRC Meeting
- "CPT Symmetric Universe," Cosmology Seminar, Perimeter Institute
- "Neutrinos, Dark Matter and CPT," CITA Cosmology Seminar
- "The standard model of particle physics from non-commutative geometry: a physicist's perspective," 2017 CMS Winter Meeting, Waterloo
- "CPT invariance in cosmology: predictions for dark matter and the matter/anti-matter asymmetry", Path Integral for Gravity Workshop, Perimeter Institute
- "A four satellite gravitational wave telescope?" Lights, Sound, Action in Strong Field Gravity Workshop, Perimeter Institute
- "Choreographic Crystals," DyProSo 2017 (Conference on Dynamical Properties of Solids), Warsaw, Poland.
- "What is the standard model of particle physics trying to tell us?", ICNFP 2017 (6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, 2017), Crete.
- "Dark Matter, CPT and the Big Bang," Perimeter Institute, Bounce Scenarios in Cosmology Workshop.
- "Penrose tilings, Ammann patterns and physics," Theory Canada 12, Toronto.
- "What is the standard model of particle physics trying to tell us about spacetime?", Quantum Spacetime 2017, Porto, Portugal.
- "Reinterpreting the structure of the Standard Model," 6th Bangkok Workshop on High Energy Theory, Bangkok, Thailand.
- "What is the standard model of particle physics trying to tell us?", High Energy Physics Seminar, SISSA, Trieste, Italy.
- "Penrose-like tilings, Ammann patterns and physics", INFN Napoli (Naples, Italy).
- "What is the standard model of particle physics trying to tell us?", Perimeter Institute Colloquium.
- "A New Algebraic Structure in the Standard Model of Particle Physics," Simplicity II Workshop, Fermilab
- "Choreographic Crystals and Quasilattices", Symposium lecture, Encontro de Fisica 2016 Conference (Natal, Brazil)
- "Coxeter pairs, Ammann patterns and Penrose-like tilings," 13th International Conference on Quasicrystals (Kathmandu, Nepal)
- "The Standard Model as a Differential Graded Super-Algebra," Gauge Theory and Noncommutative Geometry Conference (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
- "The Standard Model of Particle Physics via Non-Commutative Geometry," Case Western Reserve University Physics Dept Seminar
- "The standard model of particle physics as a non-commutative differential graded algebra," Perimeter Institute, Noncommutative Geometry and Physics Workshop.
- "1D Quasicrystals, Random Matrices and the Modular Group," Aperiodic 2015 Conference (Prague, the Czech Republic)
- "The Standard Model of Particle Physics from Non-Commutative Geometry: Some Thoughts," Mathematical Physics Seminar, Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Radbound University (Nijmegen, the Netherlands).
- "Tiling the Universe," ICPS 2015 (International Conference of Physics Students, Zagreb, Croatia)
- "The Standard Model of Particle Physics from Non-Commutative Geometry: A New Perspective," Mathematical Physics Seminar, SISSA (Trieste, Italy)
- "The Standard Model of Particle Physics from Non-Commutative Geometry: A New Perspective," Super Kamkionkowski Fest (Johns Hopkins University)
- "Tilings and Physics," Workshop on Spectral Theory of Aperiodic Systems (Heinrich Fabri Institute, Blaubeuren, Germany)
- "The Standard Model of Particle Physics from Non-Commutative Geometry: A New Perspective," UWO/Fields Institute Non-Commutative Geometry Workshop
- "Rethinking Connes" Approach to the Standard Model of Particle Physics via Noncommutative Geometry," First Erlangen Workshop on Cosmology and Quantum Gravity (Erlangen, Germany)
- "Non-Commutative Geometry, Non-Associative Geometry and the Standard Model of Particle Physics," Conceptual and Technical Challenges for Quantum Gravity 2014 Conference, Rome
- "Non-Commutative Geometry, Non-Associative Geometry and the Standard Model of Particle Physics," Quantum Physics and Non-Commutative Geometry Workshop, Hausdorff Institute for Mathematics, Bonn
- "On Testing and Extending the Inflationary Consistency Relation for Tensor Modes," COSMO 2014 Conference, Chicago
- "Non-Commutative Geometry, Non-Associative Geometry and the Standard Model of Particle Physics," Theory Canada 9, Waterloo
- "Non-Commutative Geometry, Non-Associative Geometry and the Standard Model of Particle Physics," Searching for Simplicity Workshop, Princeton Center for Theoretical Science
- "Non-Commutative Geometry, Non-Associative Geometry and the Standard Model of Particle Physics," CCGRRA 2014, Winnipeg
- "Non-Commutative Geometry, Non-Associative Geometry and the Standard Model of Particle Physics," Western University, London
- "Pulsar Timing Arrays as Imaging Gravitational Wave Telescopes: Angular Resolution and Source (De)Confusion," 27th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Dallas
- "From Almost-Commutative to Almost-Associative Geometries: Key Concepts and Illustrations," Non-Commutative Geometry and Particle Physics Workshop, Lorentz Centre, Leiden
- "Non-Associative Geometry and the Spectral Action Principle," 16th Eastern Gravity Meeting, Toronto
- "Gravitational Wave Telescopes, Time-Delay Interferometers and Choreographic Crystals," Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA), Toronto
- "Gravitational Wave Telescopes, Time-Delay Interferometers and Choreographic Crystals," University of Waterloo, Astrophysics Seminar
- "Gravitational Wave Telescopes, Time-Delay Interferometers and Choreographic Crystals," Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics (KICP), University of Chicago
- "Platonic Orbits, Symmetric Satellite Constellations, Dynamical Lattices and Low Frequency Gravitational Wave Telescopes," Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Princeton
- "Platonic Orbits, Symmetric Satellite Constellations, Dynamical Lattices and Low Frequency Gravitational Wave Telescopes," University of Ottawa
- "Platonic Orbits and Fully Democratic Satellite Constellations," CIFAR Annual Cosmology and Gravity Meeting (Whistler, British Columbia)
- "Gravitational Waves in Cosmology," Lectures at IUCAA School on Cosmology and Gravitational Waves, Pune, India
- "The Wave Function of the Universe," Vision Speaker at Quantum and Nano Computing Advanced School, Agra, India
- "Gravitational Wave Telescopes and the Early Universe," Physics Colloquium, University of Western Ontario
- "Gravitational Wave Telescopes and the Early Universe," Physics Colloquium, University of Guelph
- "Low Frequency Gravitational Wave Telescopes," Cosmological Frontiers In Fundamental Physics Workshop, Paris
- "Pulsar Timing Arrays as Imaging Gravitational Wave Telescopes," International Pulsar Timing Array Meeting, West Virginia (had to withdraw, unfortunately)
- "Low Frequency Gravitational Wave Telescopes," Black Holes VIII Conference, Niagara Falls
- "Pulsar Timing Arrays as Gravitational Wave Telescopes," CIFAR Annual Cosmology and Gravity Meeting (Whistler, British Columbia)
- "Gravitational wave telescopes," Hawken School, Cleveland
- "Low frequency gravitational wave telescopes," Physics & Astronomy Department Colloquium, McMaster University
- "Low frequency gravitational wave telescopes," Joint Astrophysics Colloquium, McGill University
- "Observations about the wave function of the universe," PIAF Worskhop, Brisbane, Australia
- "Gravitational Wave Astronomy and Merging Black Holes," 2010 EinsteinPlus Keynote Address
- A two-sheeted, CPT-symmetric universe, Cosmology Group Meeting
- PIRSA:22010033, Standard Model 2021/2022, 2022-01-10, Standard Model 2021/2022
- PIRSA:21050005, The standard model, left/right symmetry, and the "magic square", 2021-05-17, Octonions and the Standard Model
- PIRSA:20040016, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond part 2 - Lecture 8, 2020-04-23, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 2
- PIRSA:20030042, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond part 2 - Lecture 7, 2020-04-21, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 2
- PIRSA:20040015, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond part 2 - Lecture 6, 2020-04-20, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 2
- PIRSA:20030041, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond part 2 - Lecture 5, 2020-04-16, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 2
- PIRSA:20030040, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond part 2 - Lecture 4, 2020-02-27, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 2
- PIRSA:20020065, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond part 2 - Lecture 3, 2020-02-25, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 2
- PIRSA:20030039, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond part 2 - Lecture 2, 2020-02-24, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 2
- PIRSA:20020082, Compatible comma-free codes and the origin of the genetic code, 2020-02-21, Centre for the Universe - Waterloo Centre for Astrophysics Day
- PIRSA:20030038, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond part 2 - Lecture 1, 2020-02-20, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 2
- PIRSA:20030037, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond part 1 - Lecture 13, 2020-02-18, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1
- PIRSA:20010071, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1 - Lecture 12, 2020-02-13, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1
- PIRSA:20010070, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1 - Lecture 11, 2020-02-11, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1
- PIRSA:20010069, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1 - Lecture 10, 2020-02-10, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1
- PIRSA:20010068, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1 - Lecture 9, 2020-01-23, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1
- PIRSA:20010067, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1 - Lecture 8, 2020-01-21, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1
- PIRSA:20010066, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1 - Lecture 7, 2020-01-20, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1
- PIRSA:20010065, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1 - Lecture 6, 2020-01-16, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1
- PIRSA:20010064, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1 - Lecture 5, 2020-01-14, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1
- PIRSA:20010063, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1 - Lecture 4, 2020-01-13, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1
- PIRSA:20010062, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1 - Lecture 3, 2020-01-09, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1
- PIRSA:20010061, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1 - Lecture 2, 2020-01-07, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1
- PIRSA:20010060, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1 - Lecture 1, 2020-01-06, PSI 2019/2020 - Standard Model and Beyond - Part 1
- PIRSA:19090074, The Standard Model from A Jordan Algebra, 2019-09-10, Simplicity III
- PIRSA:19090016, CPT-Symmetric Universe, 2019-09-03, Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics 2019
- PIRSA:19040030, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model - Lecture 14, 2019-04-12, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model (Boyle)
- PIRSA:19040029, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model - Lecture 13, 2019-04-11, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model (Boyle)
- PIRSA:19040028, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model - Lecture 12, 2019-04-10, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model (Boyle)
- PIRSA:19040027, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model - Lecture 11, 2019-04-09, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model (Boyle)
- PIRSA:19040026, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model - Lecture 10, 2019-04-08, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model (Boyle)
- PIRSA:19040025, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model - Lecture 9, 2019-04-05, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model (Boyle)
- PIRSA:19040024, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model - Lecture 8, 2019-04-04, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model (Boyle)
- PIRSA:19040023, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model - Lecture 7, 2019-04-03, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model (Boyle)
- PIRSA:19040021, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model - Lecture 6, 2019-04-01, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model (Boyle)
- PIRSA:19030067, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model - Lecture 5, 2019-03-29, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model (Boyle)
- PIRSA:19030066, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model - Lecture 4, 2019-03-28, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model (Boyle)
- PIRSA:19030065, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model - Lecture 3, 2019-03-27, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model (Boyle)
- PIRSA:19030064, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model - Lecture 2, 2019-03-26, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model (Boyle)
- PIRSA:19030063, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model - Lecture 1, 2019-03-25, PSI 2018/2019 - Beyond Standard Model (Boyle)
- PIRSA:18070059, CPT symmetric universe, 2018-07-23, ISSYP 2018
- PIRSA:18060050, Gravitational Wave Telescopes: Some Cosmological Considerations, 2018-06-12, Path to Kilohertz Gravitational-Wave Astronomy
- PIRSA:18050046, The Big Bang, CPT and Neutrino Dark Matter, 2018-05-08, PI-NRC Meeting
- PIRSA:18040100, CPT symmetric universe, 2018-04-03, Cosmology & Gravitation
- PIRSA:17060104, Dark Matter, CPT and the Big Bang, 2017-06-27, Bounce Scenarios in Cosmology
- PIRSA:16110084, What is the standard model of particle physics trying to tell us?, 2016-11-23, Colloquium
- PIRSA:15090059, The standard model of particle physics as a non-commutative differential graded algebra, 2015-09-12, Noncommutative Geometry and Physics
- PIRSA:15050126, The standard model from non-commutative geometry: what? why? what's new?, 2015-05-27, Noncommutative Geometry and Physics
- PIRSA:14070028, What"s Interesting These Days (With Gravity)?, 2014-07-23, ISSYP 2014
- PIRSA:14020102, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review - Lecture 13, 2014-02-14, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:14020101, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review - Lecture 12, 2014-02-13, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:14020021, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review - Lecture 11, 2014-02-12, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:14020018, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review - Lecture 10, 2014-02-11, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:14020017, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review - Lecture 9, 2014-02-10, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:14020014, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review - Lecture 8, 2014-02-07, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:14020013, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review - Lecture 7, 2014-02-06, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:14020012, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review - Lecture 6, 2014-02-04, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:14010069, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review - Lecture 5, 2014-02-03, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:14010068, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review - Lecture 4, 2014-01-31, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:14010111, What"s Happening in Cosmology?, 2014-01-30, PI Day 2014
- PIRSA:14010067, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review - Lecture 3, 2014-01-29, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:14010066, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review - Lecture 2, 2014-01-28, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:14010065, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review - Lecture 1, 2014-01-27, 13/14 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:13070033, What's interesting these days (with gravity)?, 2013-07-18, Strong Gravity
- PIRSA:13030045, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review Lecture 14, 2013-03-08, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:13030044, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review Lecture 13, 2013-03-07, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:13030043, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review Lecture 12, 2013-03-06, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:13030042, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review Lecture 11, 2013-03-05, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:13030041, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review Lecture 10, 2013-03-04, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:13030038, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review Lecture 9, 2013-03-01, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:13020108, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review Lecture 8, 2013-02-28, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:13020107, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review Lecture 7, 2013-02-27, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:13020106, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review Lecture 6, 2013-02-26, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:13020105, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review Lecture 5, 2013-02-25, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:13020102, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review Lecture 4, 2013-02-22, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:13020101, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review Lecture 3, 2013-02-21, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:13020100, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review Lecture 2, 2013-02-20, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:13020099, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review Lecture 1, 2013-02-19, 12/13 PSI - Cosmology Review
- PIRSA:12020029, Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 15, 2012-02-10, 11/12 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:12020028, Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 14, 2012-02-09, 11/12 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:12020027, Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 13, 2012-02-08, 11/12 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:12020026, Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 12, 2012-02-07, 11/12 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:12020025, Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 11, 2012-02-06, 11/12 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:12020022, Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 10, 2012-02-03, 11/12 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:12020021, Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 9, 2012-02-02, 11/12 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:12020020, Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 8, 2012-02-01, 11/12 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:12010083, Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 7, 2012-01-31, 11/12 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:12010082, Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 6, 2012-01-30, 11/12 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:12010079, Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 5, 2012-01-27, 11/12 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:12010078, Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 4, 2012-01-26, 11/12 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:12010077, Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 3, 2012-01-25, 11/12 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:12010076, Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 2, 2012-01-24, 11/12 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:12010075, Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 1, 2012-01-23, 11/12 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:11090122, Research Presentation - Cosmology and Strong Gravity, 2011-09-16, Cosmology & Gravitation
- PIRSA:11020098, Cosmology Review - Lecture 15, 2011-02-11, 10/11 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:11020097, Cosmology Review - Lecture 14, 2011-02-11, 10/11 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:11020096, Cosmology Review - Lecture 13, 2011-02-09, 10/11 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:11020095, Cosmology Review - Lecture 12, 2011-02-08, 10/11 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:11020094, Cosmology Review - Lecture 11, 2011-02-07, 10/11 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:11020091, Cosmology Review - Lecture 10, 2011-02-04, 10/11 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:11020090, Cosmology Review - Lecture 9, 2011-02-03, 10/11 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:11020089, Cosmology Review - Lecture 8, 2011-02-02, 10/11 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:11020088, Cosmology Review - Lecture 7, 2011-02-01, 10/11 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:11010105, Cosmology Review - Lecture 6, 2011-01-31, 10/11 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:11010102, Cosmology Review - Lecture 5, 2011-01-28, 10/11 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:11010101, Cosmology Review - Lecture 4, 2011-01-27, 10/11 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:11010100, Cosmology Review - Lecture 3, 2011-01-26, 10/11 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:11010098, Cosmology Review - Lecture 1, 2011-01-24, 10/11 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:11010099, Cosmology Review - Lecture 2, 2011-01-24, 10/11 PSI - Cosmology (Review)
- PIRSA:10070031, Gravitational Waves, 2010-07-26, EinsteinPlus 2010
- PIRSA:09030034, Three thoughts about black holes and cosmology, 2009-03-16, Cosmology & Gravitation
- PIRSA:08030032, Binary black hole merger: symmetry and the spin expansion, 2008-03-04, Cosmology & Gravitation