Mathematical physics
Mathematical physics is a two-way street: problems in physics can precipitate new mathematics to solve them, while new mathematics opens doors to understanding the physical universe. Newton invented modern calculus to understand mechanics — and calculus went on to redefine all of physics. The development of quantum theory in the 20th century both spurred and was spurred by advances in mathematical fields such as linear algebra and functional analysis. Perimeter’s mathematical physics researchers continue this grand tradition.
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Mathematical physics researchers

Gluskin Sheff/Onex Freeman Dyson Chair in Theoretical Physics

Krembil William Rowan Hamilton Chair in Theoretical Physics

Krembil Galileo Galilei Chair in Theoretical Physics
The Clay Riddell Paul Dirac Chair in Theoretical Physics

Gluskin Sheff/Onex Freeman Dyson Chair in Theoretical Physics

Krembil William Rowan Hamilton Chair in Theoretical Physics