Lauren Hayward

Perimeter Institute is committed to diversity within its community and welcomes applications from underrepresented groups. If you are interested in pursuing a MSc degree, please apply to the Perimeter Scholars International (PSI) masters program. If you are interested in working with me, please send me an email at [email protected]
Recent Publications
- B. Kulchytskyy, L. E. Hayward Sierens and R. G. Melko, "Universal divergence of the Rényi entropy of a thinly sliced torus at the Ising fixed point", Physical Review B 100, 045139 (2019), arXiv: 1904.08955
- G. Bednik, L. E. Hayward Sierens, M. Guo, R. C. Myers and R. G. Melko, "Probing trihedral corner entanglement for Dirac fermions", Physical Review B 99, 155153 (2019), arXiv: 1810.02831
- L. E. Hayward Sierens, P. Bueno, R. R. P. Singh, R. C. Myers and R. G. Melko, "Cubic trihedral corner entanglement for a free scalar", Physical Review B 96, 035117 (2017), arXiv: 1703.03413
- W. Witczak-Krempa, L. E. Hayward Sierens and R. G. Melko, "Cornering gapless quantum states via their torus entanglement", Physical Review Letters 118, 077202 (2017), arXiv: 1603.02684
- L. Chojnacki, C. Q. Cook, D. Dalidovich, L. E. Hayward Sierens, E. Lantagne-Hurtubise, R. G. Melko and T. J. Vlaar, "Shape dependence of two-cylinder Renyi entropies for free bosons on a lattice", Physical Review B 94, 165136 (2016), arXiv: 1607.05311
- J. Helmes, L. E. Hayward Sierens, A. Chandran and R. G. Melko, "Universal corner entanglement of Dirac fermions and gapless bosons from the continuum to the lattice", Physical Review B 94, 125142 (2016), arXiv: 1606.03096
- L. Nie, L. E. Hayward Sierens, R. G. Melko, S. Sachdev and S. A. Kivelson, "Fluctuating orders and quenched randomness in the cuprates", Physical Review B 92, 174505 (2015), arXiv: 1505.06206
- L. E. Hayward, A. J. Achkar, D. G. Hawthorn, R. G. Melko and S. Sachdev, "Diamagnetism and density wave order in the pseudogap regime of YBa2Cu3O6+x", Physical Review B 90, 094515 (2014), arXiv: 1406.2694
- L. E. Hayward, D. G. Hawthorn, R. G. Melko and S. Sachdev, "Angular fluctuations of a multicomponent order describe the pseudogap of YBa2Cu3O6+x", Science 343, 1336 (2014), arXiv: 1309.6639
- "Understanding how artificial neural networks understand", KITP High School Physics Teachers' Conference - Automating Insight: Pushing the Frontier of Quantum Physics with Machine Learning, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP), University of California at Santa Barbara, 2019-02-16,
- "Universal quantities from entanglement entropies", Women in Physics Canada Conference, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, 2017-07-27,
- PIRSA:19040003, PSI 2018/2019 - Machine Learning for Many-Body Physics - Lecture 8, 2019-04-03
- PIRSA:19040002, PSI 2018/2019 - Machine Learning for Many-Body Physics - Lecture 7, 2019-04-02
- PIRSA:19040001, PSI 2018/2019 - Machine Learning for Many-Body Physics - Lecture 6, 2019-04-01
- PIRSA:19030057, PSI 2018/2019 - Machine Learning for Many-Body Physics - Lecture 5, 2019-03-29
- PIRSA:19030056, PSI 2018/2019 - Machine Learning for Many-Body Physics - Lecture 4, 2019-03-28
- PIRSA:19030055, PSI 2018/2019 - Machine Learning for Many-Body Physics - Lecture 3, 2019-03-27
- PIRSA:19030054, PSI 2018/2019 - Machine Learning for Many-Body Physics - Lecture 2, 2019-03-26
- PIRSA:19030053, PSI 2018/2019 - Machine Learning for Many-Body Physics - Lecture 1, 2019-03-25
- PIRSA:18100035, PSI 2018/2019 - Statistical Mechanics - Lecture 12, 2018-10-29
- PIRSA:18080026, PSI 2018/2019 - Programming in Python - Lecture 2, 2018-08-28
- PIRSA:18080024, PSI 2018/2019 - Programming in Python - Lecture 1, 2018-08-27
- PIRSA:18040058, PSI 2017/2018 - Machine Learning for Many-Body Physics - Lecture 5, 2018-04-13
- PIRSA:18040057, PSI 2017/2018 - Machine Learning for Many-Body Physics - Lecture 4, 2018-04-12
- PIRSA:18040056, PSI 2017/2018 - Machine Learning for Many-Body Physics - Lecture 3, 2018-04-11
- PIRSA:18040055, PSI 2017/2018 - Machine Learning for Many-Body Physics - Lecture 2, 2018-04-10
- PIRSA:18040054, PSI 2017/2018 - Machine Learning for Many-Body Physics - Lecture 1, 2018-04-09
- PIRSA:17100046, PSI 2017/2018 - Statistical Mechanics - Lecture 13, 2017-10-26
- PIRSA:17100045, PSI 2017/2018 - Statistical Mechanics - Lecture 12, 2017-10-25