Kendrick Smith

If you are interested in pursuing a MSc degree, please apply to the Perimeter Scholars International (PSI) masters program. If you are interested in working with me as a PhD student, please send me an email at [email protected], If you are interested in working with me as a PhD student, please submit an application directly to my department at the University of Waterloo and indicate that you would like to be supervised by me. Perimeter Institute is committed to diversity within its community and I welcome applications from underrepresented groups.
Research Interests
I am a "data-oriented" cosmologist: my work is a mixture of theoretical physics, phenomenology, computational physics, statistics, and data analysis. I have been a member of several large experiments, including the WMAP and Planck cosmic microwave background (CMB) satellites. Most recently, I have joined CHIME, a new experiment in British Columbia which aims to measure the radio sky to orders of magnitude better sensitivity than previous all-sky surveys, with a wide variety of applications. It is the first new Canadian research telescope in several decades.
My best-known work is on CMB data analysis and phenomenology, including a classification of observable signals from self-interactions of the inflaton, and the first detection of gravitational lensing in the CMB. Recently, I have been interested in new data analysis techniques for large scale structure and radio astronomy.
Positions Held
- 2012-2013: Spitzer Postdoctoral Fellow, Princeton University and Faculty, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (joint affiliation)
- 2009-2012: Spitzer Postdoctoral Fellow, Princeton University
- 2007-2009: STFC Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Cambridge
- 2002-2007: PhD student, University of Chicago
- 2022: I was co-awarded (with the rest of the CHIME/FRB team) the Lancelot Berkeley Prize from the American Astronomical Society, awarded annually for "highly meritorious work in advancing the science of astronomy".
- 2020: I was co-awarded (with the rest of the CHIME team) the Canadian Governor General's Innovation Award, for innovations which are ``truly exceptional, transformative, and positive in their impact on quality of life in Canada''.
- 2020: I was co-awarded (with Jo Dunkley and Samaya Nissanke) the New Horizons Prize in Physics, for ``the development of novel techniques to extract fundamental physics from astronomical data''.
- 2019: I was named a Fellow in the CIFAR program "Gravity & The Extreme Universe"
- 2019: I was co-awarded (with the rest of the WMAP and Planck teams) the Giuseppe and Vanna Cocconi Prize of the European Physical Society's High Energy Energy and Particle Physics Division.
- 2018: I was co-awarded (with the rest of the WMAP Science Team) the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics, which recognizes physicists who have made ``profound contributions to human knowledge''.
- 2012: I was co-awarded (with the rest of the WMAP Science Team) the Gruber Cosmology Prize, an international prize given once per year to an individual or team ``whose groundbreaking work provides new models that inspire and enable fundamental shifts in knowledge and culture''.
- 2009: Spitzer Postdoctoral Fellowship at Princeton University, awarded once per year to ``a top theoretical postdoctoral astronomer''.
- 2007: STFC (UK Science and Technology Facilities Council) Postdoctoral Fellowship, awarded to twelve recent PhDs (across all scientific fields) to pursue postdoctoral research in the UK.
- 2006: Bloomenthal Fellowship, awarded once per year to ``the best graduate student in theoretical physics with advanced residency status'' at the University of Chicago.
- 2002: McCormick Doctoral Fellowship, awarded to ``the highest rated applicants to the Ph.D. program of the Department of Physics'' at the University of Chicago.
Recent Publications
- A. Curtin et al, "Limits on Fast Radio Burst-like Counterparts to Gamma-ray Bursts using CHIME/FRB", arXiv: 2208.00803.
- K. Shin et al, "Inferring the Energy and Distance Distributions of Fast Radio Bursts using the First CHIME/FRB Catalog", arXiv: 2207.14316.
- M. Merryfield et al, "An Injection System for the CHIME/FRB Experiment", arXiv: 2206.14079.
- M. Rafiei-Ravandi, K. M. Smith, "Mitigating radio frequency interference in CHIME/FRB real-time intensity data", ApJS accepted, arXiv: 2206.07292.
- U. Giri, M. Munchmeyer, K. M. Smith, "Robust Neural Network-Enhanced Estimation of Local Primordial Non-Gaussianity", arXiv: 2205.12964.
- Z. Kader et al, "A High-Time Resolution Search for Compact Objects using Fast Radio Burst Gravitational Lens Interferometry with CHIME/FRB", arXiv: 2204.06014.
- C. Leung et al, "Constraining Primordial Black Holes using Fast Radio Burst Gravitational-Lens Interferometry with CHIME/FRB", arXiv: 2204.06001.
- LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA, CHIME/FRB Collaborations, "Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Fast Radio Bursts Detected by CHIME/FRB During the LIGO--Virgo Observing Run O3a", arXiv: 2203.12038.
- S. Hotinli, K. Smith, M. Madhavacheril, M. Kamionkowski, "Cosmology with the moving lens effect'", Phys. Rev. D 104, 083529.
- CHIME/FRB collaboration, "Sub-second periodicity in a fast radio burst", Nature (2022) 607, 256.
- M. Bhardwaj et al, "A Local Universe Host for the Repeating Fast Radio Burst FRB 20181030A", ApJL 919 2021, L24.
- P. Chawla et al, "Modeling Fast Radio Burst Dispersion and Scattering Properties in the First CHIME/FRB Catalog", ApJS 257 2021, 59.
- T. Cassanelli et al, "Localizing FRBs through VLBI with the Algonquin Radio Observatory 10-m Telescope", ApJ submitted, arXiv: 2107.05659.
- Z. Pleunis et al, "Fast Radio Burst Morphology in the First CHIME/FRB Catalog", ApJ 923 2021, 1.
- CHIME/FRB collaboration, "The First CHIME/FRB Fast Radio Burst Catalog", ApJS 257 2021, 59.
- A. Josephy et al, "No Evidence for Galactic Latitude Dependence of the Fast Radio Burst Sky Distribution", ApJ 923 2021, 2.
- M. Rafiei-Ravandi et al, "CHIME/FRB Catalog 1 results: statistical cross-correlations with large-scale structure", ApJ 922 2022, 42.
- F. Kirsten et al, "A repeating fast radio burst source in a globular cluster", Nature submitted, arXiv: 2105.11445.
- K. Nimmo et al, "Burst timescales and luminosities link young pulsars and fast radio bursts", Nature submitted, arXiv: 2105.11446.
- M. Bhardwaj et al, "A nearby repeating fast radio burst in the direction of M81", ApJL (2021) 910, L18.
- Z. Pleunis et al, "LOFAR Detection of 110-188 MHz Emission and Frequency-Dependent Activity from FRB 20180916B", ApJL accepted, arXiv: 2012.08372.
- D. C. Good et al, "First discovery of new pulsars and RRATs with CHIME/FRB", ApJ accepted, arXiv: 2012.02320.
- M. S. Madhavacheril, K. M. Smith, B. D. Sherwin, S. Naess, "CMB lensing power spectrum estimation without instrument noise bias", JCAP (2021) 2105, 028.
- U. Giri, K. M. Smith, "Exploring KSZ velocity reconstruction with N-body simulations and the halo model", JCAP accepted, arXiv: 2010.07193.
- E. Schaan et al, "The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Combined kinematic and thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich measurements from BOSS CMASS and LOWZ halos", PRD (2021) 103, 063513 (``Editors' Suggestion'')
- L. Thiele, J. .C. Hill, K. M. Smith, "Accurate Analytic Model for the Weak Lensing Convergence One-Point Probability Distribution Function and its Auto-Covariance", PRD (2020) 102, 123545
- J. A. Nasir et al, ``A comparison of whole genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 using amplicon-based sequencing, random hexamers, and bait capture'', Viruses 12 (8) 985 (Coronaviruses Special Issue).
- CHIMEFRB collaboration, ``A bright millisecond-duration radio burst from a Galactic magnetar'', accepted to Nature, arXiv: 2005.10324.
- P. Scholz et al, ``Simultaneous X-ray and Radio Observations of the Repeating Fast Radio Burst FRB 180916.J0158+65'', accepted to ApJ, arXiv: 2004.06082.
- P. Chawla et al, ``Detection of Repeating FRB 180916.J0158+65 Down to Frequencies of 300 MHz'', ApJL 896 (2020) L41.
- CHIMEFRB collaboration (E. Fonseca et al), ``Nine New Repeating Fast Radio Burst Sources from CHIME/FRB'', ApJL 891 (2020) L6.
- B. Marcote et al, ``A repeating fast radio burst source localised to a nearby spiral galaxy'', Nature 577 (2020) 190.
- CHIMEFRB collaboration, ``Periodic activity from a fast radio burst source'', Nature 582 (2020) 351.
- M. Rafiei-Ravandi, K. M. Smith, K. Masui, ``Characterizing fast radio bursts through statistical cross-correlations'', PRD 102, 023528 (2020).
- M. Munchmeyer and K. M. Smith, ``Higher N-point function data analysis techniques for heavy particle production and WMAP results'', PRD 100, 123511 (2019).
- CHIMEFRB collaboration, ``CHIME/FRB Detection of Eight New Repeating Fast Radio Burst Sources'', accepted to ApJL.
- A. Josephy et al, ``CHIME/FRB Detection of the Original Repeating Fast Radio Burst Source FRB 121102'', ApJL 18, 882 (2019)
- M. S. Madhavacheril, N. Battaglia, K. M. Smith, J. L. Sievers, ``Cosmology with kSZ: breaking the optical depth degeneracy with Fast Radio Bursts'', accepted to PRD.
- CHIMEFRB collaboration, ``A Second Repeating Fast Radio Burst'', Nature 566 (2019) 235.
- CHIMEFRB collaboration, ``Detection of Fast Radio Bursts at Radio Frequencies Down to 400 MHz'', Nature 566 (2019) 230.
- L.~Thiele}, J.~C.~Hill, K.~M.~Smith, ``An Accurate Analytic Model for the Thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich One-Point PDF'', PRD (2019) 99, 103511 (2019).
- M. Munchmeyer, M. S. Madhavacheril, S. Ferraro, M. C. Johnson, K. M. Smith, ``Constraining local non-Gaussianities with kSZ tomography'', accepted to PRD.
- K. M. Smith, M. S. Madhavacheril, M. Munchmeyer, S. Ferraro, U. Giri, and M. C. Johnson, ``KSZ tomography and the bispectrum'', accepted to PRD.
- S. C. Hotinli, J. Meyers, N. Dalal, A. H. Jaffe, M. C. Johnson, J. B. Mertens, M. Munchmeyer, K. M. Smith, A. van Engelen, ``Transverse Velocities with the Moving Lens Effect'', PRL (2019) 123, 061301.
- Simons Observatory collaboration, "The Simons Observatory: Science goals and forecasts", JCAP (2019) 1902, 056.
- CHIMEFRB collaboration, ``The CHIME Fast Radio Burst Project: System Overview'', ApJ (2018) 863, 1.
- S. Ferraro, K. M. Smith, ``Characterizing the Epoch of Reionization with the small-scale CMB: constraints on the optical depth and physical parameters'', Phys. Rev. D 98, 123519 (2018)
- W. Coulton, R. Armstrong, K. Smith, R. Lupton, D. Spergel, ``Exploring the brighter-fatter effect with the Hyper Suprime-Cam'', ApJ (2018) 155, 6.
- C. Ng, K. Vanderlinde, A. Paradise, P. Klages, K. Masui, K. Smith, K. Bandura, P. J. Boyle, M. Dobbs, V. Kaspi, A. Renard, J. R. Shaw, I. Stairs, I. Tretyakov, ``CHIME FRB: An application of FFT beamforming for a radio telescope'', URSI GASS 32 (2017).
- C. Ng et al, "CHIME FRB: An application of FFT beamforming for a radio telescope", URSI GASS 32 (2017).
- CHIME collaboration, "Limits on the ultra-bright Fast Radio Burst population from the CHIME pathfinder", ApJ (2017) 844, 161.
- P. Daniel Meerberg, J. Meyers, K. M. Smith, A. van Engelen, "Reconstructing CMB fluctuations and the mean reionization optical depth", PRD 95, 123538 (2017).
- K. M. Smith and S. Ferraro, ``Detecting patchy reionization in the CMB'', PRL 119, 021301 (2017). [ This paper was selected for highlighting on the APS website, ]
- P. Berger et al, ``Holographic Beam Mapping of the CHIME Pathfinder Array'', Proc. SPIE (2016), 9906.
- E. Schaan, S. Ferraro, M. Vargas-Magana, K. M. Smith et al, ``Evidence for the kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect with ACTPol and velocity reconstruction from BOSS'', PRD (2016) 93, 082002.
- L. Boyle, J. Y. Khoo, K. M. Smith, ``Symmetric Satellite Swarms and Choreographic Crystals'', PRL (2016) 116, 015503 (``Editors' Suggestion'').
- N. Denman et al, ``A GPU-based Correlator X-engine Implemented on the CHIME Pathfinder'', IEEE ASAP 2015.
- Planck collaboration, ``Planck 2015 results. I. Overview of products and scientific results'', arXiv: 1502.01582 [astro-ph], accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics.
- Planck collaboration, ``Planck 2015 results. XVII. Constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity'', arXiv: 1502.01592 [astro-ph], accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics.
- L. Boyle, K. M. Smith, C. Dvorkin, N. Turok, ``On testing and extending the inflationary consistency relation for tensor modes'', PRD (2015) 92, 043504.
- S. Ferraro, K. M. Smith, ``Using Large Scale Structure to Test Multifield Inflation'', PRD (2015) 91, 043506.
- S. R. Behbahani, M. Mirbabayi, L. Senatore, K. M. Smith, ``New natural shapes of non-Gaussianity from high-derivative interactions and their optimal limits from WMAP 9-year data'', JCAP (2014) 11 035.
- K. M. Smith, C. Dvorkin, L. Boyle, N. Turok, M. Halpern, G. Hinshaw, B. Gold, ``On quantifying and resolving the BICEP2/Planck tension over gravitational waves'', PRL (2014) 113, 031301 (``Editors' Suggestion'').
- A. Broderick, C. Pfrommer, E. Puchwein, P. Chang, K. M. Smith, ``Lower Limits upon the Anisotropy of the Extragalactic Gamma-Ray Background implied by the 2FGL and 1FHL Catalogs'', ApJ (2014) 796, 12.
- Simons Observatory Collaboration, ``The Simons Observatory: Astro2020 Decadal Project Whitepaper'', arXiv: 1907.08284 [astro-ph].
- M. Munchmeyer, K. M. Smith, ``Fast Wiener filtering of CMB maps with Neural Networks'', arXiv: 1905.05846.
- Planck collaboration, ``Planck 2018 results. IX. Constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity'', arXiv: 1905.05697.
- K. M. Smith, "New algorithms for radio pulsar search", arXiv: 1610.06831 [astro-ph].
- K. M. Smith, L. Senatore, M. Zaldarriaga, ``Optimal analysis of the CMB trispectrum'', arXiv: 1502.00635 [astro-ph].
- J. C. Hill, B. D. Sherwin, K. M. Smith et al, ``The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: A Measurement of the Thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich One-Point PDF'', arXiv: 1411.8004 [astro-ph]
- M. Alvarez et al, ``Testing Inflation with Large Scale Structure: Connecting Hopes with Reality'', Proceedings from workshop held at University of Toronto, October 2014.
- O. Dore et al, "WFIRST Science Investigation Team: Cosmology with the High Latitude Survey, Annual Report 2017".
- K. N. Abazajian et al, "Neutrino Physics from the Cosmic Microwave Background and Large Scale Structure", Report from the ``Dark Energy and CMB'' working group for the American Physical Society's Division of Particles and Fields long-term planning exercise ("Snowmass").
- K. N. Abazajian et al, "Inflation Physics from the Cosmic Microwave Background and Large Scale Structure", Report from the ``Dark Energy and CMB'' working group for the American Physical Society's Division of Particles and Fields long-term planning exercise ("Snowmass").
- "Cosmology from the kSZ effect in the CMB", invited seminar, University of Cambridge (remote).
- "FRB science results from CHIME", colloquium, Brookhaven National Laboratory (remote).
- "Mapping cosmological electrons with the CMB and FRBs", invited conference talk, Princeton.
- "FRB science results from CHIME", invited seminar, University of Washington (remote).
- "FRB science results from CHIME", colloquium, Columbia University (remote).
- "FRB science results from CHIME", colloquium, Johns Hopkins University (remote).
- "Cosmology with the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect", invited seminar, CIFAR meeting (remote).
- "FRB science results from CHIME'' invited conference talk, Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics (remote).
- "FRB science results from CHIME", invited seminar, University of California San Diego (remote).
- "FRB science results from CHIME", invited seminar, Southern Methodist University (remote).
- "FRB science results from CHIME", invited seminar, Florida State University (remote).
- "The CHIME FRB search pipeline", invited seminar, Caltech (remote).
- ``The CHIME FRB search pipeline'', invited conference talk (remote), FRB 2020.
- ``CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment'', invited seminar (remote), ENS Paris.
- ``CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment'', colloquium, Caltech.
- ``CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment'', colloquium, University of Toronto.
- ``CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment'', colloquium, Princeton University.
- "CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment", invited conference talk, Kelowna BC.
- "CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment", astrophysics colloquium, Fermilab.
- "CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment", astrophysics colloquium, Berkeley.
- "Cosmology with the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect", invited conference talk, Center for Computational Astronomy, NYC.
- ``CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment'', invited conference talk, Brookhaven.
- ``CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment'', invited seminar, Inst1itute for Advanced Study, Princeton.
- ``CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment'', invited seminar, Center for Computational Astronomy, NYC.
- ``CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment'', physics colloquium, University of Maryland.
- ``CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment'', invited seminar, University of Toronto.
- ``Cosmology with the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect'', invited conference talk, Banff.
- ``Search algorithms for fast transients'', invited conference talk, Cape Town, South Africa.
- "Search algorithms for fast transients", invited conference talk, McGill University.
- "CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment", invited seminar, Brown University.
- "CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment", invited conference talk, Banff.
- "CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment", invited plenary conference talk, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
- "CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment", invited seminar, Oxford University.
- "CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment", invited seminar, Jodrell Bank Observatory, UK.
- "CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment", invited seminar, Center for Computational Astronomy, New York.
- "CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment", physics colloquium, Stony Brook University.
- "CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment", physics colloquium, University of Guelph.
- "Transient searches in CHIME and other next-generation radio telescopes", physics colloquium, University of Victoria
- "Detecting patchy reionization in the CMB", invited conference talk, University of Chicago.
- "CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment", invited conference talk, Carnegie-Mellon
- "Detecting patchy reionization in the CMB", invited conference talk, Stony Brook.
- "CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment", invited seminar, University of Washington
- "CMB lensing overview'', invited conference talk, Berkeley
- "CHIME: the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment'', invited seminar, IAS Princeton.
- "CHIME: forecasts and status update'', invited conference talk, IAS Princeton.
- "CHIME: forecasts and status update'', invited conference talk, Brookhaven (via skype)
- "CHIME: forecasts and status update", invited seminar, Munich.
- "CHIME: forecasts and status update", invited conference talk, Barcelona
- "Planck constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity and future prospects", invited seminar, Johns Hopkins
- "Planck constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity and future prospects", invited colloquium, University of Chicago
- "Planck constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity and future prospects", invited seminar, Stony Brook
- "Planck constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity and future prospects", invited seminar, Ohio State
- "Planck constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity and future prospects", invited seminar, CMU.
- "Planck constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity and future prospects", invited seminar, Penn State
- "Planck constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity and future prospects", invited conference talk, Aspen.
- "Planck constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity and future prospects", invited seminar, Princeton.
- "Planck constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity and future prospects", invited seminar, NYU.
- "Planck constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity and future prospects", invited conference talk, University of Minnesota.
- "Primordial non-Gaussianity in the CMB and large-scale structure", invited colloquium, McGill.
- "Primordial non-Gaussianity in the CMB and large-scale structure", invited seminar, University of Waterloo.
- "Primordial non-Gaussianity in the CMB and large-scale structure", invited seminar, UBC.
- "Non-Gaussianity post Planck and BICEP2", invited conference talk, Brookhaven.
- "Quantum mechanical simulations of inflation", invited conference talk, Princeton.
- "Quantum mechanical simulations of inflation", invited seminar, University of Toronto.
- "Primordial non-Gaussianity in the CMB and large-scale structure", invited conference talk, Stanford.
- PIRSA:17040067, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith) - Lecture 14, 2017-04-28, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith)
- PIRSA:17040066, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith) - Lecture 13, 2017-04-27, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith)
- PIRSA:17040065, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith) - Lecture 12, 2017-04-26, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith)
- PIRSA:17040064, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith) - Lecture 11, 2017-04-25, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith)
- PIRSA:17040063, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith) - Lecture 10, 2017-04-24, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith)
- PIRSA:17040062, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith) - Lecture 9, 2017-04-21, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith)
- PIRSA:17040061, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith) - Lecture 8, 2017-04-20, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith)
- PIRSA:17040060, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith) - Lecture 8, 2017-04-19, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith)
- PIRSA:17040059, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith) - Lecture 7, 2017-04-18, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith)
- PIRSA:17040058, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith) - Lecture 6, 2017-04-17, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith)
- PIRSA:17040057, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith) - Lecture 5, 2017-04-14, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith)
- PIRSA:17040056, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith) - Lecture 4, 2017-04-13, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith)
- PIRSA:17040055, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith) - Lecture 3, 2017-04-12, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith)
- PIRSA:17040054, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith) - Lecture 2, 2017-04-11, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith)
- PIRSA:17040053, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith) - Lecture 1, 2017-04-10, PSI 16/17 Explorations in Cosmology (Kendrick Smith)
- PIRSA:17010076, CHIME: The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment, 2017-01-17, Cosmology & Gravitation
- PIRSA:16040049, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith - 15, 2016-04-29, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith
- PIRSA:16040048, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith - 14, 2016-04-28, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith
- PIRSA:16040047, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith - 13, 2016-04-27, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith
- PIRSA:16040046, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith - 12, 2016-04-26, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith
- PIRSA:16040045, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith - 11, 2016-04-25, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith
- PIRSA:16040044, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith - 10, 2016-04-22, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith
- PIRSA:16040043, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith - 9, 2016-04-21, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith
- PIRSA:16040042, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith - 8, 2016-04-20, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith
- PIRSA:16040041, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith - 7, 2016-04-19, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith
- PIRSA:16040040, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith - 6, 2016-04-18, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith
- PIRSA:16040039, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith - 5, 2016-04-15, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith
- PIRSA:16040038, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith - 4, 2016-04-14, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith
- PIRSA:16040037, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith - 3, 2016-04-13, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith
- PIRSA:16040036, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith - 2, 2016-04-12, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith
- PIRSA:16040035, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith - 1, 2016-04-11, PSI 2015/2016 Explorations in Cosmology - Kendrick Smith
- PIRSA:15060042, Planck Results and Future Prospects in Cosmology, 2015-06-23, Convergence
- PIRSA:15040043, Explorations in Cosmology-15, 2015-04-24, Explorations in Cosmology
- PIRSA:15040042, Explorations in Cosmology-14, 2015-04-23, Explorations in Cosmology
- PIRSA:15040041, Explorations in Cosmology-13, 2015-04-22, Explorations in Cosmology
- PIRSA:15040040, Explorations in Cosmology-12, 2015-04-21, Explorations in Cosmology
- PIRSA:15040039, Explorations in Cosmology-11, 2015-04-20, Explorations in Cosmology
- PIRSA:15040036, Explorations in Cosmology-10, 2015-04-17, Explorations in Cosmology
- PIRSA:15040035, Explorations in Cosmology-9, 2015-04-16, Explorations in Cosmology
- PIRSA:15040034, Explorations in Cosmology-8, 2015-04-15, Explorations in Cosmology
- PIRSA:15040033, Explorations in Cosmology-7, 2015-04-14, Explorations in Cosmology
- PIRSA:15040032, Explorations in Cosmology-6, 2015-04-13, Explorations in Cosmology
- PIRSA:15040029, Explorations in Cosmology-5, 2015-04-10, Explorations in Cosmology
- PIRSA:15040028, Explorations in Cosmology-4, 2015-04-09, Explorations in Cosmology
- PIRSA:15040027, Explorations in Cosmology-3, 2015-04-08, Explorations in Cosmology
- PIRSA:15040026, Explorations in Cosmology-2, 2015-04-07, Explorations in Cosmology
- PIRSA:15040025, Explorations in Cosmology-1, 2015-04-06, Explorations in Cosmology
- PIRSA:15020120, Kendrick Smith, Perimeter Institute, 2015-02-04, Perimeter Public Lectures
- PIRSA:14040121, Overview, 2014-04-04, Implications of BICEP2
- PIRSA:14010111, What"s Happening in Cosmology?, 2014-01-30, PI Day 2014
- PIRSA:13070001, Primordial non-Gaussianity in the CMB and large-scale structure, 2013-07-08, Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics 2013
- PIRSA:13040123, Results and highlights from Planck, 2013-04-16, Cosmology & Gravitation
- PIRSA:12030106, Constraining the Physics of Inflation, 2012-03-06, Particle Physics
- PIRSA:12010127, Constraining the Physics of Inflation with the CMB, 2012-01-18, Strong Gravity
- PIRSA:08030053, Primordial non-Gaussianity: Two "shapes" to look for, 2008-03-10, Origins and Observations of Primodial Non-Gaussianity - 2008