Will Percival

Perimeter Institute is committed to diversity within its community and I welcome applications from underrepresented groups. If you are interested in working with me as a MSc research student (2-year course, Research Thesis option), please submit an application directly to my department at the University of Waterloo and indicate that you would like to be supervised by me.
Research Interests
I work in the field of cosmology, using observations to test theoretical models. I focus particularly on galaxy surveys, using the positions of galaxies to measure the cosmological expansion rate and growth of cosmological structure. I use these to constrain Dark Energy, the mechanism responsible for the present-day acceleration in the expansion rate.
Positions Held
- 2005-2018 Institute of Cosmology & Gravitation, University of Portsmouth, Professor of Cosmology
Recent Publications
- DES Collaboration, (161 co-authors including W.J. Percival), Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Constraints on extensions to CDM with weak lensing and galaxy clustering, 2022, [arXiv: 2207.05766]
- Z.Zhai, W.J.Percival, Sample Variance for Supernovae Distance Measurements and the Hubble tension, 2022, PRD submitted, [arXiv: 2207.02373]
- E. Massara, W.J. Percival, N. Dalal, S. Nadathur, S. Radinovic Ì, H.A. Winther, A. Woodfinden, Velocity profiles of matter and biased tracers around voids, 2022, MNRAS submitted, [arXiv: 2206.14120]
- R. Saglia, (184 co-authors including W.J. Percival), Euclid preparation: XX. The Complete Calibra- tion of the Color-Redshift Relation survey: LBT observations and data release, 2022, A&A submitted, [arXiv: 2206.01620]
- M.Bonici, (130 co-authors including W.J.Percival), Euclid:Forecasts from the void-lensing cross-correlation, 2022, [arXiv: 2206.14211]
- A. Woodfinden, S. Nadathur, W.J. Percival, S. Radinovic, E. Massara, H.A. Winther, Measurements of cosmic expansion and growth rate of structure from voids in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey between redshift 0.07 and 1.0, 2022, MNRAS submitted, [arXiv: 2205.06258]
- B. Abareshi, (266 co-authors including W.J. Percival), Overview of the Instrumentation for the Dark En- ergy Spectroscopic Instrument, 2022, AJ submitted, [arXiv: 2205.10939]
- J.H. Silber, (99 co-authors including W.J. Percival), The Robotic Multi-Object Focal Plane System of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), 2022, [arXiv: 2205.09014]
- Euclid Collaboration, (222 co-authors including W.J. Percival), Euclid preparation. XVIII. The NISP pho- tometric system, 2022, A&A 662, A92, [arXiv: 2203.01650]
- Y. Wang, G.-B. Zhao, K. Koyama, W.J. Percival, R. Takahashi, C. Hikage, H. Gil-Mar 퀱n, C. Hahn, R. Zhao, W. Zhang, X. Mu, Y. Yu, H.-M. Zhu, F. Ge, Extracting high-order cosmological information in galaxy surveys with power spectra, 2022, Nature astronomy submitted, [arXiv: 2202.05248]
- R. Neveux, E. Burtin, V. Ruhlmann-Kleider, A. de Mattia, A. Semenaite, K.S. Dawson, A. de la Macorra, W.J. Percival, G. Rossi, D.P. Schneider, G.-B. Zhao, Combined full shape analysis of BOSS galaxies and eBOSS quasars using an iterative emulator, 2022, [arXiv: 2201.04679]
- Abdurro"uf, (339 co-authors including W.J. Percival), The Seventeenth Data Release of the Sloan Dig- ital Sky Surveys: Complete Release of MaNGA, MaStar and APOGEE-2 Data, 2022, ApJSS 259, 35 [arXiv: 2112.02026]
- F. Lepori, (185 co-authors including W.J. Percival), Euclid preparation: XIX. Impact of magnification on photometric galaxy clustering, 2022, A&A 622, A93, [arXiv: 2110.05435]
- C. Zhao, (18 co-authors including W.J. Percival), The completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Cosmological implications from multi-tracer BAO analysis with galaxies and voids, 2022, MNRAS 511, 5492, [arXiv: 2110.03824]
- S. Nesseris, (114 co-authors including W.J. Percival), Euclid: Forecast constraints on consistency tests of the ÎCDM model , 2022, A&A 660, A67, [arXiv: 2110.11421]
- M.S. Cagliari, (111 co-authors including W.J. Percival), Euclid: Constraining ensemble photometric red- shift distributions with stacked spectroscopy, 2022, A&A 660, A9, [arXiv: 2109.07303]
- F.G. Mohammad, W.J. Percival, Creating Jackknife and Bootstrap estimates of the covariance matrix for the two-point correlation functions, 2022, MNRAS 514, 1289, [arXiv: 2109.07071]
- W.J. Percival, Oliver Friedrich, Elena Sellentin, Alan Heavens, Matching Bayesian and frequentist coverage probabilities when using an approximate data covariance matrix, 2022, MNRAS 510, 3207, [arXiv: 2108.10402]
- N. Hamaus, (149 co-authors including W.J. Percival), Euclid: Forecasts from redshift-space distortions and the Alcock-Paczynski test with cosmic voids, 2022, A&A 658, A20, [arXiv: 2108.10347]
- A.S. Borlaff, (182 co-authors including W.J. Percival), Euclid preparation: XVI. Exploring the ultra low- surface brightness Universe with Euclid/VIS, 2022, A&A 657, A92, [arXiv: 2108.10321]
- R. Scaramella, (240 co-authors including W.J. Percival), Euclid preparation: I. The Euclid Wide Survey, 2022, A&A 662, A112, [arXiv: 2108.01201]
- PIRSA:21040037, Mapping the Universe with eBOSS, 2021-04-07, Perimeter Public Lectures
- PIRSA:20070028, Cosmology from the SDSS, 2020-07-28, Cosmology & Gravitation
- PIRSA:20020077, The future of spectroscopic galaxy surveys , 2020-02-21, Centre for the Universe - Waterloo Centre for Astrophysics Day
- Organiser for the meeting ``Wide-Field Astronomy in Canada'', at PI, October 2018.