Neil Turok

Neil Turok (PhD Imperial College London, 1983) holds the Mike and Ophelia Lazaridis Niels Bohr Chair in Theoretical Physics at Perimeter Institute. He was Perimeter's Director from 2008 to 2019, in recognition of which he was awarded the title of Director Emeritus. Previously, he was Professor of Physics at Princeton University and Chair of Mathematical Physics at the University of Cambridge.
Turok’s research focuses on developing fundamental theories of cosmology and new observational tests. His predictions for the correlations of the polarization and temperature of the cosmic background radiation (CBR) and of the galaxy-CBR correlations induced by dark energy have been confirmed in detail, as significant substantiating evidence for the standard concordance cosmology. With Stephen Hawking, he discovered instanton solutions describing the birth of inflationary universes. His work on open inflation forms the basis of the widely discussed multiverse paradigm. With Paul Steinhardt, he developed an alternative, cyclic model for cosmology, whose predictions are so far in agreement with all observational tests.
Among his many honours, Turok was awarded Sloan and Packard Fellowships and the James Clerk Maxwell medal of the Institute of Physics (UK). He is a Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) Fellow in Cosmology and Gravity and a Senior Fellow of Massey College in the University of Toronto. In 2012, Turok was selected to deliver the CBC Massey Lectures, broadcast across Canada. The lectures were published as The Universe Within, a bestseller which won the 2013 Lane Anderson award, Canada's top prize for popular science writing. In 2018, Turok was named an Officer of the Order of Canada (Honorary) in recognition of his “substantial contributions as a scientist to the field of theoretical physics and cosmology.”
Born in South Africa, Turok founded the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Cape Town in 2003. AIMS has since expanded to a network of six centres – in South Africa, Senegal, Ghana, Cameroon, Tanzania, and Rwanda – and has become Africa's most renowned institution for postgraduate training in mathematical science. For his scientific discoveries and his work founding and developing AIMS, Turok was awarded a TED Prize in 2008. He has also been recognized with awards from the World Summit on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WSIE) and the World Innovation Summit on Education (WISE). In 2016 he was named the Gerald Whitrow Lecturer by the Royal Astronomical Society and was also awarded the John Torrence Tate Medal for International Leadership in Physics by the American Institute of Physics. In the same year, he was made an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Physics in the UK and was awarded the John Wheatley Award from the American Physical Society for his work with AIMS.
Research Interests
Positions Held
- Higgs Chair of Theoretical Physics, University of Edinburgh
- 2017- Centre for the Universe, Perimeter Institute, Director
- 2008- Professor of Physics, University of Waterloo
- 2008- Senior Faculty member, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
- 2008 - 2018 Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Director
- 2003- African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Founder and Board Chair
- Centre for Theoretical Cosmology, Cambridge University, Director
- Cambridge University, Chair of Mathematical Physics
- Princeton University, Professor of Physics
- Princeton University, Associate Professor of Physics
- Imperial College, Professor
- Fermilab Theoretical Physics Group, Associate Scientist
- Santa Barbara, Postdoctoral Fellow
- Imperial College, PhD
- Churchill Scholar, Cambridge University
- Inaugural Higgs Chair of Theoretical Physics at the University of Edinburgh
- Officer of the Order of Canada, received from the Governor General of Canada
- Docteur honoris causa, Catholoc University of Louvain
- Director Emeritus, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
- Fellow, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Gravity and the Extreme Universe Program
- Honorary Fellowship, Institute of Physics, UK
- John Wheatley Award, Award/Prize, $2,000, American Physical Society (APS)
- John Torrence Tate Medal for International Leadership in Physics, $10,000 US prize awarded by the American Institute of Physics
- Gerald Whitrow Lectureship of the Royal Astronomical Society, UK
- Honorary Doctorate, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
- Elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
- Honorary Doctorate, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Canada
- Honorary Doctorate, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa
- Honorary Doctorate, Rhodes University, South Africa
- Lane Anderson Award for science writing
- 2013- Mike and Ophelia Lazaridis Niels Bohr Chair in Theoretical Physics
- Elected Senior Fellow at Massey College in the University of Toronto
- Honorary Doctorate, University of Guelph
- Honorary Doctorate, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
- 2012 Massey Lecturer
- Honorary Doctorate, University of Ottawa
- Appointed Fellow in the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) Cosmology and Gravity Program
- Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED) Prize $100,000
- James Clerk Maxwell Medal
- Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship
Recent Publications
- J. Feldbrugge and N, Turok, Gravitational lensing of binary systems in wave optics, arXiv: 2008.01154, PRL (under review).
- Leon Mutesa, Pacifique Ndishimye, Yvan Butera, Jacob Souopgui, Annette Uwineza, Robert Rutayisire, Emile Musoni, Nadine Rujeni, Thierry Nyatanyi, Edouard Ntagwabira, Muhammed Semakula, Clarisse Musanabaganwa, Daniel Nyamwasa, Maurice Ndashimye, Eva Ujeneza, Ivan Emile Mwikarago, Claude Mambo Muvunyi, Jean Baptiste Mazarati, Sabin Nsanzimana, Neil Turok, Wilfred Ndifon, A strategy for finding people infected with SARS-CoV-2: optimizing pooled testing at low prevalence, arXiv: 2004.14934, Nature (under review)
- K. Vanderlinde, K. Bandura, L. Belostotski, R. Bond, P. Boyle, J. Brown, H. C. Chiang, M. Dobbs, B. Gaensler, G. Hinshaw, V. Kaspi, T. Landecker, A. Liu, K. Masui, J. Mena-Parra, C. Ng, U. Pen, M. Rupen, J. Sievers, K. Smith, K. Spekkens, I. Stairs, N. Turok, The Canadian Hydrogen Observatory and Radio-transient Detector (CHORD), submitted as a whitepaper for the CASCA 2020 LRP, arXiv: 1911.01777.
- J. Feldbrugge, U-L. Pen and N. Turok, Oscillatory path integrals for radio astronomy, PRX, under review (2020).
- A. Di Tucci, J. Feldbrugge, J. Lehners, N. Turok, Quantum incompleteness of inflation, Phys. Rev. D 100, 063517 (2019), arXiv: 1906.09007.
- J. Feldbrugge, J. Lehners, N. Turok, Inconsistencies of the new no boundary proposal, Universe 4, 10, 2019, 100, arXiv: 1805.01609
- L. Boyle, K. Finn, N. Turok, CPT symmetric universe, Physical Review Letters 121, 2018, 25, arXiv: 1803.08928
- L. Boyle, K. Finn, N. Turok, The Big Bang, CPT, and neutrino dark matter, Physical Review D, 2018, arXiv: 1803.08930, under referee at JHEP
- J. Feldbrugge, J-L. Lehners, N. Turok, No smooth beginning for spacetime, Physical Review Letters 119, 171301 (2017); arXiv: 1705.00192v2
- S. Gielen and N. Turok, Quantum propagation across cosmological singularities, Phys.Rev. D95 (2017) no.10, 103510, arXiv: 1703.02076
- K. Masui, U. Pen, N. Turok, Two- and Three-Dimensional Probes of Parity in Primordial Gravity Waves, Physical Review Letters 118, 221301 (2017)
- J. Feldbrugge, J-L. Lehners, N. Turok, Lorentzian Quantum Cosmology, Physical Review Phys.Rev. D95 (2017) no.10, 103508, arXiv: 1703.02076
- U. Pen, N. Turok, Shocks in the Early Universe, Physical Review Letters, 117, 13, 2016, 131301, arXiv: 1510.02985
- S. Gielen, N. Turok, Perfect Quantum Cosmological Bounce, Physical Review Letters 117, 021301 (2016)
- L. Boyle, K. M. Smith, Cora Dvorkin and N. Turok, Testing and extending the inflationary consistency relation for tensor modes, Phys.Rev. D92 (2015) no.4, 043504, arXiv: 1408.3129
- Dynamical String Tension in String Theory with Spacetime Weyl Invariance, Itzhak Bars, Paul Steinhardt, Neil Turok, Fortschritte der Physik 62, No. 11-12, 2014
- K. Smith, C. Dvorkin, L. Boyle, N. Turok, M. Halpern, G. Hinshaw and B. Gold, Quantifying the BICEP2-Planck Tension over Gravitational Waves, Physical Review Letters 113, 031301 (2014)
- N. Turok, On quantum tunneling in real time, New Journal of Physics 16 (2014) 063006
- I. Bars, P. Steinhardt, N. Turok, Sailing through the big crunch-big bang transition, Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) 061302; arXiv: 1312.0739
- I. Bars, P. Steinhardt, N. Turok, Local conformal symmetry in physics, Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) 044027; arXiv: 1307.1848
- B. Craps, T. Hertog, N. Turok, On the Quantum Resolution of Cosmological Singularities using AdS/CFT, 0712.4180, hep-th; Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 043513
- Itzhak Bars, Shih-Hung Chen, Paul J. Steinhardt, Neil Turok, Complete Set of Homogeneous Isotropic Analytic Solutions in Scalar-Tensor Cosmology with Radiation and Curvature, Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 083542; arXiv: 1207.1940
- Itzhak Bars, Shih-Hung Chen, Paul J. Steinhardt, Neil Turok, Antigravity and the Big Crunch/Big Bang Transition, Phys.Lett. B715 (2012) 278-281
- Itzhak Bars, Shih-Hung Chen, and Neil Turok, Geodesically Complete Analytic Solutions for a Cyclic Universe, 17 May 2011, Phys.Rev. D84 (2011) 083513; arXiv: 1105.3606 [hep-th];
- Edmund J. Copeland, Gustavo Niz, Neil Turok, The string wave function across a Kasner singularity, Phys.Rev.D81:126006,2010, arXiv: 1001.5291
- Jean-Luc Lehners, Paul J. Steinhardt, Neil Turok, The Return of the Phoenix Universe, Int.J.Mod.Phys.D18:2231-2235,2009, arXiv: 0910.0834
- Ben Craps, Thomas Hertog, Neil Turok, A multitrace deformation of ABJM theory, Phys.Rev.D80:086007,2009, arXiv: 0905.0709
- Gary W. Gibbons, Steffen Gielen, C. N. Pope, Neil Turok, Naturalness of CP Violation in the Standard Model, Phys.Rev.Lett.102:121802,2009, arXiv: 0810.4368
- Gary W. Gibbons, Steffen Gielen, C. N. Pope, Neil Turok, Measures on Mixing Angles, Phys.Rev.D79:013009,2009, arXiv: 0810.4813
- G.W. Gibbons, N. Turok, The Measure Problem in Cosmology, Phys.Rev. D77 (2008) 063516 hep-th/0609095
- J.L. Lehners, P. McFadden, N. Turok, Colliding Branes in Heterotic M-Theory, Phys. Rev. D75 (2007) 103510, hep-th/0611259
- J.L. Lehners, P. McFadden, N. Turok, Effective Actions for Heterotic M-Theory, Phys. Rev. D76 (2007) 023501, hep-th/0612026
- G. Niz, N. Turok, Classical Propagation of Strings Across a Big Crunch/Big Bang Singularity, Phys.Rev. D75 (2007) 026001, hep-th/0601007
- J.L. Lehners, P. McFadden, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, Generating Ekpyrotic Curvature Perturbations Before the Big Bang, Phys. Rev. D76 (2007) 103501, hep-th/0702153
- G. Niz, N. Turok, Stringy Corrections to a Time-Dependent Background Solution of String and M-Theory, Phys. Rev. D75, 2007, 126004, arXiv: 0704.1727
- J.K. Erickson, S. Gratton, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, Cosmic Perturbations Through the Cyclic Ages, Phys. Rev. D75, 2007, 123507
- D. Baumann, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, Primordial Black Hole Baryogenesis, Phys. Rev. D, 2007, hep-th/0703250
- P.L. McFadden, N. Turok, P.J. Steinhardt, Solution of a Brane World Big Crunch/Big Bang Cosmology, Phys. Rev. D, 2007
- J.L. Lehners, N. Turok, P.J. Steinhardt, Bouncing Negative-Tension Branes, Phys. Rev. D, 2007, hep-th/0307170
- M. Cruz, N. Turok, E. Martinez-Gonzalez, Is the CMB Cold Spot a Texture?, Science, 2007
- M. Cruz, N. Turok, P. Vielva, E. Martinez-Gonzalez, M. Hobson, A Cosmic Microwave Background feature consistent with a cosmic texture, Science 318 (2007) 1612-1614, arXiv: 0710.5737
- Jean-Luc Lehners, Neil Turok, Bouncing Negative-Tension Branes, Phys.Rev. D77 (2008) 023516, arXiv: 0708.0743
- P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, Why the Cosmological Constant is Small and Positive, Science 312 (2006) 1180-1182, astro-ph/0605173
- L.A. Boyle, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, Inflationary Predictions Reconsidered, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 2006, 111301
- Joel K. Erickson, Steven Gratton, Paul J. Steinhardt, Neil Turok, Cosmic perturbations through the cyclic ages, Phys.Rev. D75 (2007) 123507, hep-th/0607164
- P.L. McFadden, N. Turok, Conformal Symmetry of Brane World Effective Actions, Phys. Rev. D71, 2005, 021901
- S. Gratton, N. Turok, Langevin Analysis of Eternal Inflation, Phys. Rev. D72, 2005, 043507
- P.L. McFadden, N. Turok, Effective Theory Approach to Brane World Black Holes, Phys. Rev. D71, 2005, 086004
- P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, The Cyclic Model Simplified, New Astron. Rev. 49, 2005, 43
- D.H. Wesley, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, Controlling Chaos Through Compactification in Cosmological Models with a Collapsing Phase, Phys. Rev. D72, 2005, 063513
- J.K. Erickson, D.H. Wesley, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, Kasner and Mixmaster Behavior in Universes with Equation of State w>1, Physical Review D69, 2004, 063514
- L.A. Boyle, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, A New Duality Relating Density Perturbations in Expanding and Contracting Friedmann Cosmologies, Phys. Rev. D70, 2004, 023504
- S. Gratton, J. Khoury, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, Conditions for Generating Scale-Invariant Density Perturbations, Physical Review D69, 2004, 103505
- L.A. Boyle, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, The Cosmic Gravitational Wave Background in a Cyclic Unverse, Physical Review D69, 2004, 127302
- J. Khoury, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, Designing Cyclic Universe Models, Physical Review Letters 92, 2004, 031302
- J. Khoury, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, Great Expectations: Inflation Versus Cyclic Predictions for Spectral Tilt, Physical Review Letters 91, 2003, 161301
- C. Gordon, N. Turok, Cosmological Perturbations Through a General Relativistic Bounce, Physical Review D67, 2003, 123508
- N. Turok, A Critical Review of Inflation, Classical and Quantum Gravity 19, 2002, 3449
- M. Bucher, K. Moodley, N. Turok, Characterising the Primordial Cosmic Perturbations, Physical Review D66, 2002, 023528, astro-ph/0007360
- P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, Is Vacuum Decay Significant in Ekpyrotic and Cyclic Models?, Physical Review D66, 2002, R101302, astro-ph/0112537
- S. Gratton, A. Lewis, N. Turok, Closed Universes from Cosmological Instantons, Physical Review D65, 2002, 043513, astro-ph/0111012
- A.J. Tolley, N. Turok, Quantization of the Massless Minimally Coupled Scalar Field and the dS/CFT Correspondence, Physical Review D66, 2002, 106005, hep-th/0108119
- A.J. Tolley, N. Turok, Quantum Fields in a Big Crunch/Big Bang Spacetime, Physical Review D66, 2002, 106005
- P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, Cosmic Evolution in a Cyclic Universe, Physical Review D65, 2002, 126003, hep-th/0111098
- J. Khoury, B.A. Ovrut, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, Density Perturbations in the Ekpyrotic Scenario, Physical Review D66, 2002, 46005, hep-th/0109050
- A. Lewis, A. Challinor, N. Turok, Anaylsis of CMB Polarization on an Incomplete Sky, Physical Review D65, 2002, 023505, astro-ph/0106536
- K. Sigurdson, N. Turok, The Shapes of DM Dominated dSph Stellar Density Profiles, M.N.R.A.S. 336, 2002, 151S, astro-ph/0107057
- J. Khoury, B.A. Ovrut, N. Seiberg, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, From Big Crunch to Big Bang, Physical Review D65, 2002, 086007, hep-th/0108187
- P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, A Cyclic Model of the Universe, Science, May 24, 2002, 1436, hep-th/0111030
- S. Gratton, N. Turok, Homogeneous Modes of Cosmological Instantons, Physical Review D63, 2001, 123514, hep-th/0008235
- P. Bode, J.P. Ostriker, N. Turok, Halo Formation in Warm Dark Matter Models, The Astrophysical Journal 556, 2001, 93, astro-ph/0010389
- K. Kirklin, N. Turok, T. Wiseman, Singular Instantons Made Regular, Physical Review D63, 2001, 083509, hep-th/0005062
- M. Bucher, K. Moodley, N. Turok, Constraining Isocurvature Perturbations with CMB Polarization, Physical Review Letters 87, 2001, 191301, astro-ph/0012141
- R.Y. Donagi, J. Khoury, B.A. Ovrut, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, Visible Branes with Negative Tension in Heterotic M-Theory, JHEP 0111, 2001, 041
- J. Khoury, B.A. Ovrut, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, The Ekpyrotic Universe: Colliding Branes and the Origin of the Hot Big Bang, Physical Review D64, 2001, 123522
- T. Hertog, N. Turok, Gravity Waves from Instantons, Physical Review D62, 2000, 083514, astro-ph/9903075
- S. Gratton, T. Hertog, N. Turok, An Observational Test of Quantum Cosmology, Physical Review D62, 2000, 063501, astro-ph/9907212
- S.W. Hawking, T. Hertog, N. Turok, Gravitational Waves in Open de Sitter Space, Physical Review D62, 2000, 063502
- M. Bucher, K. Moodley, N. Turok, The General Primordial Cosmic Perturbation, Physical Review D62, 2000, 083508, astro-ph/9904200
- N. Turok, Theories of Cosmic Structure Formation, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A357, 1999, 77
- S. Gratton, N. Turok, Cosmological Perturbations from the Euclidean No Boundary Path Integral, Physical Review D60, 1999, 123507
- N. Turok, Stability of Flat Space to Singular Instantons, Physics Letters B458, 1999, 202
- U-L. Pen, A. Loeb, N. Turok, Gamma Ray Bursts from Baryon Decay in Neutron Stars, Astrophysical Journal 509, 1998, 537, astro-ph/9712178
- J.P. Uzan, N. Deruelle, N. Turok, Using Conservation Laws to Describe Cosmological Perturbations in Curved Universes, Physical Review D57, 1998, 7192
- S.P. Boughn, R.G. Crittenden, N. Turok, Correlations Between the Cosmic X-Ray and Microwave Backgrounds: Constraints on a Cosmological Constant, New Astronomy 3(5), 1998, 275, astro-ph/9704043
- S.W. Hawking, N. Turok, Open Inflation, the Four Form and the Cosmological Constant, Physics Letters B432, 1998, 271
- P. Brax, N. Turok, Exponentially Small Couplings Between Twisted Fields of Orbifold String Theories, J. Mod. Phys. A13, 1998, 3255, hep-ph/9706028
- S.W. Hawking, N. Turok, Open Inflation Without False Vacua, Physics Letters B425, 1998, 25
- N.J. Cornish, N. Turok, Ringing the Eigenmodes from Compact Manifolds, Classical and Quantum Gravity 15, 1998, 2699, gr-qc/9802066
- U-L. Pen, U. Seljak, N. Turok, Scalar, Vector and Tensor Contributions to CMB Anisotropies from Cosmic Defects, Physical Review D58, 1998, 023506
- G. Moore, N. Turok, Lattice Chern-Simons Number Without Ultraviolet Problems, Physical Review D56, 1997, 6533, hep-ph/9703266
- A. Loeb, U-L. Pen, N. Turok, Do Neutron Stars Explode Spontaneously?, Bull. Am. Ast. Soc. 29, 1997, 1395
- G.D. Moore, N. Turok, Classical Field Dynamics of the Electroweak Phase Transition, Physical Review D55, 1997, 6538
- C. Barnes, K. Baskerville, N. Turok, Normal Mode Spectrum of the Deuteron in the Skyrme Model, Physics Letters B411, 1997, 180, hep-th/9704028
- U-L. Pen, U. Seljak, N. Turok, Power Spectra in GLobal Defect Theories of Cosmic Structure Formation, Physical Review Letters 79, 1997, 1611, astro-ph/9704165
- U. Seljak, U-L. Pen, N. Turok, Polarization of the Microwave Background in Defect Models, Physical Review Letters 79, 1997, 1615, astro-ph/9704231
- P. Brax, N. Turok, Exponentially Small Couplings and the Hierarchy Problem, Physics Letters B413, 1997, 331, hep-ph/9706035
- C. Barnes, N. Turok, Cosmic Texture from a Broken Global SU(3) Symmetry, Physical Review D56, 1997, 1989, hep-ph/9702377
- C. Barnes, K. Baskerville, N. Turok, Normal Modes of the B=4 Skyrme Soliton, Physical Review Letters 79, 1997, 367, hep-th/9704012
- M. Joyce, T. Prokopec, N. Turok, Nonlocal Electroweak Baryogenesis Part I: Thin Wall Regime, Physical Review D53, 1996, 2930, hep-ph/9410281
- N. Turok, Sub-Degree Scale Microwave Anisotropies from Cosmic Defects, Astrophysical Journal Letters 473, 1996, L5, astro-ph/9606087
- N. Turok, A Causal Source Which Mimics Inflation, Physical Review Letters 77, 1996, 4138
- N. Turok, Almost Goldstone Bosons from Extra Dimensional Gauge Theories, Physical Review Letters 76, 1996, 1015
- M. Joyce, T. Prokopec, N. Turok, Nonlocal Electroweak Baryogenesis Part II: Classical Regime, Physical Review D53, 1996, 2958, hep-ph/9410282
- R.G. Crittenden, N. Turok, Looking for a Cosmological Constant with the Rees-Sciama Effect, Physical Review Letters 76, 1996, 575
- N. Turok, Causality and the Doppler Peaks, Physical Review D54, 1996, 3686, astro-ph/9604172
- P. Graham, P.M. Lubin, J.A. Schuster, N. Turok, A Simple Statistical Test for Non-Gaussianity in CMBR Measurements, Astrophysical Journal 449, 1995, 404
- R.G. Crittenden, N. Turok, The Doppler Peaks from Cosmic Texture, Physical Review Letters 75, 1995, 2642
- M. Bucher, N. Turok, Open Inflation with Arbitrary False Vacuum Mass, Physical Review D52, 1995, 5538, hep-ph/9503393
- M. Joyce, T. Prokopec, N. Turok, Electroweak Baryogenesis from a Classical Force, Physical Review Letters 75, 1995, 1695, hep-ph/9408339
- M. Bucher, A. Goldhaber, N. Turok, An Open Universe from Inflation, Physical Review D52, 1995, 3314, hep-ph/9411206
- R. Crittenden, D. Coulson, N. Turok, Temperature-Polarization Correlations from Tensor Fluctuations, Physical Review D52, 1995, R5402, astro-ph/9411107
- M. Joyce, T. Prokopec, N. Turok, Efficient Electroweak Baryogenesis from Lepton Transport, Physics Letters B338, 1994, 269, hep-ph/9401352
- D. Coulson, P. Ferreira, P. Graham, N. Turok, Microwave Anisotropies from Cosmic Defects, Nature 368, 1994, 27
- M. Joyce, N. Turok, Family Symmetry, Fermion Mass Matrices and Cosmic Texture, Nuclear Physics B416, 1994, 389
- M. Joyce, T. Prokopec, N. Turok, Constraints and Transport in Electroweak Baryogenesis, Physics Letters B339, 1994, 312 , hep-ph/9401351
- U-L. Pen, D. Spergel, N. Turok, Cosmic Structure Formation and Microwave Anisotropies from Global Field Ordering, Physical Review D49, 1994, 692
- D. Coulson, R. Crittenden, N. Turok, Polarisation and Anisotropy of the Microwave Sky, Physical Review Letters 73, 1994, 2390, astro-ph/9406046
- D.I. Olive, J. Underwood, N. Turok, Affine Toda Solitons and Vertex Operators, Nuclear Physics B409, 1993, 509
- I. Cheung, N. Turok, B. Yurke, A.N. Pargellis, Coarsening Dynamics in Uniaxial Nematic Liquid Crystals, Physical Review E47, 1993, 3343
- D.I. Olive, H.C. Liao, N. Turok, Topological Solitons in Affine Toda Theory, Physics Letters B298, 1993, 95
- D.I. Olive, J. Underwood, N. Turok, Solitons and the Stress Energy Tensor in Affine Toda Theory, Nuclear Physics B401, 1993, 662
- N. Turok, Electroweak Bubbles: Nucleation and Growth, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 1992, 1803
- A. Gooding, J.R. Gott, C. Park, D. Spergel, N. Turok, The Formation of Large Scale Structure in a Texture Seeded CDM Cosmogony, Astrophysical Journal 393, 1992, 42
- J. Zadrozny, N. Turok, Phase Transitions in the Two Doublet Model, Nuclear Physics B369, 1992, 729
- D. Grigoriev, M. Shaposhnikov, N. Turok, Electroweak Baryogenesis: A Numerical Study in 1+1 Dimensions, Physics Letters 275B, 1992, 395
- K. Rajagopal, N. Turok, Classical High Energy Scattering in the Abelian Higgs Model, Nuclear Physics B275, 1992, 299
- R. Cen, J. Ostriker, N. Turok, A Hydrodynamic Approach to Large Scale Structure: Texture-Seeded CDM and HDM Cosmogonies, Astrophysical Journal 383, 1992, 1
- B-H. Liu, L. Mclerran, N. Turok, Bubble Nucleation and Growth at a Baryon Number Producing Electroweak Phase Transition, Physical Review D46, 1992, 2668
- A.N. Pargellis, B. Yurke, N. Turok, Coarsening Dynamics in Nematic Liquid Crystals, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 222, 1992, 195
- N. Turok, A. Gooding, D. Spergel, Formation of Galaxies and Quasars in a Texture Seeded CDM Cosmogony, Astrophysical Journal Letters 372, 1991, L5
- I. Cheung, N. Turok, B. Yurke, Late Time Coarsening Dynamics in a Nematic Liquid Crystal, Physical Review Letters 66, 1991, 2472
- A. Pargellis, N. Turok, B. Yurke, Monopole-Antimonopole Annihilation in a Liquid Crystal, Physical Review Letters 67, 1991, 1570
- C. Park, D. Spergel, N. Turok, Global Texture as the Origin of Cosmic Structure: Evolution of Perturbed Cold Dark Matter, Astrophysical Journal Letters 372, 1991, L53
- N. Turok, D. Spergel, Scaling Solution for Cosmological Sigma Models at Large N, Physical Review Letters 66, 1991, 3093
- J. Zadrozny, N. Turok, Electroweak Baryogenesis in the Two-Doublet Model, Nuclear Physics B358, 1991, 471
- L. Mclerran, M. Shaposhnikov, N. Turok, M. Voloshin, Why the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe is 10-10, Physics Letters B256, 1991, 451
- N. Turok, D. Spergel, W. Press, B. Ryden, Global Texture as the Origin of Cosmic Structure: Numerical Simulations of Evolution, Physical Review D43, 1991, 1038
- N. Turok, Global Texture as the Origin of Cosmic Structure, Physica Scripta T36, 1991, 135
- I. Cheung, R. Durrer, N. Turok, B. Yurke, Cosmology in the Laboratory: Defect Dynamics in Liquid Crystals, Science 251, 1991, 1336
- B. Sundborg, D. Mitchell, N. Turok, Decays of Massive Open Strings, Nuclear Physics B335, 1990, 621
- D. Mitchell, N. Turok, R. Wilkinson, Decay of Highly Excited Closed Strings, Nuclear Physics B332, 1990, 131
- N. Turok, D. Spergel, Global Texture and the Microwave Background, Physical Review Letters 64, 1990, 2736
- N. Turok, J. Zadrozny, Dynamical Generation of Baryons at the Electroweak Transition, Physical Review Letters 65, 1990, 2331
- D. Mitchell, N. Turok, R. Wilkinson, P. Jetzer, The Decay of Highly Excited Open Strings, Nuclear Physics B315, 1989, 1
- N. Turok, String Statistical Mechanics, Physica A158, 1989, 516
- N. Turok, Global Texture as the Origin of Cosmic Structure, Physical Review Letters 63, 1989, 2625
- A. Albrecht, N. Turok, Evolution of Cosmic String Networks, Physical Review D40, 1989, 973
- D. Haws, M. Hindmarsh, N. Turok, Superconducting Springs or Strings?, Physics Letters B205, 1988, 322
- N. Turok, String Driven Inflation, Physical Review Letters 60, 1988, 552
- E. Copeland, D. Haws, T.W.B. Kibble, D. Mitchell, N. Turok, Monopoles Connected by Strings, Nuclear Physics B298, 1988, 445
- E. Copeland, D. Haws, M. Hindmarsh, N. Turok, Dynamics of and Radiation from Superconducting Strings, Nuclear Physics B306, 1988, 908
- K. Maeda, N. Turok, Finite-Width Corrections to the Nambu Action for Nielsen-Olesen Strings, Physics Letters B202, 1988, 376
- R. Brandenberger, N. Kaiser, P. Shellard, N. Turok, Cosmic Strings and Large Scale Velocity Fields, Nature 326, 1987, 672
- R. Brandenberger, N. Kaiser, P. Shellard, N. Turok, Cosmic Strings and Peculiar Velocities, Physical Review D36, 1987, 335
- D. Mitchell, N. Turok, Statistical Mechanics of Cosmic Strings, Physical Review Letters 58, 1987, 1577
- E. Copeland, M. Hindmarsh, N. Turok, Dynamics of Superconducting Strings, Physical Review Letters 58, 1987, 1910
- A. Stebbins, S. Veeraraghavan, R. Brandenberger, J. Silk, N. Turok, Cosmic String Wakes and the Large Scale Structure of the Universe, Astrophysical Journal 322, 1987, 1
- D. Mitchell, N. Turok, Statistical Properties of Cosmic Strings, Nuclear Physics B296, 1987, 1138
- R. Branderberger, N. Kaiser, N. Turok, Dissipationless Clustering of Massive Neutrinos About a Point Mass, Physical Review D36, 1987, 2242
- R. Brandenberger, N. Kaiser, D. Schramm, N. Turok, Cosmic Strings and Hot Dark Matter, Physical Review Letters 59, 1987, 2371
- D. Olive, N. Turok, The Toda Lattice Field Theory Hierarchies and Zero Curvature Conditions in Kac-Moody Algebras, Nuclear Physics B265 [FS15], 1986, 469
- A. Albrecht, R. Brandenberger, N. Turok, Gravitational Radiation and Microwave Anisotropies from Cosmic Strings, Nuclear Physics B277, 1986, 605
- R. Brandenberger, N. Turok, Cosmic Strings and the Formation of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies, Physical Review D33, 1986, 2175
- R. Brandenberger, N. Turok, Density Perturbations from Cosmic Strings and the Microwave Background, Physical Review D33, 1986, 2182
- R. Brandenberger, J. Traschen, N. Turok, Cosmic Strings and the Microwave Background, Physical Review D34, 1986, 919
- E. Copeland, N. Turok, The Stability of Cosmic String Loops, Physics Letters B173, 1986, 129
- T.W.B. Kibble, N. Turok, Cosmic Strings and Galaxy Formation, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A320, 1986, 565
- N. Turok, Cosmic Strings and the Correlation of Abell Clusters, Physical Review Letters 55, 1985, 1801
- A. Albrecht, N. Turok, Evolution of Cosmic Strings, Physical Review Letters 54, 1985, 1868
- D. Olive, N. Turok, Local Conserved Densities and Zero Curvature Conditions for Toda Lattice Field Theories, Nuclear Physics B257 [FS16], 1985, 277
- D.N. Schramm, N. Turok, Strings and the Origins of Galaxies, Nature (London) 312, 1984, 598
- N. Turok, Grand Unified Strings and Galaxy Formation, Nuclear Physics B242, 1984, 520
- N. Turok, P. Bhattarcharjee, Stretching Cosmic Strings, Physical Review D29, 1984, 1557
- N. Turok, The Evolution of Density Perturbations Around Cosmic Strings, Physics Letters B126, 1983, 437
- N. Turok, The Production of Loops of String in an Expanding Universe, Physics Letters 123, 1983, 387
- D. Olive, N. Turok, The Algebraic Structure of Toda Systems, Nuclear Physics B220 [FS8], 1983, 491
- D. Olive, N. Turok, The Symmetries of Dynkin Diagrams and the Reduction of Toda Field Equations, Nuclear Physics B215 [FS8], 1983, 470
- T.W.B. Kibble, N. Turok, Self-Intersection of Cosmic Strings, Physics Letters B116, 1982, 141
- P. Bhattarcharjee, N. Turok, T.W.B. Kibble, Baryon Number from Collapsing Cosmic Strings, Physics Letters B119, 1982, 95
- D. Olive, N. Turok, Vortex Strings in Grand Unified Theories, Physics Letters B117, 1982, 193
- No Rescue for the No Boundary Proposal: Pointers to the Future of Quantum Cosmology, Job Feldbrugge, Jean-Luc Lehners, Neil Turok, arrive:1708.05104v1 [hep-th]
- Lorenztian Quantum Cosmology, Job Feldbrugge, Jean-Luc Lehners, Neil Turok, arXiv: 1703.02076 [hep-th]
- Quantum propagation across cosmological singularities, Steffen Gielen, Neil Turok, arXiv: 1612.02792 [gr-qc]
- On testing and extending the inflationary consistency relation for tensor modes, Latham Boyle, Kendrick M. Smith, Cora Dvorkin, Neil Turok, arXiv: 1408.3129
- Cyclic Cosmology, Conformal Symmetry and the Metastability of the Higgs, Itzhak Bars, Paul J. Steinhardt, Neil Turok, arXiv: 1307.8106 [gr-qc]
- Dual description of a 4d cosmology, Michael Smolkin, Neil Turok, arXiv: 1211.1322
- The CMB cold spot: texture, cluster or void? M. Cruz, E. Martinez-Gonzalez, P. Vielva, J.M. Diego, M. Hobson, N. Turok, arXiv: 0804.2904
- Horizons and Tunneling in the Euclidean False Vacuum, Kate Marvel, Neil Turok, arXiv: 0712.2719 [hep-th]
- From big crunch to big bang with AdS/CFT, Neil Turok, Ben Craps, Thomas Hertog, arXiv: 0711.1824 [hep-th]
- Primordial Black Hole Baryogenesis, Daniel Baumann, Paul J. Steinhardt, Neil Turok, hep-th/0703250
- PASCOS-07, Quantum Resolution of Cosmological Singularities using AdS/CFT, AIP Conf.Proc. 957 (2007) 164-173
- Nobel Symposium 2003, Beyond Inflation: A Cyclic Universe Scenario
- 5th International UCLA Symposium on Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe, The Cyclic Universe: An Informal Introduction
- Stephen Hawking's 60th Birthday Conference, The Ekpyrotic Universe and its Cyclic Extension
- CAPP2000 Conference, Primordial Isocurvature Perturbations: Testing the Adiabaticity of the CMB Anisotropy
- CAPP2000 Conference, Before Inflation
- Les Houches Session LXXI, Physics of the Early Universe: Baryogenesis, Defects and Initial Conditions
- Isaac Newton Mathematical Institute Workshop on Topological Defects, Electroweak Baryogenesis
- Sintra Conference, Electroweak Baryogenesis - Progress and Prospects
- An Open Universe from Inflation
- Trends in Astroparticle Physics Conference, Pi in the Sky? Microwave Anisotropies from Cosmic Defects
- Oskar Klein Centenary Conference, Matter from Motion: Baryogenesis at the Electroweak Phase Transition
- Electroweak Baryogenesis
- Evolution of Cosmic String Networks
- Particle Physics and Cosmology: Schladming Winter School, Phase Transitions as the Origin of Large Scale Structure in the Universe
- Theoretical Advanced Studies Institute, Cosmic Strings and Large Scale Structure
- Cosmic Strings and the Formation of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
- First CERN Winter School on Particle Astrophysics, Two Lectures on the Cosmic String Theory of Galaxy Formation
- Second ESO CERN Symposium, Recent Developments in the Cosmic String Theory of Galaxy Formation
- Conference on Particles and the Universe, Thessaloniki, Cosmic Strings and the Correlation of Galaxies and Clusters
- Lectures by David Olive on Gauge Theories and Lie Algebras (notes I took as a student), edited A. Fring and N. Turok, to be published by World Scientific 2019.
- "Tom Kibble and the Early Universe as the Ultimate High Energy Experiment," Int.J.Mod.Phys. A29 (2014) no.06, 1430015
- "Anatomy of Quantum Tunnelling," in Quantum Theory: A Two-Time Success Story. Yakir Aharonov Festschrift. Springer
- The Universe Within: From Quantum to Cosmos, 2012 CBC Massey Lectures, Anansi Press (2012).
- "Africa AIMS high", Nature 474: 567-569
- "Particle Physics: Beyond Feynman's diagrams," Nature 469: 165-166
- Endless Universe, with Paul Steinhardt, Random House (New York) and Weidenfeld and Nicholson (London) (2007)
- London After the Bomb, with O. Greene, B. Rubin, P. Webber, G. Wilkinson, Oxford University Press (1986)
- Talk on "CPT symmetry: a simple solution to the dark matter problem" at CIFAR Gravity and the Extreme Universe series to celebrate the Nobel Prize of P.J.E. Peebles.
- AIMS for Africa, invited talk at Imperial College alumni event, with W. Ndifon
- Colloquium: Group testing for COVID-19, with W. Ndifon, NITheP/NITheCs Colloquium, South Africa (given on zoom)
- AIMS: the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, lunchtime talk, Imperial College, London
- The Future of Science, evening lecture, AIMS South Africa
- Quantum Universe, invited talk at launch of the Princeton Gravity Initiative
- Seminar, ``Fun with Path Integrals," lunchtime seminar, Milwaukee Physics Department
- The Future of Cosmology, talk at the launch of the Waterloo Centre for Astrophysics, University of Waterloo
- Quantum Universe, colloquium, Higgs Centre, University of Edinburgh
- Quantum Universe, departmental colloquium, Milwaukee Physics Department
- "Fun with Path Integrals", Future of Science conference, AIMS Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda
- "CPT Symmetric Universe", PASCOS, Manchester, United Kingdom
- "Universe", Special Colloquium, National University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda
- "Fun with Path Integrals", HartleFest symposium in honor of James Hartle's 80th birthday, KITP Santa Barbara, United States
- "CPT Symmetric universe - a new, minimal cosmology", CIFAR Extreme Gravity and the Universe, Kelowna, Canada
- "Fun with Path Integrals", CIFAR meeting: Gravity and the Extreme Universe, Kelowna, Canada
- "Fun with Path Integrals", Higgs Centre Colloquium, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- "CPT invariant universe: a minimal explanation of cosmic dark matter", University of Louvain Physics Department colloquium, Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
- "Marvelous Universe: Toward a Wakanda", Public Lecture, Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
- "Pathways toward Bridges between AIMS-NEI and UCLouvain", Roundtable, Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
- Spacetime Amplitudes in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics", Workshop organised by C. Bunster in celebration of Neil Turok's 60th birthday, Valdivia, Chile
- "Quantum Universe", Special Colloquium, European Southern Observatory, Santiago, Chile
- "Science and our Future", Science Teachers Association of Ontario 2018: Science for All, Engaging our Future
- "Quantum Universe", Special Colloquium (Annual Astbury Lecture), Victoria, Canada
- Roundtable on Innovation, "Disrupting the training model: How we can produce the next generation of researchers, critical thinkers and global citizens", Stavros Niarchos Foundation Conference 2018, Athens, Greece
- "Quantum Universe", Keynote Colloquium, 2018 Scottish Universities Physics Association Annual Gathering, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- "A Universe of Possibility", 3rd Annual OECD Conference of the Global Forum on Productivity, Ottawa, Canada
- "Quantum Universe", Peter Lindsay Memorial Lecture Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
- Debate versus A. Albrecht on: "The case for inflation in cosmology", Seven Pines Symposium XXII: What Counts as Evidence, Stillwater, United States
- "Canada's time is now for basic research", Keynote at Public Policy Forum, Toronto, Canada
- "Quantum Universe", lecture at 29th Anniversary of AAV Effect conference at Chapman University, Orange, United States
- "Quantum Universe", Special Colloquium at Chapman University, Los Angeles, United States
- "Semiclassical Gravity and Quantum de Sitter," opening lecture at workshop on Resurgence in Gauge and String Theory, KITP, Santa Barbara
- "We are Innovators," Innovation150 talk, Calgary, Alberta
- "We are Innovators," Innovation150 talk, Toronto, Ontario
- "Quantum Universe," Colloquium at DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK
- "How Physics Can Help Africa Transform from a Problem to an Opportunity," APS April Meeting, Washington, DC
- "Quantum Universe," at conference on New Directions in Theoretical Physics 2, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
- "The Quantum Universe," 3-lecture series at the University of Edinburgh
- 'We are Innovators," Innovation150 official launch, Vancouver, BC
- "We are Innovators," Innovation150 soft launch, Waterloo
- "Universe," John Torrence Tate Award Lecture, San Francisco, USA
- "Universe," Gerald Whitrow Lecture, Royal Astronomical Society, London, England
- "Shocks in the early universe and gravitational waves," Simplicity II, Fermilab
- "Science and our future," African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cape Town, South Africa
- "It's all about Math," Panel discussion at University of Toronto
- "Shocks in the Early Universe," Rethinking Cosmology, Princeton Center for Theoretical Science
- "Shocks in the Early Universe," CIFAR C&G AGM, Whistler, BC
- "Shocks, g-waves, black holes and LIGO," Black Holes @ 100, Harvard University
- "Science Is Coming Home," Next Einstein Forum Global Gathering talk, Dakar, Senegal
- "A Perfect Bounce," seminar at PI Day, Perimeter Institute
- "The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything," Vancouver Institute Public Lecture
- "A perfect bounce," HE Theory talk, IAS
- "The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything," Perimeter Institute Public Lecture
- 'Big Bang: Bounce or Beginning?" Princeton University Physics Department colloquium
- "The Future of Physics in the 21st Century," Second Home lecture, London, UK
- "A Perfect Bounce," Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics talk, Brussels
- "Shocks in the Early Universe, and their possible consequences," Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics colloquium, Brussels
- "The Early Universe," [email protected] panel discussion, Princeton
- "To Infinity and Beyond: The Accelerating Universe," World Science Festival panel debate, New York
- Electromagnetism and Relativity AIMS-Cameroon, Feb. 23-27, 2015
- "On Measures and Bounces," Open Questions in String Cosmology and Inflation workshop, PCTS
- "The Origins of the Universe: Why is There Something Rather Than Nothing?" Panel debate, New York Academy of Sciences
- "On Quantum Tunneling," University of Chicago Physics Department theory seminar
- "On Quantum Tunneling," Searching for Simplicity workshop, Princeton Center for Theoretical Physics
- "On Quantum Tunneling in the Lab and the Cosmos," Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Physics Division Research Progress Meeting
- "Higgs Bang," Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics, Winnipeg, Public Lecture
- "On Quantum Tunneling," Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics, Winnipeg
- "Fostering Breakthroughs to Transform our Future," Canada School for Public Service seminar, Ottawa
- "Expanding Opportunity in Africa: The Next Einstein Initiative," MillerComm Lecture Series, University of Illinois, public lecture
- "On Quantum Tunneling," University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Physics Department seminar
- "Could the Next Einstein be African?" University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Center for African Studies talk
- "The Innovation Ecosystem: Setting the Stage for Transformational Opportunities," Industry Canada Distinguished Speaker Series, Ottawa
- "How Basic Science Can Drive Progress: Perimeter and AIMS," John Templeton Foundation Speaker Series, Pennsylvania
- TED All Stars 2014, Update on 2008 TED prize and wish, Vancouver
- "Physics and our Future," Walrus Talks public lecture, Calgary
- "AIMS for Africa and the Next Einstein Initiative," McGill University
- "On Quantum Tunneling," New Directions Workshop, University of Edinburgh
- 'Quantum Tunneling in Real TIme," McGill University
- The Arc of Innovation, CTT Talk
- "Physics and our future" Ramsay Talks, Toronto
- "On quantum tunnelling" Simon Fraser University colloquium
- "On quantum tunnelling" University of British Columbia colloquium
- "Higgs bang - a minimalist's cosmology" Western University
- "A cyclic universe" The Mathematics of CCC Workshop, Oxford
- Cosmic Conjecture: Can the Multiverse Predict Anything, World Science Festival
- Multiverse: One Universe or Many?, Panel debate, World Science Festival
- Cosmological singularity resolution via AdS/CFT, Davis Cosmic Frontiers Conference
- "Beyond Inflation: A New View of Cosmology," Yale University
- "Tom Kibble and the Early Universe as the Ultimate Experiment," Kibble 80th Birthday Conference
- "The next Einstein from Africa?" TEDxAIMS talk
- "The Universe Within", Hamilton
- "The Universe Within", Guelph
- Beyond the Big Bang. A New View of Cosmology. Colloquium. Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh
- "AIMS for Africa - The Next Einstein Initiative", Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, Scotland
- "Our Imaginary Reality", CBC Massey Lecture, Montreal
- "The Universe Within", Ottawa
- "The Opportunity of All Time", CBC Massey Lecture, Toronto
- "The World in an Equation", CBC Massey Lecture, Calgary
- "What Banged?", CBC Massey Lecture, Vancouver
- "Magic That Works", CBC Massey Lecture, St. John's
- "Anatomy of Quantum Tunnelling" Aharonov 80th Birthday Conference, Chapman University
- "Beyond the Big Bang. A New View of Cosmology," CERN Colloquium
- "Holographic Cosmology in the Stringy Regime," Cosmological Frontiers Conference, Brussels
- From Zero to infinity, and beyond! Origins Institute public lecture
- "Electromagnetism-Relativity course", AIMS-Senegal
- "Electromagnetism-Relativity course", AIMS-Senegal
- "Electromagnetism-Relativity course", AIMS-Senegal
- "Electromagnetism-Relativity course", AIMS-Senegal
- "Electromagnetism-Relativity course", AIMS-Senegal
- "Electromagnetism-Relativity course", AIMS-Senegal
- "Electromagnetism-Relativity course", AIMS-Senegal
- "Electromagnetism-Relativity course", AIMS-Senegal
- "Electromagnetism-Relativity course", AIMS-Senegal
- "Antigravity and the big crunch/big bang tansition", Paris, France
- Interview for Fresh Air, CBC Radio
- "Magic That Works", Zeitgeist Americas 2011 Conference, Phoenix
- "Challenges for Early Universe Cosmology", Prospects in Theoretical Physics school, IAS, Princeton
- "Getting the Measure of Inflation," Berlinsky Condensed Symposium, McMaster University, Hamilton
- "A Canonical Measure for Cosmology," CIFAR AGM, Whistler
- "The AIMS Initiative," UNESCO - Afrique: le choix de la science, l'exemple de l'initiative AIMS, Paris
- "Solution of the measure problem in Cosmology", AIMS
- "Was the Big Bang the Beginning?" Diversity in Mathematics Conference, African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cape Town, South Africa
- "Time for Smart Aid," Innovation and International Development: Thoughts for the G8 Summit, The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Waterloo
- "Was the Big Bang the Beginning?" University of Chicago, Physics Department Colloquium
- "AIMS for Africa and PSI for the World," University of Chicago
- "Was the Big Bang the Beginning?" University of Michigan, Physics Department Colloquium
- "Helping Africa to Self-Sufficiency: how to build math, science and innovation across the continent," Michigan State University
- "Was the Big Bang the Beginning?" Michigan State University, Physics Department Colloquium
- "AIMS for Africa," Africa's New Frontier: Innovation. Technology. Prosperity, Ottawa
- "Was the Big Bang the Beginning?" University of Ottawa, Physics Department Seminar
- "The Magic of Basic Science and AIMS for Africa," David Makow Lecture on Tolerance and Intolerance, University of Ottawa
- AIMS-NEI update, TED Conference, Long Beach
- "The Magic of Basic Science and AIMS for Africa," African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cape Town, South Africa
- "Holography and the Cosmological Singularity," Annual Theory Meeting, Durham University (UK)
- "From the Universe to Africa," National Council of University Research Administrators Annual Meeting, Washington
- "Why Basic Research & Innovation are Crucial for the Economy of the 21st Century," Empire Club, Toronto
- TED talk
- PIRSA:19090089, Fun with path integrals I, 2019-09-12, Simplicity III
- PIRSA:19090065, Welcome and Opening Remarks, 2019-09-09, Simplicity III
- PIRSA:18050038, Welcome and Opening Remarks, 2018-05-07, PI-NRC Meeting
- PIRSA:17110120, Surprises in the Path Integral for Gravity, 2017-11-14, The Path Integral for Gravity
- PIRSA:17110130, Welcome and Opening Remarks, 2017-11-13, The Path Integral for Gravity
- PIRSA:17090069, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity - Lecture 15, 2017-09-22, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity (Turok)
- PIRSA:17090033, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity - Lecture 14, 2017-09-22, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity (Turok)
- PIRSA:17090032, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity - Lecture 13, 2017-09-21, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity (Turok)
- PIRSA:17090031, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity - Lecture 12, 2017-09-20, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity (Turok)
- PIRSA:17090030, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity - Lecture 11, 2017-09-19, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity (Turok)
- PIRSA:17090029, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity - Lecture 10, 2017-09-18, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity (Turok)
- PIRSA:17090028, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity - Lecture 9, 2017-09-15, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity (Turok)
- PIRSA:17090027, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity - Lecture 8, 2017-09-14, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity (Turok)
- PIRSA:17090026, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity - Lecture 7, 2017-09-13, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity (Turok)
- PIRSA:17090025, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity - Lecture 6, 2017-09-12, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity (Turok)
- PIRSA:17090023, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity - Lecture 4, 2017-09-07, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity (Turok)
- PIRSA:17090024, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity - Lecture 5, 2017-09-07, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity (Turok)
- PIRSA:17090022, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity - Lecture 3, 2017-09-06, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity (Turok)
- PIRSA:17090021, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity - Lecture 2, 2017-09-06, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity (Turok)
- PIRSA:17090020, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity - Lecture 1, 2017-09-05, PSI 2017/2018 - Relativity (Turok)
- PIRSA:17060104, Discussion Session 4, 2017-06-27, Bounce Scenarios in Cosmology
- PIRSA:17060094, Welcome and Opening Remarks, 2017-06-26, Bounce Scenarios in Cosmology
- PIRSA:17060055, No smooth beginning for spacetime, 2017-06-05, Quantum Fields and Strings
- PIRSA:16090014, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity - Lecture 14, 2016-09-23, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity
- PIRSA:16090013, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity - Lecture 13, 2016-09-22, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity
- PIRSA:16090012, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity - Lecture 12, 2016-09-21, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity
- PIRSA:16090011, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity - Lecture 11, 2016-09-20, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity
- PIRSA:16090010, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity - Lecture 10, 2016-09-19, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity
- PIRSA:16090009, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity - Lecture 9, 2016-09-16, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity
- PIRSA:16090008, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity - Lecture 8, 2016-09-15, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity
- PIRSA:16090007, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity - Lecture 7, 2016-09-14, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity
- PIRSA:16090006, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity - Lecture 6, 2016-09-13, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity
- PIRSA:16090005, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity - Lecture 5, 2016-09-12, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity
- PIRSA:16090004, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity - Lecture 4, 2016-09-07, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity
- PIRSA:16090003, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity - Lecture 3, 2016-09-07, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity
- PIRSA:16090001, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity - Lecture 1, 2016-09-06, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity
- PIRSA:16090002, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity - Lecture 2, 2016-09-06, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity
- PIRSA:16070065, Neil Turok - ISSYP 2016 Keynote, 2016-07-25, PSI 2016/2017 Relativity
- PIRSA:16060112, The fate of the big bang, 2016-06-28, Time in Cosmology
- PIRSA:16060107, Welcome and Opening Remarks, 2016-06-27, Time in Cosmology
- PIRSA:16060077, Panel Discussion, 2016-06-24, Concepts and Paradoxes in a Quantum Universe
- PIRSA:16060063, A Perfect Quantum Cosmological Bounce, 2016-06-23, Concepts and Paradoxes in a Quantum Universe
- PIRSA:16060026, Shocks in the Early Universe, 2016-06-17, Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics 2016
- PIRSA:16060002, Quantum Universe, 2016-06-07, Quantum Foundations
- PIRSA:15110101, A Perfect Bounce, 2015-11-26, PI Day - November, 2015
- PIRSA:15100070, Neil Turok: The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything, 2015-10-07, Perimeter Public Lectures
- PIRSA:15090041, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok - Lecture 14, 2015-09-25, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok
- PIRSA:15090040, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok - Lecture 13, 2015-09-24, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok
- PIRSA:15090039, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok - Lecture 12, 2015-09-23, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok
- PIRSA:15090038, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok - Lecture 11, 2015-09-22, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok
- PIRSA:15090037, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok - Lecture 10, 2015-09-21, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok
- PIRSA:15090036, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok - Lecture 9, 2015-09-18, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok
- PIRSA:15090035, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok - Lecture 8, 2015-09-17, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok
- PIRSA:15090034, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok - Lecture 7, 2015-09-16, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok
- PIRSA:15090033, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok - Lecture 6, 2015-09-15, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok
- PIRSA:15090032, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok - Lecture 5, 2015-09-14, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok
- PIRSA:15090031, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok - Lecture 4, 2015-09-11, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok
- PIRSA:15090030, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok - Lecture 3, 2015-09-10, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok
- PIRSA:15090029, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok - Lecture 2, 2015-09-09, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok
- PIRSA:15090028, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok - Lecture 1, 2015-09-08, PSI 2015/2016 Relativity - Neil Turok
- PIRSA:15080117, Welcome Speech - Neil Turok, 2015-08-11, PSI 2015/2016 Welcome Remarks and Orientation
- PIRSA:15080114, PSI 2015/2016 Welcome/Orientation, 2015-08-10, PSI 2015/2016 Welcome Remarks and Orientation
- PIRSA:15060045, Welcome to Convergence - Opening Panel: Physics Today, 2015-06-22, Convergence
- PIRSA:14110138, Welcome to Perimeter Institute and the EHT 2014 Conference, 2014-11-10, EHT 2014
- PIRSA:14090064, 14/15 PSI - Relativity- Lecture 15, 2014-09-26, 14/15 PSI -Relativity
- PIRSA:14090063, 14/15 PSI - Relativity- Lecture 14, 2014-09-25, 14/15 PSI -Relativity
- PIRSA:14090062, 14/15 PSI - Relativity- Lecture 13, 2014-09-24, 14/15 PSI -Relativity
- PIRSA:14090061, 14/15 PSI - Relativity- Lecture 12, 2014-09-23, 14/15 PSI -Relativity
- PIRSA:14090025, 14/15 PSI - Relativity- Lecture 11, 2014-09-22, 14/15 PSI -Relativity
- PIRSA:14090022, 14/15 PSI - Relativity- Lecture 10, 2014-09-19, 14/15 PSI -Relativity
- PIRSA:14090021, 14/15 PSI - Relativity- Lecture 2, 2014-09-18, 14/15 PSI -Relativity
- PIRSA:14090018, 14/15 PSI - Relativity- Lecture 2, 2014-09-17, 14/15 PSI -Relativity
- PIRSA:14090017, 14/15 PSI - Relativity- Lecture 2, 2014-09-16, 14/15 PSI -Relativity
- PIRSA:14090016, 14/15 PSI - Relativity- Lecture 2, 2014-09-15, 14/15 PSI -Relativity
- PIRSA:14090015, 14/15 PSI - Relativity- Lecture 2, 2014-09-14, 14/15 PSI -Relativity
- PIRSA:14090014, 14/15 PSI - Relativity- Lecture 2, 2014-09-13, 14/15 PSI -Relativity
- PIRSA:14090011, 14/15 PSI - Relativity- Lecture 5, 2014-09-12, 14/15 PSI -Relativity
- PIRSA:14090010, 14/15 PSI - Relativity- Lecture 4, 2014-09-11, 14/15 PSI -Relativity
- PIRSA:14090009, 14/15 PSI - Relativity- Lecture 3, 2014-09-10, 14/15 PSI -Relativity
- PIRSA:14090008, 14/15 PSI - Relativity- Lecture 2, 2014-09-09, 14/15 PSI -Relativity
- PIRSA:14090007, 14/15 PSI - Relativity- Lecture 1, 2014-09-08, 14/15 PSI -Relativity
- PIRSA:14070029, Discussion with Neil Turok, 2014-07-24, ISSYP 2014
- PIRSA:14060051, On Quantum Tunnelling, 2014-06-25, Colloquium
- PIRSA:14040128, Playing with a Bouncing Universe, 2014-04-04, Implications of BICEP2
- "On quantum tunnelling" Cosmology and Strong Gravity Workshop
- PIRSA:13090078, Opening Address and Summit Launch, 2013-09-29, WGSI - Equinox Summit: Education 2030
- PIRSA:13090029, 13/14 PSI - Relativity - Lecture 15, 2013-09-27, 13/14 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:13090028, 13/14 PSI - Relativity - Lecture 14, 2013-09-26, 13/14 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:13090027, 13/14 PSI - Relativity - Lecture 13, 2013-09-25, 13/14 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:13090026, 13/14 PSI - Relativity - Lecture 12, 2013-09-24, 13/14 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:13090025, 13/14 PSI - Relativity - Lecture 11, 2013-09-23, 13/14 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:13090022, 13/14 PSI - Relativity - Lecture 10, 2013-09-20, 13/14 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:13090021, 13/14 PSI - Relativity - Lecture 9, 2013-09-19, 13/14 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:13090020, 13/14 PSI - Relativity - Lecture 8, 2013-09-18, 13/14 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:13090019, 13/14 PSI - Relativity - Lecture 7, 2013-09-17, 13/14 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:13090018, 13/14 PSI - Relativity - Lecture 6, 2013-09-16, 13/14 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:13090015, 13/14 PSI - Relativity - Lecture 5, 2013-09-13, 13/14 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:13090014, 13/14 PSI - Relativity - Lecture 4, 2013-09-12, 13/14 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:13090075, 13/14 PSI - Relativity - Lecture 4b, 2013-09-12, 13/14 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:13090013, 13/14 PSI - Relativity - Lecture 3, 2013-09-11, 13/14 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:13090012, 13/14 PSI - Relativity - Lecture 2, 2013-09-10, 13/14 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:13090011, 13/14 PSI - Relativity - Lecture 1, 2013-09-09, 13/14 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:13070093, Opening Remarks, 2013-07-22, Loops 13
- PIRSA:13070008, Resolution of Cosmic Singularities and Bounces, 2013-07-09, Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics 2013
- PIRSA:13070092, Opening Remarks, 2013-07-08, Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics 2013
- PIRSA:13030118, Introduction by Neil Turok, 2013-03-08, International Women's Day 2013
- PIRSA:12100133, Massey Lecture - Other location, 2012-10-03, Perimeter Institute Public Lecture Series
- PIRSA:12100057, Massey Lecture Kick-off - Neil Turok - The Universe Within, 2012-10-03, Perimeter Institute Public Lecture Series
- From big crunch to big bang, Presentation to cosmology group
- PIRSA:12040125, OAPT - Opening Doors, 2012-04-27,
- PIRSA:11090078, Relativity - Lecture 14, 2011-09-30, 11/12 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:11090042, Relativity - Lecture 15, 2011-09-30, 11/12 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:11090041, Relativity - Lecture 13, 2011-09-29, 11/12 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:11090040, Relativity - Lecture 12, 2011-09-28, 11/12 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:11090077, Relativity - Lecture 10, 2011-09-23, 11/12 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:11090035, Relativity - Lecture 11, 2011-09-23, 11/12 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:11090034, Relativity - Lecture 9, 2011-09-22, 11/12 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:11090033, Relativity - Lecture 8, 2011-09-21, 11/12 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:11090032, Relativity - Lecture 7, 2011-09-20, 11/12 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:11090031, Relativity - Lecture 6, 2011-09-19, 11/12 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:11090028, Relativity - Lecture 5, 2011-09-16, 11/12 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:11090027, Relativity - Lecture 4, 2011-09-15, 11/12 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:11090026, Relativity - Lecture 3, 2011-09-14, 11/12 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:11090025, Relativity - Lecture 2, 2011-09-13, 11/12 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:11090024, Relativity - Lecture 1, 2011-09-12, 11/12 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:11070044, Overview of the Challenges, 2011-07-12, Challenges for Early Universe Cosmology
- PIRSA:11060073, A Canonical Measure for Inflation, 2011-06-24, Holographic Cosmology v2.0
- PIRSA:11060099, 2011 PSI Graduation, 2011-06-18, Holographic Cosmology v2.0
- PIRSA:10100058, Relativity (PHYS 604) - Lecture 15B, 2010-10-01, 10/11 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:10100002, Relativity (PHYS 604) - Lecture 15, 2010-10-01, PSI Lectures - 2010
- PIRSA:10090039, Relativity (PHYS 604) - Lecture 14, 2010-09-30, PSI Lectures - 2010
- PIRSA:10090038, Relativity (PHYS 604) - Lecture 13, 2010-09-29, PSI Lectures - 2010
- PIRSA:10090037, Relativity (PHYS 604) - Lecture 12, 2010-09-28, PSI Lectures - 2010
- PIRSA:10090036, Relativity (PHYS 604) - Lecture 11, 2010-09-27, PSI Lectures - 2010
- PIRSA:10090035, Relativity (PHYS 604) - Lecture 10, 2010-09-24, PSI Lectures - 2010
- PIRSA:10090034, Relativity (PHYS 604) - Lecture 9, 2010-09-23, PSI Lectures - 2010
- PIRSA:10090033, Relativity (PHYS 604) - Lecture 8, 2010-09-22, PSI Lectures - 2010
- PIRSA:10090032, Relativity (PHYS 604) - Lecture 7, 2010-09-21, PSI Lectures - 2010
- PIRSA:10090031, Relativity (PHYS 604) - Lecture 6, 2010-09-20, PSI Lectures - 2010
- PIRSA:10090030, Relativity (PHYS 604) - Lecture 5, 2010-09-17, PSI Lectures - 2010
- PIRSA:10090101, Counting cosmologies: a Holographic Liouville measure, 2010-09-16, 10/11 PSI - Relativity
- PIRSA:10090029, Relativity (PHYS 604) - Lecture 4, 2010-09-16, PSI Lectures - 2010
- PIRSA:10090028, Relativity (PHYS 604) - Lecture 3, 2010-09-15, PSI Lectures - 2010
- PIRSA:10090027, Relativity (PHYS 604) - Lecture 2, 2010-09-14, PSI Lectures - 2010
- PIRSA:10090026, Relativity (PHYS 604) - Lecture 1, 2010-09-13, PSI Lectures - 2010
- PIRSA:10060026, Holographic Singularity Resolution , 2010-06-17, Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics
- PIRSA:10040072, Explorations in Cosmology 2 - Lecture 15, 2010-04-23, Perimeter Scholars International
- PIRSA:10040071, Explorations in Cosmology 2 - Lecture 14, 2010-04-22, Perimeter Scholars International
- PIRSA:10040070, Explorations in Cosmology 2 - Lecture 13, 2010-04-21, Perimeter Scholars International
- PIRSA:10040069, Explorations in Cosmology 2 - Lecture 12, 2010-04-20, Perimeter Scholars International
- PIRSA:10040068, Explorations in Cosmology 2 - Lecture 11, 2010-04-19, Perimeter Scholars International
- PIRSA:10040067, Explorations in Cosmology 2 - Lecture 10, 2010-04-16, Perimeter Scholars International
- PIRSA:10040066, Explorations in Cosmology 2 - Lecture 9, 2010-04-15, Perimeter Scholars International
- PIRSA:10040065, Explorations in Cosmology 2 - Lecture 8, 2010-04-14, Perimeter Scholars International
- PIRSA:10040064, Explorations in Cosmology 2 - Lecture 7, 2010-04-13, Perimeter Scholars International
- PIRSA:10040063, Explorations in Cosmology 2 - Lecture 6, 2010-04-12, Perimeter Scholars International
- PIRSA:10040062, Explorations in Cosmology 2 - Lecture 5, 2010-04-09, Perimeter Scholars International
- PIRSA:10040061, Explorations in Cosmology 2 - Lecture 4, 2010-04-08, Perimeter Scholars International
- PIRSA:10040060, Explorations in Cosmology 2 - Lecture 3, 2010-04-07, Perimeter Scholars International
- PIRSA:10040059, Explorations in Cosmology 2 - Lecture 2, 2010-04-06, Perimeter Scholars International
- PIRSA:10040058, Explorations in Cosmology 2 - Lecture 1, 2010-04-05, Perimeter Scholars International
- PIRSA:09120100, Opening Remarks: In Memory of Lev Kofman, 2009-12-09, PI / CITA Day - December 2009
- PIRSA:09120102, Opening Remarks: In Memory of Lev Kofman, 2009-12-08, PI / CITA Day - December 2009
- PIRSA:09120101, Opening Remarks: In Memory of Lev Kofman, 2009-12-08, PI / CITA Day - December 2009
- PIRSA:09100037, Q2C Wrap - Up, 2009-10-25, Quantum to Cosmos Festival - Tickets Available starting TUE. Sep 8, 2009
- PIRSA:09100070, The Agenda with Steve Paikin: Do We Still Believe in Science?, 2009-10-23, Quantum to Cosmos Festival - Tickets Available starting TUE. Sep 8, 2009
- PIRSA:09100000, State of the Universes, 2009-10-18, Quantum to Cosmos Festival - Tickets Available starting TUE. Sep 8, 2009
- PIRSA:09100062, PI: Past, Present, and Future, 2009-10-17, Quantum to Cosmos Festival - Tickets Available starting TUE. Sep 8, 2009
- PIRSA:09100063, PI: Past, Present, and Future, 2009-10-17, Quantum to Cosmos Festival - Tickets Available starting TUE. Sep 8, 2009
- PIRSA:09100059, Quantum to Cosmos, 2009-10-15, Quantum to Cosmos Festival - Tickets Available starting TUE. Sep 8, 2009
- PIRSA:09060070, Is the cosmic singularity the key?, 2009-06-25, Exploring the Cosmological Frontiers - Perimeter Institute Summer School
- PIRSA:09050073, TBA, 2009-05-25, New Prospects for Solving the Cosmological Constant Problem
- PIRSA:08100046, Time and the big bang, 2008-10-01, The Clock and the Quantum: Time and Quantum Foundations
- PIRSA:08030033, What Banged?, 2008-03-05, Perimeter Institute Public Lecture Series
- PIRSA:07110069, From Big Crunch to Big Bang with AdS/CFT, 2007-11-27, String Seminars
- PIRSA:07050008, Ekpyrotic Perturbations & a Holographic Big Bang, 2007-05-08, Cosmology