Timothy Hsieh

If you are interested in working with me as a PhD student, please send me an email at [email protected]
Research Interests
I am interested in quantum dynamics, applications of synthetic quantum systems for quantum simulation, and topological phases of matter.
E-mail: [email protected]
Positions Held
- Moore Postdoctoral Fellow, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara (2015 Sep - 2018 Mar)
Recent Publications
- T. Ellison, K. Kato, Z-W. Liu, and T. Hsieh. Symmetry Protected Sign Problem and Magic in Quantum Phases of Matter. Quantum 5, 612 (2021).
- C-J. Lin, Z. Li, and T. Hsieh. Entanglement Renormalization of Thermofield Double States. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 080602 (2021).
- S. Sang, Y. Li, T. Zhou, X. Chen, T. Hsieh, and MPA Fisher. Entanglement Negativity at Measurement-Induced Criticality. PRX Quantum 2, 030313 (2021).
- R. Haenel, S. Sahoo, T. Hsieh, and M. Franz. Traversable Wormhole in Coupled SYK Models with Imbalanced Interactions. Phys. Rev. B 104, 035141 (2021).
- S. Sang and T. Hsieh. Measurement Protected Quantum Phases. Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023300 (2021).
- D. Zhu, S. Johri, N. Linke, K. Landsman, N. Nguyen, C. Alderete, A. Matsuura, T. Hsieh, and C. Monroe. Variational Generation of Thermofield Double States and Critical Ground States with a Quantum Computer. PNAS 2006337117 (2020).
- C-J. Lin, V. Calvera, and T. Hsieh. Quantum Many-Body Scar States in Two-Dimensional Rydberg Atom Arrays. Phys. Rev. B 101, 220304(R) (2020). arXiv: 2003.04516
- Z. Li, L. Zou, and T. Hsieh. Hamiltonian Tomography via Quantum Quench. Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 160502 (2020). arXiv: 1912.09492
- T-C. Lu, T. Hsieh, and T. Grover. Detecting Topological Order at Finite Temperature Using Entanglement Negativity. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 116801 (2020). arXiv: 1912.04293
- J. Wu and T. Hsieh. Variational Thermal Quantum Simulation via Thermofield Double States. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 220502 (2019). arXiv: 1811.11756
- M. Beach, R. Melko, T. Grover, and T. Hsieh. Making Trotters Sprint: A Variational Imaginary Time Ansatz for Quantum Many-body Systems. Phys. Rev. B 100, 094434 (2019). arXiv: 1904.00019
- W-W. Ho, C. Jonay, and T. Hsieh. Ultrafast Variational Simulation of Non-trivial Quantum States with Long Range Interactions. Phys. Rev. A 99, 052332 (2019). arXiv: 1810.04817
- W-W. Ho and T. Hsieh. Efficient variational simulation of non-trivial quantum states. SciPost Phys. 6, 029 (2019). arXiv: 1803.00026 (2018).
- T. Iadecola and T. Hsieh. Floquet Supersymmetry. Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 210603 (2018). arXiv: 1710.05927
- G. Halasz, T. Hsieh, and L. Balents. Fracton topological phases from strongly coupled spin chains. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 257202 (2017) (Editor's Suggestion). arXiv: 1707.02308
- T. Hsieh and G. Halász. Fractons from Partons. Phys. Rev. B 96, 165105 (2017) (Editor's Suggestion). arXiv: 1703.02973
- T. Hsieh, Y-M. Lu, and A. Ludwig. Topological Bootstrap: Fractionalization From Kondo Coupling. Science Advances Vol. 3, no. 10, e1700729 (2017). arXiv: 1610.04614
- T. Hsieh. Entangled Cloning of Stabilizer Codes and Free Fermions. Phys. Rev. B 94, 161112(R) (2016). arXiv: 1608.04740
- T. Hsieh, G. Halasz, and T. Grover. All Majorana Models with Translation Symmetry are Supersymmetric. Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 166802 (2016). arXiv: 1604.08591
- T. Liang, T. Hsieh, J. Ishikawa, S. Nakatsuji, L. Fu, and N.P. Ong. Orthogonal magnetization and symmetry breaking in pyrochlore iridate Eu2Ir2O7. Nature Physics 10.1038/nphys4051 (2017). arXiv: 1603.08022
- T. Hsieh, H. Ishizuka, L. Balents, and T. Hughes. Bulk Topological Proximity Effect. Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 086802 (2016). arXiv: 1510.02803
- R. Wang, T. Hsieh, and G. Vidal. Bang-bang algorithms for quantum many-body ground states: a tensor network exploration. arXiv: 2208.00271 (2022).
- T-C. Lu, L. Lessa, I. Kim, and T. Hsieh. Measurement as a shortcut to long-range entangled quantum matter. arXiv: 2206.13527 (2022).
- C-J. Lin, W. Ye, Y. Zou, S. Sang, and T. Hsieh. Probing sign structure using measurement-induced entanglement. arXiv: 2205.05692 (2022).
- Z. Li, S. Sang, and T. Hsieh. Entanglement Dynamics of Random Quantum Channels. arXiv: 2203.16555 (2022).
- Probing Sign Structure Using Measurement Induced Entanglement, Kadanoff Seminar, University of Chicago (2022)
- Probing Sign Structure Using Measurement Induced Entanglement, University of Virginia Condensed Matter Physics Seminar (2022).
- Symmetry Protected Sign Problem and Magic in Quantum Phases of Matter, Harvard Center for Mathematical Sciences and Applications Seminar
- Symmetry Protected Sign Problem and Magic in Quantum Phases of Matter, UIUC Institute for Condensed Matter Theory Seminar
- Symmetry Protected Sign Problem and Magic in Quantum Phases of Matter, Microsoft Station Q Seminar
- Measurement Protected Quantum Phases, "Quantum Matter in the Age of Entanglement" Princeton Center for Theoretical Sciences Workshop
- Quantum Many-Body Simulation, Quantum Simulation Seminar, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Measurement Protected Quantum Phases, Virtual Workshop on Dynamics, Criticality, and Universality in Random Quantum Circuits (Max Planck Dresden)
- Measurement Protected Quantum Phases, Ultra Quantum Matter Virtual Seminar (2020)
- Measurement Protected Quantum Phases, Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics Seminar Series (2020)
- Quantum Many-Body Shortcuts in Real and Imaginary Time, University of Waterloo Quantum Matters Seminar (2019)
- PIRSA:22050038, Probing sign structure using measurement-induced entanglement, 2022-05-18, Quantum Criticality: Gauge Fields and Matter
- PIRSA:19070027, Shortcuts in Real and Imaginary Time, 2019-07-09, Machine Learning for Quantum Design
- PIRSA:19060028, Preparing Critical and Thermofield Double States on a Quantum Computer, 2019-06-13, Many-Body States and Dynamics Workshop II
- PIRSA:19040114, Shortcuts in Real and Imaginary Time, 2019-04-25, Quantum Matter: Emergence & Entanglement 3
- PIRSA:18050040, Efficient Preparation of Nontrivial Quantum States, 2018-05-07, PI-NRC Meeting
- PIRSA:14100075, Bulk Entanglement Spectrum: From Topological States to Quantum Criticality, 2014-10-14, Condensed Matter