Lee Smolin

Please submit all inquiries and correspondence to Dr. Smolin via email ( [email protected] ). Born in New York City, Lee was educated at Hampshire College and Harvard University. He was formerly a professor at Yale, Syracuse and Penn State Universities and held postdoctoral positions at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara and the Enrico Fermi Institute, the University of Chicago. He has been a visiting professor at Imperial College London and has held various visiting positions at Oxford and Cambridge Universitiies and the Universities of Rome and Trento, and SISSA, in Italy.
If you are interested in pursuing a MSc degree, please apply to the Perimeter Scholars International (PSI) masters program. If you are interested in working with me as a PhD student, please send me an email at [email protected] . Perimeter Institute is committed to diversity within its community and I welcome applications from underrepresented groups.
Research Interests
Lee Smolin is a theoretical physicist who works mainly on the problem of quantum gravity. He also has contributed to cosmology, the foundations of quantum mechanics, astrophysics, theoretical biology, philosophy of science and, recently, economics.
In quantum gravity Dr. Smolin was one of the initiators of two research programs: loop quantum gravity and deformed special relativity. He has the last few years been pioneering a new direction based on the hypothesis that time is a fundamental and irreducible aspect of nature, and that the fundamental laws of nature evolve irreversibly. This approach aims to solve both quantum gravity and the problems in the foundations of quantum mechanics, by proposing a theory which is a simultaneous completion of quantum mechanics and general relativity. The theory he is
currently constructing is called the causal theory of views: CTV.
Among the issues his papers address in the last decade are:
-Time asymmetric extensions of general relativity and their implications for cosmology.
-The principle of relative locality, a new extension of special relativity applicable to the phenomenology of quantum gravity.
-A new approach to quantum foundations based on a new real ensemble interpretation of quantum states and dynamics.
-The role of gauge invariance in models of economic markets, such as the Arrow-Debreu model and agent based models.
-Quantum gravity phenomenology, in particular the constraints on deforming and breaking lorentz invariance coming from observations of Gamma Ray Bursts from the Fermi space telescope, in collaboration with Giovanni Amelino-Camelia.
-The question of whether laws of physics can evolve on a cosmological time scale and related issues in the philosophy of time, in collaboration with Roberto Mangabeira Unger.
-An extension of the Plebanski formulation of general relativity which leads to a unification with Yang-Mills and Higgs fields, in collaboration with Garrett Lisi and Simone Speziale.
-Derivations of deformed special relativity from semiclassical quantum gravity.
Positions Held
- July 2009-present University of Toronto, Philosophy Department status only faculty appointment. Renewed in 2018
- Sept. 2001-present University of Waterloo, Physics Department adjunct prof. Renewed in 2019
- August 1993-Dec 2001 Pennsylvania State University, Center for Gravitational Physics and Geometry, Professor
- July 1988-July 1993 Syracuse University Associate Professor to Professor
- July1984-June 1988, Yale University, Ast. Professor
- Aug. 1983-Dec. 1984 Enrico Fermi Institute, U. of Chicago postdoc
- Sept. 1981-July 1983 Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton member
- Jan. 1980-Aug. 1981 Institute for Theoretical Physics, UCSB Santa Barbara, postdoc
- Sept.-Dec. 1979 Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, member
- I have been ranked the third most influential physicist, behind Steve Weinberg and Roger Penrose https://academicinfluence.com/rankings/people/most-influential-physicists-today.
- With Carlo Rovelli, I am the subject of a joint biography, by Jim Baggott, titled Quantum space, to be published in February 2019 by Oxford University Press.
- This summer I resigned my seat on the Educational Review Committee (ERC) of The Walrus Magazine, which I have served on for many years. Instead I am being appointed to the National Advisory Committee. https://thewalrus.ca/about/supporters/#erc. I believe I am the only scientist to have served on the ERC.
- I was invited to co-curate a series of essays by prominent artists and scientists on the nature of time, which are being published in Nautilus magazine, called the Nautilus Time Project. http://nautil.us/issue/61/coordinates/a-new-view-of-time?utm_source=frontpage&utm_medium=mview&utm_campaign=a-new-view-of-time
- The Singular Universe and the Reality of Time won the 2016 PROSE award in the Cosmology and Astronomy Category, given by the Association of American Publishers. https://proseawards.com/winners/
- Inaugural Buchalter Prize in Cosmology 2015 (first place), with Marina Cortes.
- Named one of "100 world thinkers," Prospect Magazine, 2015. Voted 22nd on the list by an internet poll.
- I was invited to give the annual "On being Canadian " lecture in Guelph, Ontario, which I delivered on Novemver 5, 2013.
- Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal awarded Feb 22 2013.
- "The Culture of Science Divided Against Itself", Lee Smolin Brick Magazine, Issue 88, selected for publicaiton in The Best of Canadian Essays, 2012.
- Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
- Klopsteg Memorial Award from the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), 2009. Klopsteg awardees are chosen for their extraordinary accomplishments in communicating the excitement of physics to the general public.
- List of 100 most influential public intellectuals, Prospect and Foreign Policy Magazines, 2008. Voted 21st on the list by a public internet poll of more than 500,000 readers.
- Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society 2007
- Majorana Prize, 2007
- Included in the Oxford Compendium of Modern Science Writing
Recent Publications
- Lee Smolin and Clelia Verde, Physics, time and qualia, Invited and refereed contribution to a special issue of the Journal of Consciousness Studies. ed Philip Goff.
- Lee Smolin, Reply to Silberstein, invite and edited, International Journal of Quantum Foundations April 12, 2021, pages 21-27 Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2021. 214
- Mark Penny, Yigit Yargic,, Lee Smolin, Edward W Thommes, and Chris T. Bauch, "Hot-spotting" to improve vaccine allocation by harnessing digital contact tracing technology: An application of percolation theory, Dec 17, 2020, https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.12.14.20248186v2, accepted for publication in PLOS ONE. August 18, 2021
- Realism and causality I: Pilot wave and retrocausal models as possible facilitators Eliahu Cohen, Marina Cortês, Avshalom C. Elitzur, Lee Smolin (Feb 13, 2019) Published in: Phys.Rev.D 102 (2020) 124027 ⢠e-Print: 1902.05108 [quant-ph]
- Realism and Causality II: Retrocausality in Energetic Causal Sets Eliahu Cohen, Marina Cortês, Avshalom C. Elitzur, Lee Smolin (Feb 13, 2019) Published in: Phys.Rev.D 102 (2020) 124028 ⢠e-Print: 1902.05082 [gr-qc]
- Stephon Alexander, Marina Cortês, Andrew R. Liddle, João Magueijo, Robert Sims, Lee Smolin, The cosmology of minimal varying Lambda theories, arXiv: 1905.10382, Phys. Rev. D 100, 083507 (2019).
- A Zero-Parameter Extension of General Relativity with Varying Cosmological Constant,Stephon Alexander, Marina Cortês, Andrew R. Liddle, João Magueijo, Robert Sims, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 1905.10380. Phys. Rev. D 100, 083506 (2019)
- A Universe that does not know the time # João Magueijo(Imperial Coll., London), Lee Smolin(Perimeter Inst. Theor. Phys.) (Jul 4, 2018) Published in: Universe 5 (2019) 84 ⢠e-Print: 1807.01520 [gr-qc]
- The Quantum Cosmological Constant # Stephon Alexander(Brown U. and Imperial Coll., London and Perimeter Inst. Theor. Phys.), Joao Magueijo(Brown U. and Imperial Coll., London and Perimeter Inst. Theor. Phys.), Lee Smolin(Brown U. and Imperial Coll., London and Perimeter Inst. Theor. Phys.) (Jul 3, 2018) Published in: Symmetry 11 (2019) 9, 1130 ⢠e-Print: 1807.01381 [gr-qc]
- Lee Smolin, Temporal relationalism, arXiv: 1805.12468, invited contribution to a collection of essays on Beyond spacetime, edited by Nick Huggett, Keizo Matsubara and Christian Wuthrich.
- Lee Smolin, The dynamics of difference, arXiv: 1712.04799., Foundations of Physics DOI: 10.1007/s10701-018-0141-8
- MOND as a regime of quantum gravity Lee Smolin(Perimeter Inst. Theor. Phys.) (Apr 3, 2017) Published in: Phys.Rev.D 96 (2017) 8, 083523 ⢠e-Print: 1704.00780 [gr-qc]
- Reversing the irreversible: from limit cycles to emergent time symmetry Marina Cortês, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 1703.09696], Phys Rev D in press
- Interaction-Free Effects Between Distant Atoms Yakir Aharonov, Eliahu Cohen, Avshalom C. Elitzur, Lee Smolin . arXiv: 1610.07169, Foundations of Physics, in press.
- Four principles for quantum gravity, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 1610.01968, Fundam.Theor.Phys. 187 (2017) 427-450 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-51700-1_26
- Cosmological signatures of time-asymmetric gravity, Marina Cortês, Andrew R. Liddle, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 1606.01256, Phys.Rev. D94 (2016) no.12, 123514 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.94.123514
- Marina Cortês, Lee Smolin, Spin foam models as energetic causal sets. arXiv: 1407.0032, Phys. Rev. D 93, 084039 (2016) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.93.084039. Phys. Rev. D 93, 084039 (2016) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.93.084039.
- Lee Smolin, Quantum mechanics and the principle of maximal variety, arXiv: 1506.02938, Foundations of Physics, Foundations of Physics, 46(6), 736-758 DOI 10.1007/s10701-016-9994-x
- Lee Smolin, Dynamics of the cosmological and Newton's constant, arXiv: 1507.01229. Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume 33, Number 2, http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0264-9381/33/2/025011.
- Marina Cortes, Henrique Gomes, Lee Smolin Time asymmetric extensions of general relativity arXiv: 1503.06085, Phys. Rev. D 92, 043502 (2015).
- Lee Smolin, Nonlocal beables, International Journal of Quantum Foundations, 1 (2015) 100-106.
- Lee Smolin, Linking shape dynamics and loop quantum gravity, arXiv: 1407.2909, Physical Review D, volume 90, eid 044070.
- Lee Smolin, Positive energy in quantum gravity, arXiv: 1406.2611, Physical Review D, volume 90, eid 044034.
- Lee Smolin, Time, laws and the future of cosmology, Physics Today 67(3), 38 (2014)
- Quantum Energetic Causal Sets By Marina Cortês, Lee Smolin. arXiv: 1308.2206 [gr-qc]. Physical Review D, volume 90, eid 044035.
- The Universe as a Process of Unique Events By Marina Cortês, Lee Smolin. arXiv: 1307.6167 [gr-qc]. to appear in Physical Review D
- Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, Laurent Freidel, Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman, Lee Smolin. Noisy soccer balls arXiv: 1307.0246 [hep-th]. 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.028702. Phys.Rev. D88 (2013) 028702.
- Stephon Alexander, Antonino Marciano, Lee Smolin, Gravitational origin of the weak interaction's chirality, arXiv: 1212.5246 [hep-th], Phys. Rev. D 89, 065017 (2014).
- David Rideout, Thomas Jennewein, Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, Tommaso F. Demarie, Brendon L. Higgins, Achim Kempf, Adrian Kent, Raymond Laflamme, Xian Ma, Robert B. Mann, Eduardo Martin-Martinez, Nicolas C. Menicucci, John Moffat, Christoph Simon, Rafael Sorkin, Lee Smolin, Daniel R. Terno, Fundamental quantum optics experiments conceivable with satellites -- reaching relativistic distances and velocities, Class. Quantum Grav. 29 224011 (2012), arXiv: 1206.4949
- General relativity as the equation of state of spin foam, Lee Smolin,, arXiv: 1205.5529. In press at Classical and quantum gravity, 2014.
- Lee Smolin, A perspective on the landscape problem, Invited contribution for a special issue of Foundations of Physics titled: Forty Years Of String Theory: Reflecting On the Foundations, DOI: 10.1007/s10701-012-9652-x , arXiv: 1202.3373
- Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, Laurent Freidel, Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman, Lee Smolin, OPERA neutrinos and relativity, Mod. Phys. Lett. A, Vol. 27, No. 10 (2012) 1250063, arXiv: 1110.0521.
- Lee Smolin, The black hole information paradox and relative locality, :gr-qc/arXiv: 1108.0910, to appear in Physical Review D.
- Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, Laurent Freidel, Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman, Lee Smolin, Relative locality: A deepening of the relativity principle, Gen.Rel.Grav. 43 (2011) 2547-2553, Int.J.Mod.Phys. D20 (2011) 2867-2873 , arxiv:hep-th/arXiv: 1106.
- Lee Smolin, A real ensemble interpretation of quantum mechanics,Foundations of Physics, 2012 DOI 10.1007/s10701-012-9666-4 , arxiv:quant-ph/arXiv: 1104.
- Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, Laurent Freidel, Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman, Lee Smolin, Relative locality and the soccer ball problem, Phys.Rev. D84 (2011) 087702 â¨DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.84.087702, arxiv:hep-th/arXiv: 1104.
- Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, Laurent Freidel, Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman, Lee Smolin, The principle of relative locality, Phys.Rev. D84 (2011) 084010 ¨DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.84.084010, arxiv:hep-th/arXiv: 1101.
- Unification of gravity, gauge fields, and Higgs bosons, A. Garrett Lisi, Lee Smolin, Simone Speziale, arXiv: 1004.4866. J.Phys.A43:445401,2010
- Unimodular loop quantum gravity and the problems of time, Lee Smolin arXiv: 1008.1759. Phys.Rev. D84 (2011) 044047 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.84.044047
- Classical paradoxes of locality and their possible quantum resolutions in deformed special relativity, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 1004.0664, Gen.Rel.Grav. 43 (2011) 3671-3691 DOI: 10.1007/s10714-011-1235-1.
- Phenomenological Quantum Gravity, Sabine Hossenfelder, Lee Smolin , arXiv: 0911.2761, Physics in Canada, Vol. 66 No. 2, Apr-June, p 99-102 (2010).
- A note on the Plebanski action with cosmological constant and an Immirzi parameter, Lee Smolin, Simone Speziale, arxiv:gr-qc/0908.3388, Phys.Rev.D81:024032,2010.
- Chanda Prescod-Weinstein and Lee Smolin, Disordered locality as an explanation for the dark energy, arXiv: 0903.5303 [hep-th] Phys.Rev.D80:063505,2009.
- Giovanni Amelino-Camelia and Lee Smolin, Prospects for constraining quantum gravity dispersion with near term observations, arXiv: 0906.3731, Phys.Rev.D80:084017,2009.
- Lee Smolin, The Quantization of unimodular gravity and the cosmological constant problems, arXiv: 0904.4841, Phys Rev D .80.084003
- Sabine Hossenfelder, Lee Smolin, {\it Conservative solutions to the black hole information problem}. arXiv: 0901.3156, Phys.Rev.D81:064009,2010.
- Carlo R. Contaldi, Joao Magueijo, Lee Smolin, Anomalous CMB polarization and gravitational chirality, Phys.Rev.Lett.101:141101,2008, arXiv: 0806.3082
- Lee Smolin,, The Plebanski action extended to a unification of gravity and Yang-Mills theory, arxiv:hep-th/0712.0977, Phys.Rev.D80:124017,2009.
- Fotini Markopoulou, Lee Smolin, Disordered locality in loop quantum gravity states, Class.Quant.Grav.24:3813-3824,2007, arXiv: gr-qc/0702044
- Joao Magueijo, Lee Smolin, Carlo R. Contaldi, Holography and the scale-invariance of density fluctuations, Class.Quant.Grav.24:3691-3700,2007, arXiv: astro-ph/0611695
- Fotini Markopoulou, Lee Smolin, Disordered locality in loop quantum gravity states, Class.Quant.Grav.24:3813-3824,2007, arXiv: gr-qc/0702044
- Carlo R. Contaldi, Joao Magueijo, Lee Smolin, Anomalous CMB polarization and gravitational chirality, Phys.Rev.Lett.101:141101,2008, arXiv: 0806.3082
- Mohammad H. Ansari, Lee Smolin, Self-organized criticality in quantum gravity, Class.Quant.Grav.25:095016,2008, arXiv: hep-th/0412307
- Fotini Markopoulou, Lee Smolin, Disordered locality in loop quantum gravity states, Class.Quant.Grav.24:3813-3824,2007, arXiv: gr-qc/0702044
- Joao Magueijo, Lee Smolin, Carlo R. Contaldi, Holography and the scale-invariance of density fluctuations, Class.Quant.Grav.24:3691-3700,2007, arXiv: astro-ph/0611695
- Mohammad H. Ansari, Lee Smolin, Self-organized criticality in quantum gravity, Class.Quant.Grav.25:095016,2008, arXiv: hep-th/0412307
- Laurent Freidel, Lee Smolin, The linearization of the Kodama state, Class.Quant.Grav. 21 (2004) 3831-3844, arXiv: hep-th/0310224
- Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, Lee Smolin, Artem Starodubtsev, Quantum symmetry, the cosmological constant and Planck scale phenomenology, Class.Quant.Grav. 21 (2004) 3095-3110, arXiv: hep-th/0306134
- Laurent Freidel, Lee Smolin, The linearization of the Kodama state, Class.Quant.Grav. 21 (2004) 3831-3844, arXiv: hep-th/0310224
- Stephon Alexander, Justin Malecki, Lee Smolin, Quantum Gravity and Inflation, Phys.Rev. D70 (2004) 044025, arXiv: hep-th/0309045
- Laurent Freidel, Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman, Lee Smolin, 2+1 gravity and Doubly Special Relativity, Phys.Rev. D69 (2004) 044001, arXiv: hep-th/0307085
- Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, Lee Smolin, Artem Starodubtsev, Quantum symmetry, the cosmological constant and Planck scale phenomenology, Class.Quant.Grav. 21 (2004) 3095-3110, arXiv: hep-th/0306134
- Joao Magueijo, Lee Smolin, Gravity's Rainbow, Class.Quant.Grav. 21 (2004) 1725-1736, arXiv: gr-qc/0305055
- Joao Magueijo, Lee Smolin, Generalized Lorentz invariance with an invariant energy scale, Phys.Rev. D67 (2003) 044017, arXiv: gr-qc/0207085
- Joao Magueijo, Lee Smolin, Lorentz invariance with an invariant energy scale, Phys.Rev.Lett. 88 (2002) 190403, arXiv: hep-th/0112090
- Fotini Markopoulou, Lee Smolin, Quantum geometry with intrinsic local causality, Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 084032, arXiv: gr-qc/9712067
- Fotini Markopoulou, Lee Smolin, Causal evolution of spin networks, Nucl.Phys. B508 (1997) 409-430, arXiv: gr-qc/9702025
- Non-local Field Theory from Matrix Models, Andrzej Banburski, Jaron Lanier, Vasudev Shyam, Lee Smolin, Yigit Yargic, arXiv: 2206.13
- The TAP equation: evaluating combinatorial innovation¨, Marina Cortês ,Stuart A. Kauffman, Andrew R. Liddle, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 2204.14115
- Biocosmology: Biology from a cosmological perspective Authors: Marina Cortês, Stuart A. Kauffman, Andrew R. Liddle, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 2204.09379
- Biocosmology: Towards the birth of a new scienceâ¨Authors: Marina Cortês, Stuart A. Kauffman, Andrew R. Liddle, Lee Smolinâ¨, arXiv: 2204.09378a
- Views, variety and celestial spheresâ¨Authors: Lee Smolin, arXiv: 2202.00594
- A Cubic Matrix Action for the Standard Model and Beyond¨, Yigit Yargic, Jaron Lanier, Lee Smolin, Dave Wecker, arXiv: 2201.04183,
- Lee Smolin, Views, variety and quantum mechanics arXiv.org quant-ph arXiv: 2105.03539,
- Lee Smolin, C Verde The quantum mechanics of the present, arXiv preprint arXiv: 2104.09945
- Quantum reference frames and triality, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 2007.05957
- Natural and bionic neuronal membranes: possible sites for quantum biology, Lee Smolin, 21 Jan 2020, arXiv: 2001.08522 (quant-ph).
- The Equivalence Principle and the Emergence of Flat Rotation Curves, Stephon Alexander, Lee Smolin,arXiv: 1804.09573
- Holographic relations in loop quantum gravity, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 1608.02932
- Enhanced color gauge invariance and a new di-photon state at the LHC, Stephon Alexander, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 1601.03091
- The thermodynamics of quantum spacetime histories, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 1510.03858
- Jacob Barnett, Lee Smolin, Fermion Doubling in Loop Quantum Gravity, arXiv: 1507.01232
- Lee Smolin, A naturalist account of the limited, and hence reasonable, effectiveness of mathematics in physics, arXiv: 1506.03733, winner of third prize in an FQXi essay contest.
- Lee Smolin, Twistor relative locality, arXiv: 1311.0186
- Lee Smolin, Temporal naturalism, arXiv: 1310.8539, Invited contribution for a special Issue of Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, on Time and Cosmology.
- Why gravity codes the renormalization of conformal field theories By Henrique Gomes, Sean Gryb, Tim Koslowski, Flavio Mercati, Lee Smolin. arXiv: 1305.6315 [hep-th].
- Precedence and freedom in quantum physics, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 1205.3707.
- Gamma Ray Bursts, The Principle of Relative Locality and Connection Normal Coordinates By A.E. McCoy, Lee Smolin. arXiv: 1201.1255 [gr-qc].
- Unification of the state with the dynamical law, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 1201.2632.
- Gamma ray burst delay times probe the geometry of momentum space, Laurent Freidel, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 1103.5626
- An action for higher spin gauge theory in four dimensions, Nima Doroud, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 1102.3297
- On limitations of the extent of inertial frames in non-commutative relativistic spacetimes, Lee Smolin arXiv: 1007.0718
- Newtonian gravity in loop quantum gravity, Lee Smolin arXiv: 1001.3668
- Time and symmetry in models of economic markets, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 0902.4274
- The weak anthropic principle and the landscape of string theory, George F R Ellis, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 0901.2414
- Could deformed special relativity naturally arise from the semiclassical limit of quantum gravity?, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 0808.3765
- Matrix universality of gauge and gravitational dynamics, Lee Smolin, arXiv: 0803.2926
- The status of cosmological natural selection, Lee Smolin, arXiv: hep-th/0612185
- Could quantum mechanics be an approximation to another theory?, Lee Smolin, arXiv: quant-ph/0609109
- Generic predictions of quantum theories of gravity, Lee Smolin, arXiv: hep-th/0605052
- Scientific alternatives to the anthropic principle, Lee Smolin, arXiv: hep-th/0407213
- The linearization of the Kodama state, Laurent Freidel, Lee Smolin, arXiv: hep-th/0310224
- How far are we from the quantum theory of gravity?, Lee Smolin, arXiv: hep-th/0303185
- BRST quantization of Matrix Chern-Simons Theory, Etera R. Livine, Lee Smolin, arXiv: hep-th/0212043
- Quantum gravity with a positive cosmological constant, Lee Smolin, arXiv: hep-th/0209079
- Matrix models as non-local hidden variables theories, Lee Smolin, arXiv: hep-th/0201031
- The Maldacena Conjecture and Rehren Duality, Matthias Arnsdorf, Lee Smolin, arXiv: hep-th/0106073
- The present moment in quantum cosmology: challenges to the arguments for the elimination of time, Lee Smolin, arXiv: gr-qc/0104097
- The exceptional Jordan algebra and the matrix string, Lee Smolin, arXiv: hep-th/0104050
- Holography in a quantum spacetime, Fotini Markopoulou, Lee Smolin, arXiv: hep-th/9910146
- Cosmological natural selection as the explanation for the complexity of the universe, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Special issue: Complexity and Criticality: in memory of Per Bak (1947--2002) - Edited by P. Alstrom, T. Bohr, K. Christensen, H. Flyvbjerg, M.H. Jensen, B. Lautrup and K. Sneppen
- Scientific alternatives to the anthropic principle, arXiv: hep-th/0407213, Contribution to "Universe or Multiverse", ed. by Bernard Carr et. al., published by Cambridge University Press.
- The main postulates and results of loop quantum gravity. Prepared for Deserfest: A Celebration of the Life and Works of Stanley Deser, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 3-5 Apr 2004. Published in *Ann Arbor 2004, Deserfest* 266-302
- The Self-Organization of Space and Time, Nobel Symposium presentation, Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical \& Engineering Sciences, 15 June 2003, vol. 361, no. 1807, pp. 1081-1088(8)
- The Ground State Of Quantum Gravity With Positive Cosmological Constant, AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 646}, 59 (2003).
- Quantum theories of gravity: results and prospects, published in the 90th birthday feschrift for John A Wheeler, CUP
- The place of qualia in a relational universe, Lee Smolin, Philarchiv, Jan, 2020, https://philarchive.org/rec/SMOTPO-3. To appear in a collection of papers on QM and consciousnes, to appear from OUP in 2022.
- Einstein"s Unfinished Revolution: The Search for What Lies Beyond the Quantum, Penguin Press (USA), Alfred A. Knopf (Canada) Penguin-Random house (UK), April 2019, plus several translations.
- What are we missing in our search for quantum gravity? For Foundations of Mathematics and Physics : an IJGMMP special issu arXiv: 1705.09208
- Lee Smolin, Extending dualities to trialities deepens the foundations of dynamics, arXiv: 1503.01424, invited contribution to a special issue of the International Journal of Theoretical Physics, in memory of David Finkelstein. Edited by Heinrich Saller.
- Lessons from Einstein's 1915 discovery of general relativity Lee Smolin, arXiv: 1512.07551. This is an expanded version of a text that was originally prepared for, and its Polish translation appeared in, the September 2015 issue of Niezbednik inteligenta. An extract also appears in the Fall/Winter 2015/2016 edition of Inside the Perimeter.
- Lee Smolin, Ten steps to make Canada a leader in science, Macleans, November 25, 2015, http://www.macleans.ca/society/science/ten-steps-to-make-canada-a-leader-in-science/
- Lee Smolin, "The theatre of the infinite", Art Practica, Oct 2015, http://www.artpractical.com/feature/the-theater-of-the-infinite/
- Lee Smolin, How time got its arrow, PBS blog, July 15 2015 http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/blogs/physics/2015/07/how-time-got-its-arrow/
- Roberto Mangabeira Unger and Lee Smolin, The Singular Universe and the Reality of Time, Cambridge University Press, November, 2014.
- Lee Smolin, "String Theory and the Scientific Method. Review of a book by Richard Dawid.", to appear in the American Journal of Physics, 2014.
- Time Reborn, Hounghton Mifflin Harcourt (US), Random House Canada and Penguin (UK), April 2013.
- Thinking in Time Versus Thinking Outside of Time, in This Will Make You Smarter, ed John Brockman, Harper Perennial, 2012.
- 36. "The Culture of Science Divided Against Itself", Brick Magazine, Issue 88, 2012.
- it The unique universe: Against the timeless multiverse, Physics World, June 2009, pps 21-26.
- The other Einstein, The New York Review of Books, Volume 54, Number 10 June 14, 2007.
- The status of cosmological natural selection,to appear in {\bf Beyond the Big Bang}, Springer Verlag, ed by Ruediger Vaas. hep-th/0612185
- The Trouble with Physics, Houghton Mifflin (US) and Penguin (UK). August 2006.
- Generic predictions of quantum theories of gravity, hep-th/0605052, in "Approaches to Quantum Gravity - toward a new understanding of space, time, and matter", edited by D. Oriti, published by Cambridge University Press, 2009
- The relational idea in physics and cosmology, contribution to a book, Structural realism and quantum gravity, edited by Steve French. Preprint version: The case for background independence}, hep-th/0507235.
- The present moment in quantum cosmology: challenges for the argument for the elimination of time. published in Time and the Present Moment}, editied by Robin Durie, (Manchester: Clinamen Press, 2000)gr-qc/0104097.
- (2022). QISS Seminar. QISS Seminar, Canada, Dec 2, 2021
- May 8 2022. Brown workshop on Cosmology - keynote talk Why is Chern-Simons theory the language of quantum gravity
- (2021). Foundational problems in cosmology in the light of the dark energy puzzle. Plenary talk at a workshop at UWO on Foundational problems in cosmology, Canada
- (2021). Temporal. Naturalism. Pittsburgh university philosophy talk, Pittsburgh, United States
- (2021). Temporal. Naturalism. Popper society talk, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom Invited?: Yes
- Views, Variety and Quantum Mechanics Talk to Golden Webinar August 21 2021
- (2021). Future of science. WTLCI, UK Festival, United Kingdom
- July 29, 2021 Lisbon pilot wave conference
- May 13, 2021 Fields institute conference on networks
- May 10-12 2021 Arizona Beyond Centre, Laws of nature,
- Dec 14 2020 DSR conference
- Dec 10-11 2020 Italian QF conference
- Oct 29 2020 KISS Seminar
- "The Place of qualia in a relational universe," presented at NYU at GIAS Institute symposium on QUantum mechanics and consciousness. December 7 2019
- Quantum Limits of Knowledge Conference, Copenhagen "A Causal theory of views" invited, plenary talk,, via videolink, June 19, 2019
- Loops 19, "Natural dynamics for the cosmological constant" invited talk. State College PA June 20, 2019
- Loops 19, "Future Perspectives" invited closing panel. State College PA, June 21, 2019.
- ILQGS, "Natural dynamics for the cosmological constant" March 19, 2019
- Invited talk MSSPI, "Midwest summer school in the philosophy of physics", Chicago, "Relational approaches to quantum gravity" skype, July 23 2018
- "Galaxy rotation curves: missing matter, or missing physics?", Cosmology and the Future of Spacetime conference, Rotman Institute, UWO, June 23, 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Y5SvUaMw_eA&list=PLkMaaEPd7InK_n87pvo5oVOJp7hN4QsMu&index=10
- L. Smolin, "Energetic causal sets", GR21, New York City, July 12, 2016
- L. Smolin, "Ryu-Takayanagi relation in loop quantum gravity", GR21, New York City, July 14, 2016
- L. Smolin, "Ryu-Takayanagi relation in loop quantum gravity", Carlofest, May 2016, by videolink
- CITA, "Time irreversible extensions of general relativity" Feb 8, 2016
- June 6, 2015 "The identify of the indiscernible as a physical principle", Centenary Perspectives on General Relativity, Rotman Institute for Philosophy, University of Western Ontario.
- JAN 6, 2015 "TIME AND LAW IN A COSMOLOGICAL CONTEXT", Space-Time Theories: Historical and Philosophical Contexts, Jerusalem, videolink.
- AN 20, 2015 âTHE PHENOMENOLOGY OF THE PLANCK SCALE, PLENARY TALK, [email protected] Veldhoven, The Netherlands, via videolink.
- Oct 4, 2014, "Science, democracy and the public communication of science", invited talk to Science Jornalism workshop, University of Toronto philosophy department.
- Sept. 27, 2014, "Time, causality and law", invited plenary talk to Modern issues in the foundations of physics, conference in honor of Chris Isham, Imperial College, London, via videolink.
- Sept. 11, 2014 "Time asymmetry in quantum gravity", invited plenary to the conference on Conceptual and technical challenges in quantum gravity, University di Roma I, via videolink.
- Invited Session: "Lee Smolin", "Laws Must Evolve to be Explained: A Physicist"s Perspective on a Proposal of Peirce", Peirce Centennary meeting, Lowell MA, videolink
- Canadian Association for the History and Philosophy of Science, Plenary: Author meets critics: Smolin"s Time Reborn: From the Crisis in Physics to the Future of the Universe.⨠Speakers: Rick Arthur, McMaster University; Kathleen Okruhlik, University of Western Ontario; Denis Walsh, University of Toronto; Lee Smolin, Perimeter Institute. Gordon McOuat, University of King"s College (organizer)
- "Temporal Naturalism: The Reality of Time and the Evolution of Laws in Cosmology", invited talk, New Directions in the Foundations of Physics, Washington DC
- University of Toronto, philosophy of science lunch, responses to Time Reborn by Dr. Keizo Matusbara (UWO) and Prof. John Sipe (UT).
- NYU workshop on Space, Time and Experience, organized by David Chalmers where my Temporal Naturalism paper was read and critiqued by David Albert, L.A. Paul, Tim Maudlin, Chalmers and others.
- Boston colloquium in the philosophy of science "Time in Cosmology" talks by Jenann Ismael, Roberto Mangiabera Unger, Lee Smolin, Chris Smeenk http://www.bu.edu/cphs/colloquium/
- "Temporal Naturalism", PANPSYCHISM, RUSSELLIAN MONISM AND THE NATURE OF THE PHYSICAL, University of Oslo, (by video)
- "Temporal Naturalism", Invited talk, conference on PANPSYCHISM, RUSSELLIAN MONISM AND THE NATURE OF THE PHYSICAL, University of Oslo, (by video) Aug 23, 2013
- Time Reborn, Institute of Physics, London, May 21, 2013
- Temporal naturalism, Oxford University philosophy department May 22, 2013
- "Does law emerge from time or time from law?" Conceptions of truth conference, Notre Dam Institute for Advanced Studies, invited plenary talk
- "A real ensemble interpretation of quantum mechanics" 5th International Heinz von Foerster Conference | November 11th-13th 2011, invited plenary talk by video link
- "The principle of relative locality" University of Toronto philosophy department seminar.
- A real ensemble interpretation of quantum mechanics, invited plenary talk via video link to Templeton conference on quantum foundations, July 8 2011
- The principle of relative locality, invited Plenary talk, Loops 11 conference Madrid. May 26, 2011
- Loop quantum gravity at 25â??, Loops 11 conference Madrid, invited remarks, May 25, 2011
- A real ensemble interpretation of quantum mechanics, plenary talk via video link to New Fronteiers in Quantum Foundations, CUPI, Clemson. March 10, 2011
- The principle of relative locality, Columbia University, high energy seminar, March 7, 2011
- Experimental Search for Quantum Gavity Conference, NORDITA, Stockholm Invited talk: On the issue of non-locality in deformed special relativity, July 14, 2010
- James Lepock Memorial Research Symposium, University of Toronto Invited Pleanary: "Science as an ethical community, June 2010
- Science, Facts and Values Conference, UWO Philosophy Department Invited talk: "Science as a network of ethical communities", May 14, 2010
- Physics Colloquium, Haveford College "Using the universe as a laboratory to see the atomic structure of space", April 2010
- Physics Colloquium, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee "Using the universe as a laboratory to probe the Planck scale", April 2010
- Economics Colloquium, Haveford College "Path dependence in models of markets and their implications", April 2010
- Public debate on the nature of time, with Dick Bond and James Brown, held at the University of Toronto "Time is real", January 26, 2010
- Fermilab Astrophysics Seminar "Progress report on quantum gravity", Dec 8 2010
- Fermilab Colloquium, "Using the universe as a laboratory to probe the Planck scale", Dec 9, 2010
- The role of the scientific public intellectual, AAPT plenary talk Ann Arbour Michigan, July 27, 2009
- Unimodular gravity and the cosmological constant problem, Abhayfest, Penn State University, June 5, 2009
- Darwinism in cosmology, Darwin Conference, MacMaster University, May 25, 2009
- Testing parity breaking in quantum gravity with inflation UCSD astrophysics colloquium, Feb 26, 2009
- Experimental prospects for testing quantum gravity UCSD colloquium, Feb 26, 2009
- Possibly observable cosmological consequences of quantum gravity International loop quantum gravity seminar, Oct 21, 2008
- Can observation determine whether spacetime is emergent? Emergent gravity conference, MIT, Aug 27, 2008
- Remarks on the Reality of Time in Physics and Cosmology, University of Pittsburgh, Center for Philosophy of Science Annual Lecture Series, April 11, 2008
- The reality of time and the nature of laws in cosmology, University of Toronto Philosophy Dept Seminar, Jan 31, 2008
- The Nature of Time and Law in Cosmology, Colloquia on the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Stanford University, Oct 11th, 2007
- Time and the nature of law in cosmology, Arrow of time symposium, New York Academy of Sciences, Oct 15, 2007
- Background independent quantum theories of gravity XXVIII Encontro Nacional de F?sica de Part?culas e Campos, Brazil, Sept 26, 2007
- Debate on string theory and quantum gravity, Meeting of Dutch Theoretical Physics, Dalfsen, The Nethererlands, June 2 2007
- Chiral excitations of quantum geometry as elementary particles, Loops 07 conference, Morelia Mexico, June 29 2007
- What have we learned from the search for quantum gravity? Canadian Association of Physics plenary talk, Saskatoon, June 18 2007
- University of Rochester Loop quantum gravity: Basic results and present directions, May 2, 2007
- Background independent approaches to quantum gravity: Lessons and quandries, Colloquium Ehrenfest, Leiden, The Netherlands, May 30 2007
- University of Florida Chiral matter as excitations of quantum Geometry, April 10, 2007
- Emergent chiral excitations of quantum geometries: progress report International loop quantum gravity seminar, April 3, 2007
- Boston University Physics Colloquium Quantum Gravity and the Standard Model, Nov 14 2006
- Boston University Philosophy of Science talk, "Could quantum mechanics be an approximation to another theory", November 14, 2006
- University of Toronto Physics Colloquium, What have we learned about quantum gravity?, Oct 26, 2006
- Quantum gravity and the standard model, Invited talk at Symposium in honor of Gerard 't Hooft, Holland. July 15, 2006
- DAMTP, Cambridge Quantum Gravity and the Standard Model, June 21 2006
- Imperial College, London Quantum Gravity and the Standard Model, June 20 2006
- CENTRE DE RECHERCHE EN EPISTMOLOGIE APPLIQUE, Paris, Invited lecture, "Against symmetry", June 14, 2006,
- Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science, Annual Public Lecture, London School of Economics, "Science and democracy: the essential partnership", June 19, 2006
- College de France, Paris Quantum Gravity and the Standard Model, June 15 2006
- Berkeley seminar Quantum Gravity and the Standard Model, April 3 2006
- UC Santa Barbara Quantum Gravity and the Standard Model, April 4 2006
- Quantum gravity and the standard model, Invited talk APS meeting, Dallas Texas, April 22, 2006
- UBC collloq Quantum Gravity and the Standard Model , March 30 2006
- Cal Tech Quantum Gravity and the Standard Model , March 27 2006
- Simon Fraser collloq Quantum Gravity and the Standard Model, March 31 2006
- U. Victoria collloq Quantum Gravity and the Standard Model, March 29 2006
- Loops 05 Berlin, Invited Plenary Talk Persistent puzzles in background independent approaches to quantum gravity, 11Oct 2005
- Quantum Phsyics of Nature Conference, Vienna `Invited Talk: Quantum gravity and the origin of quantum theory, May 23 2005
- Institute of Physics, UK Conference A CENTURY AFTER EINSTEIN Invited talk: The phenomenology of quantum gravity, April 11 2005
- April 22 2022 Cosmology from First Principles: The causal theory of views as the foundations of physics and cosmology. Cosmo PI group meeting
- PIRSA:21060098, The emergence of quantum mechanics and space, from a fundamental, active time, 2021-06-15, Quantizing Time
- PIRSA:21030005, The dynamics of diversity, 2021-03-17, Colloquium
- PIRSA:20110056, The dynamics of difference, 2020-11-20, Quantum Foundations
- PIRSA:20010093, The search for quantum gravity: where are we, where do we go from here?, 2020-01-16, Quantum Gravity
- PIRSA:19120038, Two views of relative locality, 2019-12-11, Indefinite Causal Structure
- PIRSA:19110087, The dynamics of difference, 2019-11-18, Emmy Noether Workshop: The Structure of Quantum Space Time
- PIRSA:19040081, Lee Smolin, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 2019-04-17, Perimeter Public Lectures
- PIRSA:18110064, Natural dynamics of the cosmological constant, 2018-11-15, Quantum Gravity
- PIRSA:17060110, June 28, 2017 Cosmological natural selection: invited talk at workshop on Bounce Scenarios in Cosmology, PI,
- PIRSA:17050052, Shape dynamics in terms of connection variables, 2017-05-16, Shape Dynamics Workshop
- PIRSA:16070063, Lee Smolin - ISSYP Keynote, 2016-07-19, Shape Dynamics Workshop
- PIRSA:16060117, Fundamental vs Emergent Time, 2016-06-29, Time in Cosmology
- PIRSA:16060116, Fundamental Time, 2016-06-29, Time in Cosmology
- PIRSA:16060107, Welcome and Opening Remarks, 2016-06-27, Time in Cosmology
- PIRSA:16060064, Quantum mechanics and the principle of maximal variety, 2016-06-23, Concepts and Paradoxes in a Quantum Universe
- PIRSA:15060033, Dynamics of the cosmological constant and Newton"s constant, 2015-06-26, [email protected] - A Shape Dynamics Workshop
- PIRSA:15050087, Quantum mechanics from first principles, 2015-05-12, Information Theoretic Foundations for Physics
- PIRSA:14050126, Positive Energy in Quantum Gravity, 2014-05-21, Quantum Gravity Day 2014
- PIRSA:14040090, What are the most pressing open questions in the application of the RG to gravity?, 2014-04-22, Renormalization Group Approaches to Quantum Gravity
- PIRSA:13070084, "Energetic causal sets", "Quantum Foundations - 1, 2013-07-26, Loops 13
- PIRSA:13050072, Time, cosmology and quantum foundations, 2013-05-31, The Quantum Landscape 2013
- PIRSA:13040103, Time Reborn, 2013-04-03, Perimeter Institute Public Lecture Series
- PIRSA:13020146, The universe as a process of unique events, 2013-02-26, Quantum Foundations
- PIRSA:12100116, Quantum Gravity and the Weak Interactions, 2012-10-25, Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity 2012
- PIRSA:11100113, Does Time Emerge from Timeless Laws, or do Laws of Nature Emerge in Time? , 2011-10-28, Emergence and Effective Field Theories Conference - 2011
- PIRSA:11100123, Discussion 2, 2011-10-28, Emergence and Effective Field Theories Conference - 2011
- PIRSA:11100103, The Intersection of the Arts and Science, 2011-10-14, Conceptual Gems of Theoretical Physics
- PIRSA:11100078, Researcher Presentation: Lee Smolin, 2011-10-12, 11/12 PSI - Researcher Presentations
- PIRSA:11090119, Research Presentation - Quantum Gravity, 2011-09-15, Quantum Gravity
- PIRSA:11080148, Informal Chalk and Talk, 2011-08-04, ISSYP 2011
- PIRSA:11050074, Reading Group - May 13th, 2011, 2011-05-13, Concepts and Paradoxes in a Quantum Universe
- PIRSA:11050022, A real ensemble interpretation of quantum mechanics, 2011-05-03, Quantum Foundations
- PIRSA:11020116, The principle of relative locality, 2011-02-23, Colloquium
- PIRSA:11020132, How does Technological Innovation Happen? A conversation with W. Brian Arthur on The Nature of Technology., 2011-02-10, Colloquium
- PIRSA:10070034, Lee Smolin on Quantum Gravity, 2010-07-22, ISSYP 2010
- PIRSA:10050053, Laws and time in cosmology, 2010-05-20, Laws of Nature: Their Nature and Knowability
- PIRSA:09110044, Asymptotic safety and deformed symmetry , 2009-11-06, Asymptotic Safety-30 Years After
- PIRSA:09100169, Seeing Science Through Fiction, 2009-10-18, Quantum to Cosmos Festival - Tickets Available starting TUE. Sep 8, 2009
- PIRSA:09100064, Seeing Science Through Fiction, 2009-10-18, Quantum to Cosmos Festival - Tickets Available starting TUE. Sep 8, 2009
- PIRSA:09080032, Informal Chalk and Talk, 2009-08-12, ISSYP 2009
- PIRSA:09080007, Reconstructing quantum theory from Brownian motion: an assessment, 2009-08-11, Reconstructing Quantum Theory
- PIRSA:09070000, Plebanski formulation / Ashtekar variables , 2009-07-08, Cosmology
- PIRSA:09050091, The quantization of unimodular gravity and the cosmological constant problem, 2009-05-27, New Prospects for Solving the Cosmological Constant Problem
- PIRSA:08100049, On the reality of time and the evolution of laws, 2008-10-02, The Clock and the Quantum: Time and Quantum Foundations
- PIRSA:08090035, Science as an ethical community , 2008-09-10, Science in the 21st Century
- PIRSA:08090050, How to Make Testable Multiverse Theories , 2008-09-04, A Debate in Cosmology:The Multiverse
- PIRSA:08070015, How to test mutiverse theories, 2008-07-15, In Search for Variations of Fundamental Couplings and Mass Scales
- PIRSA:08070003, Quantum Gravity and the Quest for Unification, 2008-07-15, EinsteinPlus 2008
- PIRSA:08040067, Lecture 15B, 2008-04-30, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08040013, Lecture 12B, 2008-04-02, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08040011, Lecture 12, 2008-04-02, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08030022, Lecture 11, 2008-03-26, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08030026, Lecture 11B, 2008-03-26, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08030025, Lecture 10B, 2008-03-19, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08030021, Lecture 10, 2008-03-19, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08030020, Lecture 9, 2008-03-12, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08030024, Lecture 9B, 2008-03-12, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08030019, Lecture 8, 2008-03-05, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08030023, Lecture 8B, 2008-03-05, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08020027, Lecture 7, 2008-02-27, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08020032, Lecture 7B, 2008-02-27, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08020048, Lecture 6C, 2008-02-20, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08020049, Lecture 6D, 2008-02-20, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08020030, Lecture 6B, 2008-02-13, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08020025, Lecture 6, 2008-02-13, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08020024, Lecture 5, 2008-02-06, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08020029, Lecture 5B, 2008-02-06, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08010036, Lecture 4, 2008-01-30, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08010035, Lecture 3, 2008-01-23, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08010041, Lecture 3B, 2008-01-23, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08010040, Lecture 2B, 2008-01-16, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08010034, Lecture 2A, 2008-01-16, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:08010033, Lecture 1, 2008-01-09, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:07100039, Summary, 2007-10-09, Special Topics in Physics
- PIRSA:07080057, Quantum foundations in the light of quantum gravity (Part 1B), 2007-08-31, Quantum Foundations Summer School
- PIRSA:07080056, Quantum foundations in the light of quantum gravity (Part 1A), 2007-08-31, Quantum Foundations Summer School
- PIRSA:07080064, The Nature of Space and Time, 2007-08-01, ISSYP Virtual
- PIRSA:07080059, The Nature of Space and Time, 2007-08-01, ISSYP 2007
- PIRSA:07040018, Emergent chiral excitations of quantum geometries: progress report, 2007-04-03, International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar
- PIRSA:07020014, What if the landscape is for real? Comments on evolving laws and the implications for the issues of time and probability in quantum cosmology, 2007-02-08, Quantum Gravity Foundations
- PIRSA:06100010, Could quantum mechanics be an approximation to another, cosmological, theory?, 2006-10-11, Colloquium
- PIRSA:06090023, Insights from background independent approaches to quantum gravity , 2006-09-05, Natural Ultraviolet Cutoffs In Expanding Space-Times
- PIRSA:06090024, Black hole evaporation and information, 2006-09-05, Natural Ultraviolet Cutoffs In Expanding Space-Times
- PIRSA:06080035, Dark Matter with Lee Smolin, 2006-08-09, ISSYP Virtual
- PIRSA:06080019, Dark Matter - ISSYP Keynote Presentation, 2006-08-09, ISSYP 2006
- PIRSA:06070078, Keynote Presentation, 2006-07-27,
- PIRSA:06070049, Bistro Banter, 2006-07-19, Quantum Reality, Relativistic Causality, and Closing the Epistemic Circle
- PIRSA:06040015, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 25, 2006-04-12, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06040014, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 24, 2006-04-12, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06030020, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 17, 2006-03-22, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06030021, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 18, 2006-03-22, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06030014, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 15, 2006-03-15, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06030015, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 16, 2006-03-15, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06030008, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 13, 2006-03-08, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06030009, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 14, 2006-03-08, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06020039, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 12, 2006-02-28, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06020038, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 11, 2006-02-28, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06020031, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 9, 2006-02-15, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06020032, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 10, 2006-02-15, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06020013, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 7, 2006-02-08, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06020014, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 8, 2006-02-08, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06020004, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 6, 2006-02-01, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06020002, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 5, 2006-02-01, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06010017, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 3, 2006-01-26, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06010018, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 4, 2006-01-26, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06010008, Introduction to quantum gravity, 2006-01-18, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:06010009, Introduction to quantum gravity - Part 2, 2006-01-18, Introduction to quantum gravity
- PIRSA:05080034, Evolving Laws: Chapter 19 - Introductory comments about the nature of time and causality, 2005-08-16, Concepts and Paradoxes in a Quantum Universe
- PIRSA:05080016, Evolving Laws: Chapter 1 - Introduction by Lee Smolin, 2005-08-16, Concepts and Paradoxes in a Quantum Universe
- PIRSA:05080025, Evolving Laws: Chapter 10 - Summary by Lee Smolin, 2005-08-16, Concepts and Paradoxes in a Quantum Universe
- PIRSA:05080033, Evolving Laws: Chapter 18 - Miscellaneous statements and discussions, 2005-08-16, Concepts and Paradoxes in a Quantum Universe
- PIRSA:05080031, Evolving Laws: Chapter 16 - Follow up comments and discussions., 2005-08-16, Concepts and Paradoxes in a Quantum Universe
- PIRSA:05080037, Evolving Laws: Chapter 22 - End of the day, 2005-08-16, Concepts and Paradoxes in a Quantum Universe
- PIRSA:05080032, Evolving Laws: Chapter 17 - Equilibrium states and Operas in the Universe, 2005-08-16, Concepts and Paradoxes in a Quantum Universe
- PIRSA:05080039, Evolving Laws: Chapter 24 - Criteria for emergence, 2005-08-16, Concepts and Paradoxes in a Quantum Universe
- PIRSA:05080008, Einstein - Relativity and Beyond, 2005-08-12, Perimeter Institute Public Lecture Series
- PIRSA:05030089, Keynote Address: Relationalism in Physics and Cosmology, 2005-03-03, 2005 Waterloo PGSA Conference
- PIRSA:04100055, Physics From Loop Quantum Gravity, 2004-10-31, Quantum Gravity
- PIRSA:04080004, Nature of Science (2), 2004-08-25, ISSYP 2004
- PIRSA:04080015, Nature of Science, 2004-08-25, ISSYP Virtual
- PIRSA:04080003, Nature of Science, 2004-08-25, ISSYP 2004
- PIRSA:04080016, Nature of Science (2), 2004-08-25, ISSYP Virtual