Raymond Laflamme

Raymond obtained his PhD at the University of Cambridge, in 1988. He began his career working with Stephen Hawking on questions in quantum gravity and cosmology, but his interests have moved to quantum information science and technology. His research encompass both theory and experiments.
Founding Director Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo; Canadian Institute for Advanced Research; Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo
Research Interests
Information processing is pervasive, it has changed the way we do science, the way we entertain ourselves, the structure of the economy, and ultimately who we are. This information revolution has happened because of the incredible progress made to manipulate larger and larger amounts of information by shrinking the size of transistors. As we move toward that scale, we need a better approximation to the laws of physics than the one provided by classical mechanics, we need quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is presently a hindrance to push the limits of the size of transistors as we try to keep computing classically. In the last 20 years, physicists and computer scientists have discovered that we could instead take advantage of quantum mechanics. The goal of my work is to harness quantum mechanical effects and use them for information processing. It turns out that this leads to new mind-boggling devices that seem much more powerful that their classical counterpart. A large fraction of my energy is focused on finding and developing methods to control, manipulate and make quantum information robust against noise and imperfection that are present in realistic devices. I also attempt to understand why these devices are so powerful and try to find new applications for them.
Positions Held
- President, QuantumLaf Inc, 2016-present
- CSO, Universal Quantum Devices, 2011-2021
- June 2006-2012, Scientific Director, QuantumWorks
- August 2004 Visitor, Newton Institute (Cambridge, UK), Program on Quantum Information
- October 2003-2016 Director, Quantum Information Program at CIFAR,
- April 2002-2017 Director, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo
- September 2001-present Associate Researcher at Perimeter Institute
- September 2001-present Professor, Department of Physics, University of Waterloo
- July 2000 Visiting Scientist, Francis Bitter Lab., MIT
- August 1999 Visitor at the Newton Institute for the Quantum Computing program
- 1997-2001 Technical staff member, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Summer 1996 Visitor at the Institute for Theoretical Physics (University of California at Santa-Barbara) for the Quantum Computation Program
- May-June 1994 Visitor at the Newton Institute for the Quantum Gravity program
- 1994-1997 Oppenheimer Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- 1992-1994 Post-Doctoral Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory
- 1990-1992 Research Fellow at Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK
- Fall 1988 Visitor at the Institute for Theoretical Physics (University of California at Santa-Barbara) for the Cosmology and Microphysics Program
- May 1988 Visitor at the Instituto de Optica, Daza de Valdes, CSIC, Madrid, Spain, for the British-Spanish Joint Research Program
- 1988-1990 Killam Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of British Columbia
- Officer of the Order of Canada
- Mike and Ophelia Lazaridis ``John von Neumann'' Chair in Quantum Information
- CAP-CRM prize, 2017
- Canada Research Chair Tier 1, Renewal, 2016-present
- Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, 2013
- Doctorat honorifique, Universite de Sherbrooke, 2012
- Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2012
- Fellow of the American Physics Society, 2011
- Canada Research Chair in Quantum Information, renewal, 2009-2016.
- Premier's Discovery award in Natural Science and Engineering (including a $500 000 grant).
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, 2008.
- Diplomes Influents de l'Universite Laval.
- NSERC's inaugural Top 50 Discoveries list for 2006.
- Médaille Grande Escolle de l'Association des Diplomés de l'Université Laval, 2005.
- Ivey Foundation Fellow at CIFAR, 2005-present.
- Canada Research Chair in Quantum Information, 2002-2008.
- Premier Research Award, Government of Ontario, 2002-2007
- Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) Fellow in the Quantum Information Program, 2001-present.
- Top ten breakthrough of the year in the journal Science, 1998.
- Achievement Award, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1998.
- Oppenheimer Fellowship held at Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1994-1997.
- Canadian Institute of Theoretical Physics (CITA) National Fellow, 1988.
- Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship held at the University of British Columbia, 1988-1990.
- Girton College Research Studentship, 1987-1988.
- J.T.Knight Prize (University of Cambridge), 1986.
- Phyllis Tillyard Prize (Girton College), 1984.
- Girton College Graduate Scholarship, 1984-1985.
Recent Publications
- Raymond Laflamme, Junan Lin, Tal Mor; Algorithmic cooling for resolving state preparation and measurement errors in quantum computing, Physical Review A106.012439, arXiv: 2203.08114
- Dong-Sheng Wang, Yun-Jiang Wang, Ningping Cao, Bei Zeng, Raymond Laflamme; Theory of quasi-exact fault-tolerant quantum computing and valence-bond-solid codes; New J. Phys. 24 (2022) 023019 and arXiv: 2105.14777.
- J. Lin, JJ Wallman, JJ, I Hincks, R Laflamme, Independent state and measurement characterization for quantum computers, Physical Review Research 3 (3) and arXiv: 1910.07511.
- DS Wang, G Zhu, C Okay, R Laflamme, Quasi-exact quantum computation Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033116.
- Shayan-Shawn Majidy, Jonathan J. Halliwell, and Raymond Laflamme. Detecting violations of macrorealism when the Leggett-Garg inequalities are satisfied. arXiv: 2101.12266, 2021. Physical Review A 103 (6), 062212
- John P. S. Peterson, Sarthour, Roberto S. and Raymondd Laflamme. Enhancing quantum control by improving shaped-pulse generation enhancing quantum control by improving shaped-pulse generation. Physical Review Applied, 13:054060, 2020. and arXiv: 1908.08003.
- Shayan-Shawn Majidy, Hemant Katiyar, Galit Anikeeva, Jonathan Halliwell, and Raymond Laflamme. Exploration of an augmented set of leggett-garg inequalities using a noninvasive continuous-in-time velocity measurement. Physical Review A, 100(042325), 2019 and arXiv: 1907.05489.
- Junan Lin, Brandon Buonacorsi, Raymond Laflamme, and Joel J. Wallman. On the freedom in representing quantum operations. New Journal of Physics, 21(023006), 2019 and arXiv: 1810.05631.
- Shivani Singh, Radhakrishnan Balu, Raymond Laflamme, and C. M. Chandrashekar. Accelerated quantum walk, two-particle entanglement generation and localization. Journal of Physics Communications., 3:055008, 2019 and arXiv: 1810.02754.
- Keren Li, Youning Li, Muxin Han, Sirui Lu, Jie Zhou, Dong Ruan, Guilu Long, Yidun Wan, Dawei Lu, Bei Zeng, and Raymond Laflamme. Quantum spacetime on a quantum simulator. preprint arXiv: 1712.08711 and Nature Communications Physics, 2(122), 2019.
- Keren Li, Muxin Han, Guilu Long, Yidun Wan, Dawei Lu, Bei Zeng, and Raymond Laflamme. Mea- suring holographic entanglement entropy on a quantum simulator. NPJ Quantum Information 5(30), 2019 and arXiv: 1705.00365.
- Zhihuang Luo, Yi-Zhuang You, Jun Li, Chao-Ming Jian, Dawei Lu, Cenke Xu, Bei Zeng, and Ray- mond Laflamme. Quantum simulation of the non-fermi-liquid state of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model. NPJ Quantum Information 5(7), 2019 and arXiv: 1712.06458.
- Jun Li, Zhihuang Luo, Tao Xin, Hengyan Wang, David Kribs, Dawei Lu, Bei Zeng, and Raymond Laflamme. Experimental implementation of efficient quantum pseudorandomness on a 12-spin system. Physical Review Letters 123:030502, 2019 and arXiv: 1807.07419,.
- Raghunandan R, Voll M, Osei E, Darko J, and Laflamme R. A review of applications of principles of quantum physics in oncology: do quantum physics principles have any role in oncology research and applications? Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice, cambridge.org/jrp, pages 1-12., 2019 (online, 30 April).
- Junan Lin, Brandon Buonacorsi, Raymond Laflamme, and Joel J. Wallman. On the freedom in repre- senting quantum operations. New Journal of Physics, 21(023006), 2019 and arXiv: 1810.05631.
- Shivani Singh, Radhakrishnan Balu, Raymond Laflamme, and C. M. Chandrashekar. Accelerated quan- tum walk, two-particle entanglement generation and localization. Journal of Physics Communications., 3:055008, 2019 and arXiv: 1810.02754.
- Guanru Feng, Franklin H. Cho, Hemant Katiyar, Jun Li, Dawei Lu, Jonathan Baugh, and Raymond Laflamme. Gradient-based closed-loop quantum optimal control in a solid-state two-qubit system. Physical Review A, 98(5):052341, 2018, arXiv: 1805.11674.
- Stefanie Beale, Joel Wallman, Mauricio Guti Ìerrez, Kenneth R. Brown, and Raymond Laflamme. Coherence in quantum error-correcting codes. Physical Review Letters, 121(19):190501, 2018, arXiv: 1805.08802.
- N.P. Kumar, R. Balu, R. Laflamme, and C.M. Chandrashekar. Bounds on the dynamics of periodic quantum walks and emergence of the gapless and gapped dirac equation. Physical Review A, 97:012116, 2018, arXiv: 1711.05920.
- R. Laflamme, T. Mor, N.A. Rodrguez-Briones, and Y. Weinstein. Heat-bath algorithmic cooling with correlated-qubits relaxation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10687 LNCS, pp. 294-304, 10687, LNCS:294{304, 2017.
- Nayeli A. Rodriguez-Briones, Jun Li, Xinhua Peng, Tal Mor, Yossi Weinstein, and Raymond Laflamme. Heat-bath algorithmic cooling with correlated qubit-environment interactions. New Journal of Physics, 19:113047, 2017.
- Nayeli A. Rodriguez-Briones, Eduardo Martin-Martinez, Achim Kempf, and Raymond Laflamme. Correlation-Enhanced Algorithmic Cooling. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119(5), AUG 2 2017.
- Francois Fillion-Gourdeau, Steve MacLean, and Raymond Laflamme. Efficient state initialization by a quantum spectral filtering algorithm. Phys. Rev. A, 95(4), APR 21 2017.
- Christopher Chamberland, Joel Wallman, Stefanie Beale, and Raymond Laflamme. Hard decoding algorithm for optimizing thresholds under general Markovian noise. Phys. Rev. A, 95(4), APR 21 2017.
- Francois Fillion-Gourdeau, Steve MacLean, and Raymond Laflamme. Algorithm for the solution of the Dirac equation on digital quantum computers. Phys. Rev. A, 95(4), APR 28 2017.
- Jingfu Zhang, Fernando M. Cucchietti, Raymond Laflamme, and Dieter Suter. Defect production in non-equilibrium phase transitions: experimental investigation of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism in a two- qubit quantum simulator. New Journal of Physics, 19, APR 2017.
- Keren Li, Guofei Long, Hemant Katiyar, Tao Xin, Guanru Feng, Dawei Lu, and Raymond Laflamme. Experimentally superposing two pure states with partial prior knowledge. Phys. Rev. A, 95(2), FEB 23 2017.
- Christopher Chamberland, Tomas Jochym-O"Connor, and Raymond Laflamme. Overhead analysis of universal concatenated quantum codes.Phys. Rev. A, 95(2), FEB 8 2017.
- Hemant Katiyar, Aharon Brodutch, Dawei Lu, and Raymond Laflamme. Experimental violation of the Leggett-Garg inequality in a three-level system. New Journal of Physics, 19, FEB 17 2017.
- Keren Li, Yidun Wan, Ling-Yan Hung, Tian Lan, Guilu Long, Dawei Lu, Bei Zeng, and Raymond Laflamme. Experimental Identification of Non-Abelian Topological Orders on a Quantum Simulator. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118(8), FEB 23 2017.
- Tao Xin, Dawei Lu, Joel Klassen, Nengkun Yu, Zhengfeng Ji, Jianxin Chen, Xian Ma, Guilu Long, Bei Zeng, and Raymond Laflamme. Quantum State Tomography via Reduced Density Matrices. Phys. Rev. Lett. , 118(2), JAN 9 2017.
- Guanru Feng, Joel J. Wallman, Brandon Buonacorsi, Franklin H. Cho, Daniel K. Park, Tao Xin, Dawei Lu, Jonathan Baugh, and Raymond Laflamme. Estimating the Coherence of Noise in Quantum Control of a Solid-State Qubit. Phys. Rev. Lett. , 117(26), DEC 20 2016
- Jun Li, Jiangyu Cui, Raymond Laflamme, and Xinhua Peng. Selective-pulse-network compilation on a liquid-state nuclear-magnetic-resonance system. Phys. Rev. A, 94(3), SEP 15 2016.
- Raymond Laflamme Christopher Chamberland, Tomas Jochym-O"Connor. Thresholds for universal concatenated quantum codes. Physical Review Letters, 117(1):010501, 2016 and arXiv: 1603.02704.
- Jun Li, Dawei Lu, Zhihuang Luo, Raymond Laflamme, Xinhua Peng, and Jiangfeng Du. Approxima- tion of reachable sets for coherently controlled open quantum systems: Application to quantum state engineering. Physical Review A, 94(1):012312, July 2016 and arXiv: 1412.4146.
- Tao Xin, Dawei Lu, Joel Klassen, Nengkun Yu, Zhengfeng Ji, Guilu Long Jianxin Chen, Xian Ma, Bei Zeng, and Raymond Laflamme. Quantum state tomography via reduced density matrices. arXiv: 1604.02046.
- Dawei Lu, Tao Xin, Nengkun Yu, Zhengfeng Ji, Jianxin Chen, Guilu Long, Jonathan Baugh, Xinhua Peng, Bei Zeng, and R Laflamme. Tomography is necessary for universal entanglement detection with single-copy observables. Phys. Rev. Lett., 116(23):230501, June 2016 and arXiv: 1511.00581.
- Daniel K. Park, Guanru Feng, Robabeh R. Darabad, Jonathan Baugh, and Raymond Laflamme. Ran- domized benchmarking of quantum gates implemented by electron spin resonance. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 267:68-78, June 2016 and arXiv: 1510.04779.
- Nayeli Azucena Rodriguez-Briones and Raymond Laflamme. Achievable polarization for heat-bath algorithmic cooling. Phys. Rev. Lett., 116(17):170501, April 2016 and arXiv: 1412.6637
- Jihyun Park, Emma McKay, Dawei Lu, and Raymond Laflamme. Simulation of anyonic statistics and its topological path independence using a seven-qubit quantum simulator. New Journal of Physics, 18:043043, April 2016 and arXiv: 1601.04721.
- Jeremy Levick, Tomas Jochym-O"Connor, David Kribs, Raymond Laflamme, and Rajesh Pereira. Private quantum subsystems and quasiorthogonal operator algebras. Journal of Physics AâMathematical and Theoretical, 49(12):125302, March 2016 and arXiv: 1510.00939.
- Dawei Lu, Jacob D. Biamonte, Jun Li, Hang Li, Tomi H. Johnson, Ville Bergholm, Mauro Faccin, Zoltan Zimboras, Raymond Laflamme, Jonathan Baugh, and Seth Lloyd. Chiral quantum walks. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 93(3):032140, March 2016 and arXiv: 1405.6209.
- Xian Ma, Tyler Jackson, Hui Zhou, Jianxin Chen, Dawei Lu, Michael D. Mazurek, Kent A. G. Fisher, Xinhua Peng, David Kribs, Kevin J. Resch, Zhengfeng Jian, Bei Zeng, and Raymond Laflamme. Pure- state tomography with expectation value of pauli operators. Physical Review A, 93(3):032140, March 2016 and arXiv: 1601.05379.
- Daniel K. Park, Guanru Feng, Robabeh Rahimi, Stephane Labruyere, Taiki Shibata, Shigeaki Nakazawa, Kazunobu Sato, Takeji Takui, Raymond Laflamme, and Jonathan Baugh. Hyperfine spin qubits in irradiated malonic acid: heat-bath algorithmic cooling. Quantum Information Processing, 2015 and arXiv: 1501.00082.
- Daniel K. Park, Nayeli A. Rodriguez-Briones, Guanru Feng, Robabeh R. Darabad, Jonathan Baugh, and Raymond Laflamme. Spin based heat bath algorithmic cooling: Review and prospects. In Takeji Takui, Graeme Hansen, and Lawrence J Berliner, editors, Electron Spin Quantum Computing: Electron Spin-Qubit Based Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Processing in Biological Magnetic Resonance, volume 31. Springer, 2015.
- Experimental Estimation of Average Fidelity of a Clifford Gate on a 7-qubit Quantum Processor Dawei Lu, Hang Li, Denis-Alexandre Trottier, Jun Li, Aharon Brodutch, Anthony P. Krismanich, Ahmad Ghavami, Gary I. Dmitrienko, Guilu Long, Jonathan Baugh, Raymond Laflamme; Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 140505 (2015)
- L. Vermeyden, X. Ma, J. Lavoie, Madeleine Bonsma and Urbasi Sinha, Raymond Laflamme, and Kevin Resch. Experimental test of environment-assisted invariance. Physical Review A, 91(012120), January 2015.
- Jingfu Zhang, Daniel Burgarth, Raymond Laflamme, and Dieter Suter. Experimental implementation of quantum gates through actuator qubits. Physical Review A, 91(012330), January 2015 and arXiv: 1405.7169.
- Dawei Lu, Aharon Brodutch, Jun Li, Hang Li, and Raymond Laflamme. Experimental realization of post-selected weak measurements on an nmr quantum processor. New Journal of Physics, 16:053015, 2014 and arXiv: 1311.5890.
- Christopher Erven, Evan Meyer-Scott, Kent Fisher, Jonathan Lavoie, Brendon Higgins, Zhizhong Yan, Chris Pugh, Jean-Philippe Bourgoin, Robert Prevedel, Krister Shalm, Laura Richards, Nikolay Gigov, Raymond Laflamme, Gregor Weihs, Thomas Jennewein, and Kevin Resch. Experimental three-photon quantum nonlocality under strict locality conditions. Nature Photonics, 8(4):292-296, April 2014 and arXiv: 1309.1379.
- C. Erven, N. Ng, N. Gigov, R. Laflamme, S. Wehner, and G. Weihs. An experimental implementa- tion of oblivious transfer in the noisy storage model. Nature Communications, 5(3418), Mar 2014 and arXiv: 1308.5098.
- T. Jennewein, J. P. Bourgoin, B. Higgins, and et al. Qeyssat: a mission proposal for a quantum receiver in space. volume 8997 of Advanced in Photonics of quantum computing, memory, and communication, VII Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE, 2014.
- TomasJochym-O"Connor and Raymond Laflamme. Using concatenated quantum codes for universal fault-tolerant quantum gates. Physical Review Letters, 112(010505), January 2014 and arXiv: 1309.3310.
- G. Feng, G. Long, and R. Laflamme. Experimental simulation of anyonic fractional statistics with an nmr quantum-information processor. Physical Review A, 88(022305), 2013 and arXiv: 1210.4760.
- T. Jochym-O"Connor, D. W. Kribs, R. Laflamme, , and S. Plosker. Private quantum subsystems. Physical Review Letters, 111:030502, 2013 and arXiv: 1208.2246.
- T. Jochym-O"Connor, Y. Yu, B. Helou, and R. Laflamme. The robusteness of magic state distillation against errors in clifford gates. Quantum Information & Computation, 13(5-6):361-378, May 2013 and arXiv: 1205.6715.
- J.-P. Bourgoin, E. Meyer-Scott, B. L. Higgins, B. Helou, C. Erven, H. Huebel, B. Kumar, D. Hudson, I. D"Souza, R. Girard, R. Laflamme, and T. Jennewein. A comprehensive design and performance analysis of low Earth orbit satellite quantum communication. New Journal of Physics, 15(2):023006, Feb 5 2013 and arXiv: 1211.2733.
- J. Zhang, R. Laflamme, and D. Suter. Experimental implementation of encoded logical qubit opera- tions in a experimental implementation of encoded logical qubit operations in a perfect quantum error correcting code. Physical Review Letters, 109:100503, 2012 and arXiv: 1208.4797.
- Piotr Kolenderski, Urbasi Sinha, Li Youning, Tong Zhao, Matthew Volpini, Adan Cabello, Raymond Laflamme, and Thomas Jennewein. Playing the aharon-vaidman quantum game with a young type photonic qutrit. Rev. A 86, 012321 (2012) and arXiv: 1107.5828.
- David Rideout, Thomas Jennewein, Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, Tommaso F. Demarie, Brendon L. Higgins, Achim Kempf, Adrian Kent, Raymond Laflamme, Xian Ma, Robert B. Mann, Eduardo Martin-Martinez, Nicolas C. Menicucci, John Moffat, Christoph Simon, Rafael Sorkin, Lee Smolin, Daniel R. Terno, Fundamental quantum optics experiments conceivable with satellites -- reaching relativistic distances and velocities, Class. Quantum Grav. 29 224011 (2012), arXiv: 1206.4949
- G. Passante, O. Moussa, and R. Laflamme. Measuring geometric quantum discord using one bit of quantum information. Physical Review A, 85:032325, 2012 and arXiv: 1202.4475.
- Jingfu Zhang, Man-Hong Yung, Raymond Laflamme, Alan Aspuru-Guzik, and Jonathan Baugh. Digital quantum simulation of the statistical mechanics of a frustrated magnet. Nature Communications 3, 880 (2012) and arXiv: 1108.3270
- Jingfu Zhang, Markus Grassl, Bei Zeng, and Raymond Laflamme. Experimental implementation of a codeword stabilized quantum code. Physical Review A, 85:062312, 2012 and arXiv: 1111.5445.
- Osama Moussa, Jonathan Baugh, Colm A. Ryan, and Raymond Laflamme. Demonstration of sufficient control for two rounds of quantum error correction in a solid state ensemble quantum information processor. Physical Review Letters, 107:160501, 2011 and arXiv: 1108.4842.
- Jingfu Zhang, Dorian Gangloff, Osama Moussa, and Raymond Laflamme. Experimental quantum error correction with high fidelity. Physical Review A, 84(3), SEP 15 2011, arXiv: 1109.4821.
- Y.J. Zhang, C.A. Ryan, R. Laflamme, and J. Baugh. Coherent control of two nuclear spins using the anisotropic hyperfine interaction.Physical Review Letters, 107(17):5 pp, 2011 and arXiv: 1108.4842.
- J. Zhang, T.-Z. Wei, and R. Laflamme. Experimental quantum simulation of entanglement in many-body systems. Physical Review Letters, 107(010501), 2011, arXiv: 1104.0275.
- J. Baugh, J. Zhang, M. Yung, J. Whitfield, A. Aspuru-Guzik, and R. Laflamme. Simulation of statistical mechanics on an nmr quantum information processor. Abstracts of papers of the American Chemical Society, 241(MAR 27), 2011.
- A. Souza, J. Zhang, C. Ryan, and R. Laflamme. Experimental magic state distillation. Nature Communications, 2:169, 2011 and arXiv: 1103.2178v1.
- F. M. Cucchietti, J.-F. Zhang, F. C. Lombardo, P. Villar, and R. Laflamme. Geometric phase with nonunitary evolution in presence of a quantum critical bath. Physical Review Letters, 105:240406, 2010 and arXiv: 1006.1468.
- Urbasi Sinha, Christophe Couteau, Fay Dowker, Thomas Jennewein, Greogor Weihs, and Raymond Laflamme. A triple slit test for quantum mechanics. Physics in Canada, August, 2010.
- CM Chandrashekar, R. Srikanth, and R Laflamme. Optimizing the discrete time quantum walk using a SU(2) coin (vol 77, 032326, 2008). Physical Review A, 82(019902), 2010.
- Urbasi Sinha, Christophe Couteau, Thomas Jennewein, Raymond Laflamme, and Gregor Weihs. Ruling out multi-order interference in quantum mechanics. Science, 329(418-421), 2010 and arXiv: 1007.4193.
- O Moussa, CA Ryan, DG Cory, and R Laflamme. Testing contextuality on quantum ensembles with one clean qubit. Physical Review Letters, 104(160501), 2010 and arXiv: 0912.0485.
- T. D. Ladd, F. Jelezko, R. Laflamme, Y. Nakamura, C. Monroe, and J. L. Oâ??Brien. Quantum computers. Nature, 464(7285):45â??53, 2010.
- Gina Passante, Osama Moussa, Colm A. Ryan, and R. Laflamme. Experimental approximation of the jones polynomial with dqc1 experimental approximation of the jones polynomial with dqc1 experimental approximation of the jones polynomial with dqc1. Physical Review Letters, 103(250501), 2009 and arXiv: 0909.1550.
- C.A. Ryan, M. M. Laforest, and R. Laflamme. Randomized benchmarking of single and multi-qubit control in liquid-state nmr quantum information processing. New Journal of Physics, 11(013034), 2009 and arXiv: 0808.3973.
- Chris Erven, Xiongfeng Ma, Raymond Laflamme, and Gregor Weihs. Entangled quantum key distribution with a biased basis choice. New Journal of Physics, (11):045025, 2009.
- Jingfu Zhang, Michael Ditty, Daniel Burgarth, Colm A. Ryan, C.M. Chandrashekar, Martin Laforest, Osama Moussa, Jonathan Baugh, and Raymond Laflamme. Quantum data bus in dipolar coupled nuclear spin qubits. Physical Review A, 80(012316), 2009 and arXiv: 0902.3719.
- A Pasieka, D.W. Kribs, R. Laflamme, and R. Pereira. On the geometric interpretation of single qubit quantum operations on the bloch sphere. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, www.springerlink.com/content/1097u1t485053w54/, 2009.
- M. Razavi, I. Sollner, E. Bocquillon, C. Couteau, R. Laflamme, , and G. Weihs. Characterizing heralded single-photon sources with imperfect measurement devices. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 42:114013, 2009 and arXiv: 0812.2445.
- Chris Erven, Xiongfeng Ma, Raymond Laflamme, and Gregor Weihs. Entangled quantum key distribution with a biased basis choice. New Journal of Physics, (11):045025, 2009 and arXiv: 0901.0960.
- C.A. Ryan, M. M. Laforest, and R. Laflamme. Randomized benchmarking of single and multi-qubit control in liquid-state nmr quantum information processing. New Journal of Physics, 11(013034), 2009 and arXiv: 0808.3973.
- J. Zhang, F.M. Cucchietti, C. Chandrashekar, M. Laforest, C.A. Ryan, M. Ditty, A. Hubbard, J.K. Gamble, and R. Laflamme. Direct observation of quantum criticality in ising spin chains. arXiv: 0808.1536 and Physical Review A, 79:012305, 2009.
- A Pasieka, D.W. Kribs, R. Laflamme, and R. Pereira. On the geometric interpretation of single qubit quantum operations on the bloch sphere. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, to appear 2009.
- U. Sinha, C. Couteau, Z. Medendorp, I. Sollner, R. Laflamme, R. Sorkin, and G. Weihs. Testing born's rule in quantum mechanics with a triple slit experiment. Foundations of Probability and Physics-5, L. Accardi, G. Adenier, C. Fuchs, G. Jaeger, A. Yu. Khrennikov, J.-?A. Larsson, S. Stenholm (Eds.), American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, New-York, 1101:200-207, 2009.
- C. Erven, C. Couteau, R. Laflamme, and G. Weihs. Entanglement based free-space quantum key distribution. Proc. SPIE, 16:7099, 2008.
- M. M. Razavi, I. Sollner, C. Bocquillon, E.and Couteau, R. Laflamme, and G. Weihs. Characterizing heralded single-photon sources with imperfect measurement devices. arXiv: 0812.2445, 2008.
- CM Chandrashekar, R. Srikanth, and R. Laflamme. Optimizing the discrete time quantum walk using a su(2) coin. Physical Review A, 77:032326, 2008, arXiv: 0711.1882.
- C. Erven, C. C. Couteau, R. Laflamme, and G. Weihs. Entangled quantum key distribution over two free-space optical links. Optics Express, 16(21):16840-16853, 2008 and arXiv: 0807.2289.
- E. Bocquillon, C. Couteau, M. Razavi, R. Laflamme, and G. Weihs. Coherence measures for heralded single-photon sources. Phys. Rev. A, 79(035801), 2008 and arXiv: 0807.1725.
- R. Ursin, T. Jennewein, J. Kofler, J.M. Perdigues, L. Cacciapuoti, C.J. de Matos, M. Aspelmeyer, A. Valencia, T. Scheidl, A. Fedrizzi, A. Acin, C. Barbieri, G. Bianco, C. Brukner, J. Capmany, S. Cova, D. Giggenbach, W. Leeb, R.H. Hadfield, R. Laflamme, N. Lutkenhaus, G. Milburn, M. Peev, T. Ralph, J. Rarity, R. Renner, E. Samain, N. Solomos, W. Tittel, J.P. Torres, M. Toyoshima, A. Ortigosa-Blanch, V. Pruneri, P. Villoresi, I. Walmsley, G. Weihs, H. Weinfurter, M. Zukowski, and A. Zeilinger. Space-quest: Experiments with quantum entanglement in space. Proceedings, International Astronautical Congress (IAC), A2.1.3, 2008.
- C.A Ryan, C. Negrevergne, M. Laforest, E. Knill, and R. Laflamme. Liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance as a testbed for developing quantum control methods. Phys. Rev. A, 78:012328, 2008.
- C.A Ryan, O. Moussa, J. Baugh, and R. Laflamme. Spin based heat engine: Demonstration of multiple rounds of algorithmic cooling. Phys. Rev. Lett., 100:140501, 2008.
- C.A. Ryan, O. Moussa, J. Baugh, and R. Laflamme. A spin based heat engine: multiple rounds of algorithmic cooling. preprint arXiv, page arXiv: 0706.2853v1, Jun 2007.
- M.K. Henry, C. Ramanathan, J. S. Hodges, C. A. Ryan, M. J. Ditty, R. Laflamme, and D. G. Cory. Fidelity enhancement by logical qubit encoding. Physical Review Letters, 99:220501, 2007, also in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, December 10, Volume 16, Issue 24, 2007 Volume 16, Issue 24.
- P. Hawrylak and R. Laflamme. Quantum information and quantum computing. Physics in Canada, 63:169-170, 2007.
- R Laflamme. Perspective on quantum information processing in canada. Physics in Canada, 63:171-172, 2007.
- Joseph Emerson, Marcus Silva, Osama Moussa, Colm Ryan, Martin Laforest, Jonathan Baugh, David G. Cory, and Raymond Laflamme. Symmetrized characterization of noisy quantum processes. Science, 317:1893-1896, 2007 and arXiv: 0707.0685v1.
- Martin Laforest, Damien Simon, Jean-Christian Boileau, Jonathan Baugh, Michael J. Ditty, and Raymond Laflamme. Using error correction to determine the noise model. Physical Review A, 75, 2007.
- J. Baugh, J. Chamilliard, C. M. Chandrashekar, M. Ditty amd A. Hubbard, R. Laflamme, M. Laforest, D. Maslov, O. Moussa, C. Negrevergne, M. Silva, S. Simmon, C. A. Ryan, D. G. Cory, J. S. Hodges, and C. Ramanathan. Quantum information processing using nuclear and electron magnetic resonance: review and prospects. Physics in Canada, 63, Oct-Dec, Special Issue on Quantum Computing and Quantum Information(4):197-206, 2007.
- CM Chandrashekar and R Laflamme. Quantum walk and quantum phase transition in optical lattice. Physical Review A, 78(2):022314, 2007, arXiv: 0709.1986.
- C Negrevergne, TS Mahesh, CA Ryan, M Ditty, F Cyr-Racine, W Power, N Boulant, T Havel, DG Cory, and R Laflamme. Benchmarking quantum control methods on a 12-qubit system. Physical Review Letters, 96:170501, 2006 and also Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology - May 15, 2006 Volume 13, Issue 19.
- J Baugh, O Moussa, CA Ryan, R Laflamme, C Ramanathan, TF Havel, and DG Cory. Solid-state nmr three-qubit homonuclear system for quantum-information processing: Control and characterization. Physical Review A, 73:022305, 2006 and and Virtual Journal of Quantum Information - February 2006 Volume 6, Issue 2.
- TY Chen, J Zhang, JC Boileau, XM Jin, B Yang, Q Zhang, T Yang, R Laflamme, and JW Pan. Experimental quantum communication without a shared reference frame. Physical Review Letters, 96,2006.
- M Laforest, J Baugh, and R Laflamme. Time-reversal formalism applied to maximal bipartite entanglement: Theoretical and experimental exploration. Physical Review A, 73, 2006.
- David W. Kribs, Raymond Laflamme, David Poulin, and Maia Lesosky. Operator quantum error correction. Quantum Information & Computation, 6:382-398, 2006.
- Jonathan Baugh, Osama Moussa, Colm A. Ryan, Ashwin Nayak, Raymond Laflamme, Experimental implementation of heat-bath algorithmic cooling using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, Nature 438, 470-473 (2005), arXiv: quant-ph/0512024
- C.A. Ryan, M. Laforest, J.C. Boileau, R. Laflamme, Experimental Implementation of Discrete Time Quantum Random Walk on an NMR Quantum Information Processor, Physical Review A 72, 062317 (2005), arXiv: quant-ph/0507267
- C.A. Ryan, J. Emerson, D. Poulin, C. Negrevergne, R. Laflamme, Characterization of complex quantum dynamics with a scalable NMR information processor, Physical Review Letters, 95, 250502 (2005), arXiv: quant-ph/0506085
- M. D. Bowdrey, J. A. Jones, E. Knill, R. Laflamme, Compiling gate networks on an Ising quantum computer, Phys. Rev. A 72, 032315 (2005), arXiv: quant-ph/0506006
- David W. Kribs, Raymond Laflamme, David Poulin, Maia Lesosky, Operator quantum error correction, Quant. Inf. & Comp., 6 (2006), 383-399., arXiv: quant-ph/0504189
- David Kribs, Raymond Laflamme, David Poulin, A Unified and Generalized Approach to Quantum Error Correction, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 180501 (2005), arXiv: quant-ph/0412076
- J.-C. Boileau, K. Tamaki, J. Batuwantudawe, R. Laflamme, J.M. Renes, Unconditional Security of Three State Quantum Key Distribution Protocols, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 040503 (2005), arXiv: quant-ph/0408085
- J.-C. Boileau, R. Laflamme, M. Laforest, C. R. Myers, Robust Quantum Communication Using A Polarization-Entangled Photon Pair, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 220501 (2004), arXiv: quant-ph/0406118
- J.A. Holbrook, D.W. Kribs, R. Laflamme, Noiseless subsystems and the structure of the commutant in quantum error correction, Quant. Inf. Proc., 2 (2004), 381-419., arXiv: quant-ph/0402056
- Dominic W. Berry, Stefan Scheel, Casey R. Myers, Barry C. Sanders, Peter L. Knight, Raymond Laflamme, Post-processing with linear optics for improving the quality of single-photon sources, New J. Phys. 6, 93 (2004), arXiv: quant-ph/0402018
- David Poulin, Robin Blume-Kohout, Raymond Laflamme, Harold Ollivier, Exponential speed-up with a single bit of quantum information: Testing the quantum butterfly effect, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 177906 (2004), arXiv: quant-ph/0310038
- J.-C. Boileau, D. Gottesman, R. Laflamme, D. Poulin, R.W. Spekkens, Robust polarization-based quantum key distribution over collective-noise channel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 17901 (2004), arXiv: quant-ph/0306199
- David Poulin, Raymond Laflamme, G.J. Milburn, Juan Pablo Paz, Testing integrability with a single bit of quantum information, Phys. Rev. A 68, 22302 (2003), arXiv: quant-ph/0303042
- G. J. Milburn, R. Laflamme, B. C. Sanders, E. Knill, The quantum dynamics of two coupled qubits, Physical Review A 65(3), 032316 (2002), arXiv: quant-ph/0112001
- An Introduction to Building Quantum Computers, Shayan Majidy, Chris Wilson, and Raymond Laflamme, in preparation.
- Introduction to Quantum Computing, Oxford University Press, 2006 (with P. Kaye & M. Mosca); 274 pages.
- Moderator on the Panel: Commercialisation of quantum technologies Institute for Quantum Computing, Dec 13th 2021
- Quantum Computers and Simulators, conference organised by Institute of Theoretical Physics, Paris-Saclay What are the options for building a large scale quantum computer? 29th of November 2021
- Talk at Gerard Milburn 60th Birthday Conference, Brisbane 26th of October 2018
- Panel at the Hudson Institute, Washington DC, on the Quantum Valley
- Algorithmic cooling, Army Research Laboratory, Maryland, September 2018
- Scalable control of quantum systems, Dept of Physics, Centre de Recherché Math\'emetic, Universit\'e de Montr\'eal, March 23th, 2018.
- Scalable control of quantum systems, Dept of Physics, Queen's, University, March 16th, 2018.
- Quantum Error Correction, Canadian Physical Society Annual Meeting Kingston, June 1st 2017
- Symposium Program Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies Friday, September 23, 2016, Barney Danson Theatre, Canadian War Museum
- Algorithmic cooling, Army Research Laboratory, Workshop on quantum stochastic differential equations for the quantum simulation of physical systems, Monday, August 22, 2016.
- Experimental quantum error correction, Quantum Science, Matter and Engineering Symposium Technion June 1-3, 2016
- Andrew Chamblin Memorial Lecture March 16th 2016, Cambridge University
- Experimental quantum error correction, Colloquium, University of Indiana at Bloomington Jan 20th 2016
- Algorithmic Cooling, CIFAR-China-IQC, Tsinghua 23rd of November 2015
- Experimental Quantum Error Correction The 3rd International Workshop on Frontiers in Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Beijing Nov 26th: 2015
- Experimental Quantum Error Correction, Dept of Physics (Colloquium), Yale New Haven, October 29th 2015
- Invited speaker Quantum Information Science, Lansdowne Lecture Series, University of Victoria, March 2, 2015.
- Invited speaker Experimental Quantum Error Correction, Los Alamos, USA, February 17, 2015.
- Invited speaker Quantum Error Correction, IIIS, Bangalore, India, October 17th 2014.
- Quantum Science and Technology, Jagelonian University,Krakov, May 20th 2014.
- Invited speaker Fault tolerance without transversal gates, Jagelonian University,Krakov, May 19th 2014.
- Invited speaker Experimental Quantum Error Correction, KCIK conference, Sopot, Poland, May 23rd 2014.
- Testing Born"s rule, Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, May21st 2014.
- Invited speaker Experimental Quantum Error Correction, Qubit symposium, Technion, Israel, March 20th 2014.
- Invited speaker Quantum Error Correction, FQXi 4th International Conference in Puerto Rico, January 5-10, 2014.
- Invited speaker NMR QIP in Rio de Janeiro, November 27-29, 2013.
- Invited speaker Bloomberg Enterprise Technology Summit, December 9, 2013.
- Invited speaker Quantum Information Processing, WWRF31 conference in Vancouver, October 22-24, 2013.
- Keynote speaker Quantum Information, Optical Society of America, student conference in Ottawa June 1st 2013.
- Experimental Quantum Error Correction, Qsart conference, June 24-27th, Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University, June 24th 2013.
- Round table on Quantum Information Science and Technology, Innovation Conference at Waterloo 22/23rd of April 2013.
- Physics Department, Harvard University, 25th of February, 2013
- Experimental Quantum Error Correction, International Conference on Quantum Information and Computation, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 7-11 January 2013
- International Center for Quantum Design of Functional Materials, Distinguished Lecture Series in Quantum Information, Heifei November 1st 2012.
- Institute for Interdisciplinary information Sciences Lecture Series, Tsinghua University, October 30th 2012.
- Experimental Quantum Error Correction, Canadian Mathematical Society, Regina, June 3rd 2012.
- Invited presentation, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Vancouver
- Quantum Information Processing, UBC, organized by CFI, 15th of February
- Experimental Quantum Error Correction, Center for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore, January 2012.
- Experimental Quantum Error Correction, Quantum Error correction 11, University of South California, Los Angeles, December 201
- Experimental Quantum Error Correction,, Invited Speaker Symposium on Modern Trends in Quantum Science on the occasion of the opening of the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology (IQST), Ulm,
- Quantum Information Science, World Conference of Science Journalists, Qatar , June 2011
- Quantum Information Science and Technology at Information systems technology (IST) panel symposium (ist-099 /rsy-024) emerged / emerging and disruptive technologies, 10 may 2011, Madrid.
- Quantum Information in Canada, NSERC's 107th Council meeting on March 7th, 2011.
- Invited speaker Institute for Quantum Computing at Innovation , Emerging Technologies and Global Markets Research Accelerator Center, University of Waterloo, June 3rd 2010.
- Invited speaker The Next Big Question, Where can quantum computing carry us? CIFAR in Ottawa, April 27th 2010.
- Department of Physics and Computer Science, Wilfrid Laurier University, 29th of April 2010
- Invited speaker Quantum Computing and Cryptography at the 12th Annual Emerging Technologies Update Day The Future of Computing: Beyond Clouds, Ubiquitous Networks and Smarter-Than-Ever Devices Presented by Mack Center for Technological Innovation UPenn, Philadelphia,March 19th, 2010.
- University of Victoria (Physics Dept), November 25th 2009.
- Triumf, Vancouver, November 26th 2009
- Invited guest and speaker IBM, Markham, October 15th 2009.
- Invited guest and speaker Canadian Quantum Information Student Conference Fields Institute Aug 22nd 2009
- Invited speaker Xborder workshop, Experimental Qunatum Error Correction, University of Ottawa, May 28th 2009
- Rountable speaker Science Day at the Public Policy Forum on May 27th, 2009.
- Invited speaker CIFAR Thirst of knowledge series, A leap into a strange world, May 4th 2009.
- Invited speaker Workshop on Quantum Information Science organised by the Office of Science and Technology in the US Vienna, Virginia, 24th of April 2009.
- Conferenmce dinner talk ITAC Board of Governor dinner, Kitchener, April 14th 2009.
- Invited Speaker Benchmarking quantum information processing devices, Scala Annual meeting, Cortina d"Ampezzo, Italy, February 20th 2009.
- Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, January 15th 2009.
- Universite de Sherbrooke, January 14th 2009.
- Discussion Leader, Gordon Conference on quantum information, Big Sky resort, Montana, September 4th 2008.
- Quantum Information in Canada, Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing conference, Calgary August 21st 2008.
- Noise characterization for quantum information processing devices, Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing conference, Calgary August 21st 2008.
- Harnessing the Quantum World, Yale School of Management, New Haven, August 14th 2008.
- Experimental benchamrking of QIP devices, Program review of the Army Research Office, Atlanta, 13th August 2008.
- Lectures (2) on NMR quantum information processing, Michigan Quantum Summer School, June 16-27,2008 Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- Talk at the 5th World Congress of Science Toronto 19th June 2008.
- Herzberg Commemorative conference, Opening lecture of the CAP congress in Quebec City, 8th June 2008.
- Quantum Information in Canada, to European Community progam review on quantum information, March 5th 2008.
- Collaboration Workshop in Quantum Computing Canadian Consulate in Los Angeles, March 30-31, 2008.
- Comment les nouvelles technologies changeront-elles le monde? CIFAR, Wednesday, March 26th, 2008.
- Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice, Italy, November 5th, 2007.
- Photons, Atoms and Qubits conference, 2007 (PAQ07), a conference in honor of Peter Knight 60th birthday, Royal Society, London, 2-5 September 2007.
- Centre for Quantum Computer Technology, Sydney, April 20th 2007.
- Center of Quantum Information Technologies Singapore, April 16th 2007.
- American Physical Society, Baltimore, USA, March 2006.
- Kochi Summer School from the National Institute of Informatics, Kochi, Japan, September 2005.
- Enrico Fermi Summer School, Varenna, Italy, July 2005.
- DAMOP, American Physical Society Lincoln Nebraska May 2005.
- The spirit of discovery, CIAR, May 10th Montreal, 2005.
- Quantum Information Festival, Calgary, 21st of January 2005.
- Program on Quantum Information, Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, Tuesday August 24th, 2004.
- Linear Optics Quantum Computing, American Physical Society Meeting, Montreal, March 20th, 2004.
- Washington DARPA FoQus group, Washington, January 25th, 2004.
- Quantum Computation, New Orleans (January 10-12th), Invited Speaker SIAM SODA.
- The power of one bit of quantum information, Few qubits application conference in Budmerice, Slovakia,Dec 11-14, 2003.
- NMR Quantum Computing, PASI 2003 conference, Buzios (Brazil) conference, December 1-8, 2003.
- NMR Quantum Information processing, Rocky Mountain NMR conference, Denver, July 2003.
- Quantum Computing, Fields Institute Annual general meeting, June 12th 2003.
- Quantum computing by linear optics I and II , 3rd Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information Processing, University of Calgary June 26-27th 2003.
- NMR quantum information processing, Gordon Conference on NMR in Rhodes Island June 19th, 2003.
- Overview of quantum error correction, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research meeting in Banff 15-17th May, 2003.
- Linear optics quantum information, Cross Border Workshop, Waterloo, May30-June 2nd, 2003.
- Quantum Error Correction, talk given at the Quantum Control conference in Montreal, October 5th 2002.
- Quantum Computation: Theorist's Dream and Experimenter's Nightmare, American Association for the Advancement of Science: Boston, February 15th, 2002.
- Quantum Computation, Lectures for undegraduates, sponsored by the Canadian Association for Physicists, McGill University, Windsor, Carleton, Regina, Saskatoon, 2002.
- NMR Quantum Computation, Institute for Theoretical Physics, UCSB, Dec 4th, 2001.
- Quantum Computation, Invited talk, EEC conference, Waterloo, October 2001.
- Resilient quantum computation, Quantum Computing Program Review Baltimore, August 29th, 2001.
- Efficient linear optics quantum computation, seminars, IBM Yorktown, 21st June, 2001.
- Why is quantum computing intersting, TNT seminars, Los Alamos, May 24th, 2001.
- Overview of quantum computing, Invited Speaker, 2001 International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, Santa Fe smeinars, Los Alamos, April 3rd, 2001.
- NMR Quantum Computation at les Houches winter school on Quantum Information, March 19-30, 2001.
- Quantum Computation during Science Day, Los Alamos Natinal Laboratory, February 13th, 2001.
- ISSYP at Perimeter Institute, On Stephen Hawking July 21.
- PIRSA:19070076, On Stephen Hawking, 2019-07-24, ISSYP 2019
- PIRSA:16030062, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information - Lecture 15, 2016-03-11, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information (Laflamme)
- PIRSA:16030061, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information - Lecture 14, 2016-03-10, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information (Laflamme)
- PIRSA:16030060, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information - Lecture 13, 2016-03-09, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information (Laflamme)
- PIRSA:16030059, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information - Lecture 12, 2016-03-08, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information (Laflamme)
- PIRSA:16030058, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information - Lecture 11, 2016-03-07, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information (Laflamme)
- PIRSA:16030057, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information - Lecture 10, 2016-03-04, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information (Laflamme)
- PIRSA:16030056, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information - Lecture 9, 2016-03-03, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information (Laflamme)
- PIRSA:16030055, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information - Lecture 8, 2016-03-02, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information (Laflamme)
- PIRSA:16030054, PSI 2015/2016 Quantum Information - Lecture 7, 2016-03-01, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information (Laflamme)
- PIRSA:16020083, PSI 2015/2016 Quantum Information - Lecture 6, 2016-02-29, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information (Laflamme)
- PIRSA:16020082, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information - Lecture 5, 2016-02-26, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information (Laflamme)
- PIRSA:16020081, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information - Lecture 4, 2016-02-25, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information (Laflamme)
- PIRSA:16020080, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information - Lecture 3, 2016-02-24, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information (Laflamme)
- PIRSA:16020079, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information - Lecture 2, 2016-02-23, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information (Laflamme)
- PIRSA:16020078, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information - Lecture 1, 2016-02-22, PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Information (Laflamme)
- PIRSA:15080029, Experimental Quantum Error Correction, 2015-08-13, The Unruh Fest: A Celebration in Honour of Bill Unruh's 70th Birthday
- Experimental Quantum Error Correction during UnruhFest
- Director's X-lunch next Wednesday, Fault tolerance without transversality, 18th of June 2014.
- PIRSA:13100090, From Wonder To Wow: Why The Quantum Age Is Closer Than You Think, 2013-10-01, Perimeter Institute Public Lecture Series
- PIRSA:10020081, Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Theory - Lecture 6 (Part 2 of 2), 2010-02-02, Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Theory
- PIRSA:09100037, Q2C Wrap - Up, 2009-10-25, Quantum to Cosmos Festival - 2009
- PIRSA:09100067, The Agenda with Steve Paikin: Wired 24/7?, 2009-10-20, Quantum to Cosmos Festival - 2009
- PIRSA:09020041, Our Quirky Quantum World, 2009-02-13, Black Hole Science Cafes
- PIRSA:08020034, Experimental Quantum Error Correction, 2008-02-06, Colloquium
- PIRSA:07010024, Quantum Error Correction 4A, 2007-01-30, Quantum Error Correction Course 2007
- PIRSA:06070073, Keynote Presentation - Harnessing the Quantum World, 2006-07-26, ISSYP 2006
- PIRSA:04120002, Harnessing the Quantum World, 2004-12-02, Perimeter Institute Public Lecture Series