Pedro Vieira

Research Interests
My current main research aims at developing new techniques for studying quantum field theories and string theories at finite coupling. To do so, I am pursuing two very distinct complementary directions.
On the on one hand I am studying a very special massless supersymmetric quantum field theory known as N=4 SYM. This theory is a formidable toy theory. It is simple enough that we can hope to solve it completely while sufficiently rich that we can hope to extract deep lessons about the foundations of quantum field theory and string theory from its solution. The main tools in this program are a combination of non-perturbative tools known as Integrability combined with holographic ideas.
On the other hand, I am trying to understand the space of all quantum field theories. Here, rather than solving in full analytic detail a quantum field theory we are trying to carve out the space of theories by asking more general questions such as what are the possible couplings and parameters of quantum field theories given a non-perturbative mass spectrum, symmetries etc. Here we are exploring various Bootstrap ideas, be it the conformal bootstrap program, the S-matrix bootstrap and even the Integrable bootstrap.
Recent Publications
- Spinning Hexagons, Carlos Bercini, Vasco Gonçalve, Alexandre Homrich, Pedro Vieira, e-Print: 2207.08931 [hep-th]
- Stampedes II: Null Polygons in Conformal Gauge Theory, Enrico Olivucci, Pedro Vieira, 2205.04476 (submitted to PRL)
- Stampedes I: fishnet OPE and octagon Bootstrap with nonzero bridges Enrico Olivucci, Pedro Vieira, JHEP 07 (2022) 017 ⢠e-Print: 2111.12131 [hep-th]
- The Wilson loop -- large spin OPE dictionary, Carlos Bercini, Vasco Gonçalve, Alexandre Homrich, Pedro Vieira, JHEP 07 (2022) 079 ⢠e-Print: 2110.04364
- Where Is String Theory in the Space of Scattering Amplitudes? Andrea Guerrieri, Joao Penedones, Pedro Vieira Phys.Rev.Lett. 127 (2021) 8, 081601
- S-matrix bootstrap for effective field theories: massless pions Andrea L. Guerrieri, Joao Penedones, Pedro Vieira, JHEP 06 (2021) 088
- Light-Cone Bootstrap of Higher Point Functions and Wilson Loop Duality Carlos Bercini, Vasco Gonçalves, Pedro Vieira Phys.Rev.Lett. 126 (2021) 12, 121603
- Dual S-matrix Bootstrap I: 2D Theory, Andrea L. Guerrieri, Alexandre Homrich, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 2008.02770
- Large p explorations. From SUGRA to big STRINGS in Mellin space, Francesco Aprile, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 2007.09176
- "S-matrix bootstrap: Supersymmetry, Z2 and Z4 symmetry", Carlos Bercini, Matheus Fabri, Alexandre Homrich, Pedro Vieira Published in: Phys.Rev.D 101, 1909.06453
- SUSY S-matrix Bootstrap and Friends, Carlos Bercinii, Matheus Fabri, Alexandre Homrich, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 1909.06453
- The O(N) S-matrix Monolith, Lucía Córdova, Yifei He, Martin Kruczenski, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 1909.06495
- Octagons II: Strong Coupling, Till Bargheer, Frank Coronado, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 1909.04077
- Joan Elias Miro, Andrea L. Guerrieri, Aditya Hebbar, Joao Penedones, Pedro Vieira, "Flux Tube S-matrix Bootstrap" arXiv: 1906.08098 (accepted at PRL)
- Alexandre Homrich, Joao Penedones, Jonathan Toledo, Balt Van Rees, Pedro Vieira, "The S-matrix Bootstrap IV: Multiple Amplitudes" arXiv: 1905.06905, JHEP 1911 (2019) 076
- T. Bargheer, F. Coronado, Pedro Vieira, "Octagons I: Combinatorics and Non-Planar Resummations" arXiv: 1904.00965, JHEP 1908 (2019) 162, JHEP 2019 (2020) 162
- Andrea L. Guerrieri, Joao Penedones, Pedro Vieira, "Bootstrapping QCD: the Lake, the Peninsula and the Kink", arXiv: 1810.12849
- Handling handles. Part II. Stratification and data analysis, T. Bargheer, J. Caetano, T. Fleury, S. Komatsu, Pedro Vieira, JHEP 1811 (2018) 095. ArXiv: arXiv: 1809.09145
- Adding flavour to the S-matrix bootstrap, Lucía Córdova, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 1805.11143
- No Particle Production in Two Dimensions: Recursion Relations and Multi-Regge Limit Barak Gabai, Dalimil MazáÄ, Andrei Shieber, Pedro Vieira, Yehao Zhou, arXiv: 1803.03578
- Handling Handles I: Nonplanar Integrability, Till Bargheer, Joao Caetano, Thiago Fleury, Shota Komatsu, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 1711.05326 [hep-th]
- The S-matrix Bootstrap III: Higher Dimensional Amplitudes, Miguel F. Paulos, Joao Penedones, Jonathan Toledo, Balt C. van Rees, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 1708.06765
- Asymptotic Four Point Functions, Benjamin Basso, Frank Coronado, Shota Komatsu, Ho Tat Lam, Pedro Vieira, De-liang Zhong, arXiv: 1701.04462
- "The S-matrix Bootstrap II: Two Dimensional Amplitudes", Miguel F. Paulos, Joao Penedones, Jonathan Toledo, Balt C. van Rees, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 1607.06110
- "The S-matrix Bootstrap I: QFT in AdS", Miguel F. Paulos, Joao Penedones, Jonathan Toledo, Balt C. van Rees, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 1607.06109
- "Gluing Hexagons at Three Loops", Benjamin Basso, Vasco Goncalves, Shota Komatsu, Pedro Vieira, Nucl.Phys. B907 (2016) 695-716, arXiv: 1510.01683
- OPE for all Helicity Amplitudes II. Form Factors and Data analysis, Benjamin Basso, Joao Caetano, Lucia Cordova Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 1508.02987
- Hexagonal Wilson Loops in Planar N=4 SYM Theory at Finite Coupling, Benjamin Basso, Amit Sever, Pedro Vieira , arXiv: 1508.03045
- Structure Constants and Integrable Bootstrap in Planar N=4 SYM Theory, Benjamin Basso, Shota Komatsu, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 1505.06745
- OPE for all Helicity Amplitudes, Benjamin Basso, Joao Caetano, Lucia Cordova Pedro Vieira, JHEP 1508 (2015) 018, e-Print: arXiv: 1412.1132
- Space-time S-matrix and Flux-tube S-matrix IV. Gluons and Fusion Benjamin Basso, Amit Sever, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 1407.1736
- On the collinear limit of scattering amplitudes at strong coupling, Benjamin Basso, Amit Sever, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 1405.6350
- Space-time S-matrix and Flux-tube S-matrix III. The two-particle contributions, Benjamin Basso, Amit Sever, Pedro Vieira, JHEP 1408 (2014) 085, arXiv: 1402.3307
- Tailoring Non-Compact Spin Chains, Pedro Vieira, Tianheng Wang, arXiv: 1311.6404
- Space-time S-matrix and Flux-tube S-matrix II. Extracting and Matching Data, Benjamin Basso, Amit Sever, Pedro Vieira, JHEP 1401 (2014) 008, arXiv: 1306.2058
- Space-time S-matrix and Flux-tube S-matrix at Finite Coupling, Benjamin Basso, Amit Sever, Pedro Vieira, Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) 091602, arXiv: 1303.1396
- From Polygon Wilson Loops to Spin Chains and Back. Amit Sever, Pedro Vieira, Tianheng Wang, arXiv: 1208.0841
- Tailoring Three-Point Functions and Integrability IV. Theta-morphism. Nikolay Gromov, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 1205.5288
- Quantum Integrability for Three-Point Functions. Nikolay Gromov, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 1202.4103
- Tailoring Three-Point Functions and Integrability III. Classical Tunneling, Nikolay Gromov, Amit Sever, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 1111.2349
- OPE for Super Loops. Amit Sever, Pedro Vieira, Tianheng Wang, arXiv: 1108.1575
- Multichannel Conformal Blocks for Polygon Wilson Loops. Amit Sever, Pedro Vieira arXiv: 1105.5748
- Tailoring Three-Point Functions and Integrability II. Weak/strong coupling match. J. Escobedo, N. Gromov, A. Sever, P. Vieira. arXiv: 1104.5501
- Pulling the straps of polygons. Davide Gaiotto, Juan Maldacena, Amit Sever, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 1102.0062
- Tailoring Three-Point Functions and Integrability, Jorge Escobedo, Nikolay Gromov, Amit Sever, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 1012.2475
- Review of AdS/CFT Integrability, Chapter III.3: The Dressing factor. Pedro Vieira, Dmytro Volin, arXiv: 1012.3992
- Tailoring Three-Point Functions and Integrability, Jorge Escobedo, Nikolay Gromov, Amit Sever, Pedro Vieira, arXiv: 1012.2475
- Review of AdS/CFT Integrability: An Overview., Niklas Beisert et al, arXiv: 1012.3982
- Bootstrapping Null Polygon Wilson Loops., Davide Gaiotto, Juan Maldacena, Amit Sever, Pedro Vieira JHEP 1103 (2011) 092, arXiv: 1010.5009
- An Operator Product Expansion for Polygonal null Wilson Loops, Luis F. Alday, Davide Gaiotto, Juan Maldacena, Amit Sever, Pedro Vieira, JHEP 1104 (2011) 088, arXiv: 1006.2788
- Y-system for Scattering Amplitudes, Luis F. Alday, Juan Maldacena, Amit Sever, Pedro Vieira, J.Phys.A A43 (2010) 485401, arXiv: 1002.2459
- Proceedings, Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Elementary Particle Physics: New Frontiers in Fields and Strings (TASI 2015) : Boulder, CO, USA, June 1-26, 2015 Joseph Polchinski (ed.) (UC, Santa Barbara (main)), Pedro Vieira (ed.) (Perimeter Inst. Theor. Phys.), Oliver DeWolfe (ed.) (U. Colorado, Boulder). 2017. 624 pp.
- PIRSA:12090053, Introduction to Mathematica - Lecture 2b, 2012-09-07, 12/13 PSI - Front End
- PIRSA:12090052, Introduction to Mathematica - Lecture 2a, 2012-09-07, 12/13 PSI - Front End
- PIRSA:12090051, Introduction to Mathematica - Lecture 1b, 2012-09-04, 12/13 PSI - Front End
- PIRSA:12090041, Introduction to Mathematica - Lecture 1a, 2012-09-04, 12/13 PSI - Front End
- PIRSA:12070005, String Theory and Holography, 2012-07-24, ISSYP 2012
- PIRSA:12030060, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 15, 2012-03-30, 11/12 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:12030059, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 14, 2012-03-29, 11/12 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:12030058, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 13, 2012-03-28, 11/12 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:12030057, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 12, 2012-03-27, 11/12 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:12030056, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 11, 2012-03-26, 11/12 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:12030053, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 10, 2012-03-23, 11/12 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:12030052, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 9, 2012-03-22, 11/12 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:12030051, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 8, 2012-03-21, 11/12 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:12030050, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 7, 2012-03-20, 11/12 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:12030049, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 6, 2012-03-19, 11/12 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:12030046, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 5, 2012-03-16, 11/12 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:12030045, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 4, 2012-03-15, 11/12 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:12030044, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 3, 2012-03-14, 11/12 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:12030043, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 2, 2012-03-13, 11/12 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:12030042, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 1, 2012-03-12, 11/12 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:12020159, Researcher Presentation - Pedro Vieira, 2012-02-29, 11/12 PSI - Researcher Presentations
- PIRSA:12020150, Mathematica and Symbolic Computations, 2012-02-09, Workshop: Computational Methods at Perimeter
- PIRSA:11090120, Research Presentation - String Theory, 2011-09-16, String Seminars
- PIRSA:11090046, Mathematica - Lecture 5, 2011-09-02, 11/12 PSI - Orientation Weeks
- PIRSA:11090045, Mathematica - Lecture 4, 2011-09-01, 11/12 PSI - Orientation Weeks
- PIRSA:11080140, Mathematica - Lecture 3, 2011-08-31, 11/12 PSI - Orientation Weeks
- PIRSA:11080139, Mathematica - Lecture 2, 2011-08-30, 11/12 PSI - Orientation Weeks
- PIRSA:11080138, Mathematica - Lecture 1, 2011-08-29, 11/12 PSI - Orientation Weeks
- PIRSA:11080016, Amplitudes at Strong Coupling, 2011-08-05, Mathematica Summer School
- PIRSA:11070095, Intro to Mathematica, example, 2011-07-31, Mathematica Summer School
- PIRSA:11040002, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 15, 2011-04-01, 10/11 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:11030065, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 14, 2011-03-31, 10/11 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:11030064, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 13, 2011-03-30, 10/11 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:11030063, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 12, 2011-03-29, 10/11 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:11030062, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 11, 2011-03-28, 10/11 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:11030049, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 2, 2011-03-15, 10/11 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:11030048, Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 1, 2011-03-14, 10/11 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:10090079, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 9A, 2010-09-10, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10090089, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 9B, 2010-09-10, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10090078, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 8A, 2010-09-09, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10090088, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 8B, 2010-09-09, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10090087, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 7B, 2010-09-08, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10090077, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 7A, 2010-09-08, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10090086, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 6B, 2010-09-07, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10090076, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 6A, 2010-09-07, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10090075, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 5A, 2010-09-03, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10090082, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 5B, 2010-09-03, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10090074, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 4A, 2010-09-02, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10090081, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 4B, 2010-09-02, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10090091, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 4C, 2010-09-02, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10090073, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 3A, 2010-09-01, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10090080, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 3B, 2010-09-01, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10080041, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 2A, 2010-08-31, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10080043, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 2B, 2010-08-31, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10080040, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 1A, 2010-08-30, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10080042, Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills - Lecture 1B, 2010-08-30, 10/11 PSI - Introduction to Complex Analysis/Computer Skills
- PIRSA:10020114, Explorations in String Theory (PHYS 647) - Lecture 10, 2010-02-26, 09/10 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:10020113, Explorations in String Theory (PHYS 647) - Lecture 9, 2010-02-25, 09/10 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:10020112, Explorations in String Theory (PHYS 647) - Lecture 8, 2010-02-24, 09/10 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:10020111, Explorations in String Theory (PHYS 647) - Lecture 7, 2010-02-23, 09/10 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:10020110, Explorations in String Theory (PHYS 647) - Lecture 6, 2010-02-22, 09/10 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
- PIRSA:09040016, Integrability in gauge/string dualities, 2009-04-27, Colloquium
- PIRSA:09030031, Integrability and planar AdS/CFT 3, 2009-03-03, Integrability and planar AdS/CFT
- PIRSA:09030030, Integrability and planar AdS/CFT 2, 2009-03-02, Integrability and planar AdS/CFT
- PIRSA:09020046, Integrability and planar AdS/CFT 1, 2009-02-27, Integrability and planar AdS/CFT